
Gorgeous butterfly spring orchid

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The gorgeous butterfly descended the mountain near Haiyou River in 2001, the outer three petals are similar to bamboo leaves, the two hands are completely butterfly, the white background is halo, the butterfly spots are parallel, the tongue is covered with purple patches, gorgeous and rich, the lateral lobes are obvious, the tongue is rolled back, and combined with the whole flower, heart to heart, scape high, easy to reproduce. The quantity is small, a comparison between the old and new species.

The gorgeous butterfly descended the mountain near Haiyou River in 2001, the outer three petals are similar to bamboo leaves, the two hands are completely butterfly, the white background is halo, the butterfly spots are parallel, the tongue is covered with purple patches, gorgeous and rich, the lateral lobes are obvious, the tongue is rolled back, and combined with the whole flower, heart to heart, scape high, easy to reproduce. A relatively good butterfly in a small number of new and old species.