
The latest course of High-yield planting techniques of Capsicum

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Pepper is a kind of eggplant fruit vegetable, which is chili and sweet and spicy. It is customary to divide chili into pungent pepper and micro-pepper according to the severity of spicy taste. Hot pepper is a favorite vegetable and condiment for Chinese people, and it has even become a special hobby of people in some provinces (regions).

Pepper is a kind of eggplant fruit vegetable, which is "chili" and "sweet and spicy". People are used to dividing chili into "spicy pepper" and "micro-chili" according to the severity of spicy taste. Chili is a favorite vegetable and condiment for Chinese people, and it has even become a special hobby of people in some provinces (regions), and it has gradually spread to urban and rural areas all over the country. Pepper is rich in nutrition and has high medicinal value. According to the determination, the content of auxin An and B in pepper fruit is higher than that in cucumber, tomato, eggplant and other fruits. In particular, the content of vitamin C is 4-7 times higher than the above vegetables, every 100 grams of fresh pepper contains vitamin C 170-360 mg, up to 460 mg. As a condiment, chili pepper contains capsaicin, which can strengthen the spleen and appetizer, increase appetite, help digestion, and has medicinal functions such as expelling cold and dehumidification, relaxing blood and activating collaterals. it also has a certain curative effect on arthritis, frostbite, green snake bite, axillary odor and so on, so it is known as "healthy food".

With the acceleration of the adjustment of planting structure, the planting area of pepper in our county is increasing year by year. In the planting mode, based on plastic film pepper to greenhouse pepper development, and also broke the original single vegetable pepper-based, gradually large-scale development of three cherry peppers. In order to cooperate with the pepper production in our county and meet the technical needs of farmers, this paper focuses on the cultivation techniques of plastic film pepper, greenhouse pepper and three cherry pepper after autumn.

Morphological characteristics of Pepper

1. Root: the main root of pepper is not very developed, the number of root is small, and the soil is shallow. The root group is generally distributed in the deep topsoil layer of 25~30cm. Under the condition of seedling transplanting, because the main root is cut off, the main root group is only distributed in the thick soil layer of 10~15cm. The regeneration ability of root system is weak, and adventitious root is not easy to occur at the base of stem. For this reason, root protection should be adopted as far as possible when raising and transplanting seedlings.

2. Stem: the stem of pepper is Lignified, tough, can grow upright, and does not need a support in cultivation. According to the branching and fruiting habits of pepper, it can be divided into two types: infinite branching and limited branching. At present, most of the chili peppers produced in our county are infinitely branched, that is, when the main stem grows to 7 Mel 15 true leaves, the stem tip begins to form buds, and then gradually grow lateral branches and two branches. Conventionally, the first fruit on the main stem is called "door pepper"; the two fruits on the second branch are called "pepper"; the four fruits on the second branch are called "four doors"; the eight fruits on the third branch are called "octagonal wind"; and then upward because there are more fruits, they are called "full sky stars". This type of pepper; in the first flower below the main stem and leaf axils can draw lateral branches; commonly known as "chicken feather leg", it should be removed as early as possible (commonly known as branching) to reduce nutrient consumption, conducive to ventilation and light. The branching rule of limited branching type (such as three cherry pepper) is that when the main stem grows to 14 murmur18 true leaves, the terminal bud forms a flower bud, which is branched from the axillary bud below the flower bud, which is called "lateral branch". When the lateral branch terminal bud forms flower bud again, it produces lateral branches under the flower bud, which is called "secondary lateral branch". When the apical bud of the accessory branch forms a flower bud again, the plant stops growing and no longer bifurcates, commonly known as "capping".

3. Leaves: pepper leaves are simple, alternate, oval or long-oval, smooth and slightly glossy, longer when nitrogen is sufficient, wider when potassium is sufficient, too much nitrogen, long petiole when night temperature is too high, and petiole is short when night temperature is low; petiole is slightly curved and drooping when soil is dry; when soil water content is too high, it will make the whole leaf wilt and droop.

4. Flowers: pepper flowers are small, the color is white or green, infinitely branched varieties are solitary flowers, limited branched varieties are mostly clustered flowers. The first flower of capsicum generally appeared on the 15 nodes of the main stem, the node position of early-maturing varieties was low and that of late-maturing varieties was high. Pepper flower is a monoecious hermaphroditic flower, self-pollinated, and its natural hybridization rate is about 10%. It is a frequently pollinated crop.

5. Fruit: the fruit of pepper is a berry, and the shape of the fruit is lantern-shaped, square-shaped, thick-long horn-shaped, sheep-horn-shaped, linear-shaped and conical-shaped. Generally speaking, most of the varieties with infinite branches are sagging, a few varieties are oblique, and the varieties with limited branches are mostly growing upward.

5. Pepper fruit from flowering and pollination to commercial ripening takes 25ml 30 days, which is green, and the biological maturity is 50Mel 60 days, which is red. General varieties change directly from green to red when the fruit is ripe, but a few varieties change from green to yellow first, and then from yellow to red. As an ornamental cultivation, "colorful pepper" is due to the different color conversion period of the fruit on the same plant, resulting in several different colors. Generally, the large fruit type is lighter in spicy taste, the middle fruit type is more spicy, and the small fruit type and linear pepper are very spicy.

6. Seeds: mature pepper seeds are oblate, yellowish and glossy, with 1000-seed weight of 6-7g, average germination age of 4 years and service life of 2-3 years. There is an obvious difference between new pepper seeds and old seeds, with eyes: new seeds are light yellow, and slightly glossy, old seeds are yellowish, and the coat is red when stored for too long; smell with nose: new seeds have a strong sense of irritation, want to sneeze, old seeds are less irritating; bite with teeth, new seeds are spicy, while old seeds are light.

Environmental conditions for the growth and Development of Pepper

Pepper requirements for environmental conditions: sex like warmth, fear of cold (especially frost), but also avoid high temperature and exposure, like dampness and fear of waterlogging, more resistant to fertilizer. The details are:

1. Temperature: pepper likes temperature and is not tolerant to frost, and can grow within the range of 15-30 ℃. The optimum growth temperature is 23-28 ℃ during the day and 18-23 ℃ less than 15 ℃ at night. The plant grows slowly, it is difficult to pollinate, and it is easy to cause flower and fruit drop. Above 35 ℃, the flower is underdeveloped or the stigma is dry and can not be fertilized. Even if fertilized, the fruit can not develop normally and dry. Therefore, hot pepper often does not set fruit when the temperature exceeds 35 ℃. Lowering the night temperature in full fruit period is beneficial to the fruit, even if it is reduced to 8 ℃ and 10 ℃, it can grow and develop well. During the summer fruit period, if the soil temperature is too high, especially if the strong light is directed to the ground, it is disadvantageous to the root system development. when it is serious, it can make the exposed root browning and die, and it is easy to induce virus disease. In a word, during the whole growth period, the temperature range of pepper is 12-35 ℃, and the suitable temperature difference is I0 ℃, that is, 26-27 ℃ in daytime, 16 ℃ at night, film mulching and heat preservation when less than 12 ℃, and watering when it exceeds 35 ℃.

2. Light: chili peppers like light, but are afraid of exposure to the sun. If the light is too strong, it is easy to cause sunburn; the light is weak, and the interrow is too closed, which is easy to cause falling flowers and fruits. Dark conditions are needed for seed germination, but good light is needed for plant growth. After autumn, pepper seedlings in greenhouse must be shaded so as not to induce virus disease and sunburn disease. Pepper belongs to short-day crop, but it has strong adaptability to light time, no matter the length of sunshine, as long as it has suitable temperature and good nutritional conditions. Flower bud differentiation can be carried out smoothly.

3. Moisture: pepper is neither drought-resistant nor waterlogged. Although the water demand of the plant itself is not large, but because the root system is not very developed, it needs to be watered frequently in order to grow well. Generally, the large fruit type varieties need more water than the small fruit type varieties. The amount of frost water of pepper is also different at different growth stages, and seeds need to absorb enough water to germinate. There is not much dew in the seedling stage, so the ground should be kept dry and wet. If the soil moisture is too high, the root system will be underdeveloped, and the plant will grow too long and delicate. In the early flowering stage, the plant growth is large, the water demand increases, but too wet will also cause flower drop; during the fruit expansion period, sufficient water is needed, and insufficient water supply affects fruit expansion, and if the air is too dry, it will also cause flower and fruit drop, therefore, supplying enough water and keeping the ground moist regularly is an important measure to obtain high quality and high yield.

4. Soil and nutrition: pepper can be planted on soils with different textures, but it is suitable for soils with high dryness, good drainage, thick soil layer and rich organic matter or sandy loam. Soil acidity and alkalinity should be neutral or slightly acidic.

From the perspective of pepper's life, the demand for N and K is large, but the need for p is less, and the proportion of N, P and K is 1: 1, 0.5: 1. Pepper seedling stage because the plant is young, absorb less nutrients, but the fertilizer quality is better. At the early flowering stage, the plant gradually develops and grows, but the amount of fertilizer required is not too much. In this stage, excessive application of N fertilizer should be avoided so as not to cause overgrowth of the plant and delay flowering and fruit setting. The full fruit stage is the period when the demand for N, P and K fertilizer is the highest, and the absorption of N, P and K accounts for more than 57%, 61% and 69% of the total absorption respectively. N fertilizer supplied branch and leaf development, while P and K fertilizer promoted root growth, fruit expansion and fruit color. The application of fertilizer in the full fruit period of hot pepper should be applied 2 days before harvest, generally applying fertilizer once per harvest.