
The latest gentleman orchid grows the fastest in a few months.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The magnolia grows fastest between January and February. The peak growing season of Cymbidium is the period of communication between winter and spring, when temperature, humidity and light are suitable for the growth and development of Cymbidium, so the growth rate of the plant will reach the fastest. When maintaining the plant, you should

The magnolia grows fastest between January and February. The peak growing season of Cymbidium is the period of communication between winter and spring, when temperature, humidity and light are suitable for the growth and development of Cymbidium, so the growth rate of the plant will reach the fastest. When maintaining the plant, attention should be paid to the control of watering, fertilization and light.

When does the gentleman orchid grow fastest?


The orchid grows fastest during the period from January to February, when it is the communication between winter and spring, and the climate can meet the growth needs of the orchid, so the plant is in its own golden growth period and grows very fast. At this time, although the plant growth is gratifying, but we still need careful maintenance, otherwise the growth will still be unstable.

2. Watering control

During the period from January to February, when watering the magnolia, we should adhere to the principle of seeing dry and wet, ensuring that the potted soil of the plant can be in a relatively humid state, not too wet, let alone stagnant water, otherwise it is easy to cause stagnant water to rot the roots, or make the plants lack oxygen, resulting in yellow leaves and withered leaves.

3. Fertilization management and control

In the communication between winter and spring, the nutrients contained in the plant have been consumed more, so in order to maintain the growth of the plant, we need topdressing to ensure the nutrient supply of the plant. When fertilizing, pay attention to the frequent application of thin fertilizer, the use of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer, avoid the use of thick fertilizer, raw fertilizer.

4. Lighting control

This kind of plant needs enough light during the period of growth and development. if the photosynthesis is not sufficient, the plant will not grow well and grow slowly, but at the same time, this plant is not resistant to strong light, so we should provide it with sufficient scattered light.