
The latest cabbage cultivation techniques tutorial

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cabbage is a kind of winter crop. The environment condition is strict when it changes from vegetative growth to reproductive growth. The seedlings can not accept low temperature induction until they grow to a certain size. It can complete vernalization in 5090 days at 0.12 C. About Photoperiod, Pointed and Flawed

Cabbage is a strong winter crop. The transformation from vegetative growth to reproductive growth requires strict environmental conditions, and seedlings are required to grow to a certain size before they can accept low temperature induction. Vernalization can be completed after 50 Murray at 12 °C for 90 days. With regard to photoperiod, the varieties of pointed and flat head are not very strict, while the varieties of ballpoint pen are more strict in long sunshine. After entering the reproductive growth stage, it generally goes through bolting stage, flowering stage and fruiting stage. The flowering time is 30m / m for 40 days. The result takes 40 murals for 50 days.

Cabbage has the same environmental requirements as Chinese cabbage, but it has wider adaptability and stronger resistance than Chinese cabbage.

Cabbage likes mild climate, can resist severe frost and high temperature. The suitable temperature during the heading period is 15 °C, but the suitable temperature range is 7 °C, and the seedlings can tolerate the low temperature of-15 °C and the high temperature of 35 °C. Cabbage requires sufficient soil moisture and moist air. If the soil is dry, it will affect the pilling and reduce the yield. Cabbage is a long-day crop with wide adaptability to light intensity and the light saturation point is 30000--50000lx. Cabbage is a fertilizer-loving and durable crop with more fertilizer absorption, more nitrogen fertilizer in seedling stage and rosette stage, more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in heading stage, and the proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium absorbed in the whole growing period is about 3:1:4. Each 1000kg leaf ball absorbs nitrogen 4.1--4.8kg, phosphorus 0.12--0.13kg and potassium 4.9--5.4kg. On the basis of sufficient nitrogen fertilizer and combined application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, there is an obvious effect of increasing yield.

Cabbage planting time

Cabbage has strong adaptability, both cold and heat-resistant, and can be planted in open field in spring, summer and autumn in northern China. The alpine areas of Northeast, Northwest and North China are more than spring and summer seedling raising, summer planting and autumn harvest, long growth period and large leaf bulbs, which is the main producing area of Chinese cabbage. Some cities in North China, Northeast and Northwest China are mainly planted in spring and autumn, and multiple cropping can also be carried out. Winter and spring seedlings, spring planting and summer harvest are called summer cabbages; summer seedlings, autumn planting, autumn and winter harvest are called autumn cabbages.

Seedling raising techniques of Chinese cabbage

Cabbage is planted by seedling and transplanting. Spring cabbage is mostly precociously planted in cold areas such as Northeast, Northwest and Inner Mongolia, usually raising seedlings in the greenhouse in 2mo-March, and the seedling period is 60-80 days. There are two methods of raising seedlings in North China: one is to raise seedlings in sunny beds from mid-December to early January, and the other is to plant seedlings in sunny beds from mid-December to early January. Second, the seedlings were raised in the plastic greenhouse in February, and the seedling period was 40-50 days; the autumn cabbage was raised in 6-7 months, and the seedling period was generally 35-40 days; and the summer cabbage was raised in 4-May, and the seedling period was 30-40 days.

Planting and planting density of cabbage

Cabbage and roots begin to move when the soil temperature is above 5 °C. therefore, spring cabbage can be planted when the daily average temperature is above 6 °C. Northern spring drought, mostly flat planting, summer high temperature and rain, but also as much as possible with soil, less root damage, watering after planting, in order to survive.

Reasonable close planting is one of the important technical measures to increase yield. The suitable nutrient area of cabbage should be determined according to the variety and the length of growing period, and the number of plants per mu and row spacing are roughly as follows:

Early maturing variety: 33--40cm square, 4000 murmur6000 plants per mu; medium ripening variety: 45--50cm square, 2500 Murray 3000 plants per mu

Late-maturing variety: 60--65cm is square, with 1500Murray 1800 plants each. Select the fields with convenient drainage and irrigation and soil-made loose and fertile fields, combined with deep application of mature organic fertilizer and ternary compound fertilizer (N:P:K is 15:15:15, the same below), pour water thoroughly before sowing, and flatten the border surface when the soil water content is moderate. After leveling, the sowing rate per mu of seedling bed is 30000g, slightly suppressed after sowing, 50% carbendazim 500 times solution is sprayed, and a small arch shed or greenhouse is used to cover the sunshade net. Pseudo-planting was carried out when the seedlings grew to 3 or 4 true leaves, and in the process of raising seedlings, sunny days from 9 am to 3 pm were covered with sunshade net.