
The latest folded ear cultivation techniques tutorial

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Folded ears, alias houttuynia, pig nostrils, cauliflower, dog ears, etc., are perennial herbs belonging to the genus cauliflower of Saururus family. The whole plant can be eaten. Its tender roots, tender stems and leaves are rich in nutrition and unique flavor. It contains protein, fat and carbohydrate.

Folded ears, alias houttuynia, pig nostrils, cauliflower, dog ears, etc., are perennial herbs belonging to the genus cauliflower of Saururus family. The plant can be used as both medicine and vegetable, and the whole plant can be eaten. Its tender roots and tender stems and leaves are rich in nutrition and unique flavor. It contains protein, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus and volatile oil. It has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, diuretic and detumescence, hemostasis, etc. It has good edible value and medicinal value. It has been officially determined as one of the resources with great development potential as "both medicine and food" by the Ministry of Health. In recent years, because of its good market benefits, it has developed rapidly in Guangtong Town, which plays an important role in promoting farmers 'income and meeting people's consumption needs.

morphological characteristics

Folded root plants are semi-creeping, the upper part of the stem is upright, the lower part is creeping on the ground, the plant height is 15-60cm, sometimes purple, there is a fishy smell, the stem has obvious nodes, the lower part is prostrate, the fibrous roots are born on the nodes, usually no hair; the underground rhizomes are slender, creeping and propagating, white, circular in cross section, the internodes are 3- 4.5 cm long, and each energy can germinate; the single leaves are alternate, heart-shaped, circular, common green, occasionally purple; Spike, white or pale green, flowering 5-6 months; capsule ovoid, fruiting 9-10 months.

adaptive conditions

The root of the ear prefers warm and humid climate and adapts to a wide range of temperatures. The underground stem can normally overwinter at-10-0℃. The above-ground stem grows and sprouts at 12℃. The temperature in the early stage of growth is 16-20 ℃, and the temperature in the mature stage of the underground stem is 20-25 ℃. It grows well under humid conditions, requiring soil moisture, soil moisture holding capacity of 75%-80%, and air relative humidity of 50%-80% in order to grow normally. The light requirements are not strict, and it can grow normally under weak light conditions. The soil conditions are not strict, but the soil is slightly acidic, pH 6-7, deep soil layer, fertile sandy loam is good.

cultivation points

1, adaptability is very strong: the root adaptability is very strong in most soil can grow, in the barren slope, barren thin soil can also be cultivated. Generally, there is no "three wastes" pollution, the soil layer is deeper, the water retention is better, the permeability is strong, and the soil with slightly sandy quality is cultivated, and rotation should be appropriately adopted.

2. Soil preparation and compartment opening: before planting broken roots, remove weeds and residual roots, turn over, rake and level the soil, and complete the compartment with a width of 1.30~1.60m and a compartment distance of about 33cm. and then sowing furrows with the width of 13 - 15cm and the depth of 10 - 15cm are opened on the compartment surface, and the distance between two sowing furrows is 20cm. 3. The root of broken root is mainly commodity with sufficient base fertilizer, its growth period is longer, and the quantity and quality of base fertilizer directly affect the yield of broken root. Therefore, after leveling the plot, it is necessary to apply enough organic base fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in the sowing ditch. 2500~4000kg of decomposed organic fertilizer (enclosure manure and compost), 50~70kg of calcium phosphate and 60~80kg of potassium chloride are applied per mu.

3. Selection of plots and opening of land preparation: The cultivation field of broken roots should choose soil with convenient transportation, deep soil layer, loose and fertile soil, high organic matter content, slight acid, water retention and good permeability, such as paddy field, in order to achieve high yield and high quality. Before planting, the land is turned over, deeply ploughed for 20- 30cm, weeds and residual roots are removed, and after leveling, the compartment is opened, the width of the compartment is 1.3-1.5m, and the sowing ditch with the width of 12- 15cm and the depth of 10- 15cm is horizontally opened on the compartment surface, and the spacing of the sowing ditch is about 20cm. The length of the compartment depends on the plot, and the distance between the hatches is about 35cm.

4. Selection and planting of seed stems: Due to the low germination rate of seeds, the roots of broken roots are generally propagated by roots. There are currently two seeding methods: long-stem seeding and short-stem seeding. Long-stem sowing with large seed quantity, production often used short-stem sowing. selecting fresh, robust, disease-free and mature old stems as seed stems, cutting the selected seed stems from internodes, each section is 4-6cm, 2-3 nodes are reserved in each section, putting the selected seed stems into 800 times solution of 50% carbendazim for disinfection before sowing, and then laying them flat in a sowing ditch, wherein the plant spacing is 5- 8cm, the soil thickness is 5-6cm, if the soil is dry, root water can be poured, a layer of plastic film or rice straw is covered on the surface of the compartment, the soil is kept moist, the soil temperature is improved, and the seedling germination is promoted, and the seed quantity of 667㎡ is 80- 100kg.

5. Fertilization: applying sufficient base fertilizer is the basis for high yield, applying 2500-3000kg organic fertilizer, 50kg calcium superphosphate and 25-30kg potassium sulfate per 667㎡, and using nitrogen and potassium as fertilizer for broken roots. The amount of phosphorus is less, especially potassium fertilizer is particularly important for the formation of rhizomes and the improvement of fragrance.

6. Cultivation management

① Weeding: After the emergence of broken roots, weeds, broken roots and weak plants should be removed in time to keep the land clean and reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests. At the same time, loose soil between trees, but not too deep, shallow tillage can be. Generally, before closing the row, intertill and weed 2-3 times.

② Fertilizer and water management: topdressing is determined according to the amount of base fertilizer and plant growth. The growth is slow in the early stage, and urea 8- 10kg/667㎡ is applied as seedling fertilizer before the seedling germinates and seals the row. In the peak growth period of stems and leaves, fertilizer is required, and compound fertilizer 10-15kg/66㎡ can be applied. Each harvest, can be a small amount of topdressing once. In order to improve the fragrance and yield of artificial cultivation, foliar topdressing was carried out in the middle and late stages of growth, and 0.2%-0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution was sprayed 2-3 times. The root of the ear is not resistant to drought, so pay attention to watering when drought, keep the soil moist, and ensure its normal growth and development. Pay attention to drainage in rainy season and avoid water in compartment area.

3. Topping and bud removal: For plants with overgrown stems and leaves on the ground, it is necessary to pick the core, inhibit the growth, promote the development of lateral branches, and cultivate the roots to promote the growth of underground stems and ensure that the stems are thick and white. Bud removal can reduce the consumption of nutrients for flowering and promote the growth of underground stems.

Rotation: Because the economic benefits of broken roots are good, some farmers plant continuously after sowing in order to save labor, resulting in soil structure destruction, fertility decline, serious disease and insect pests, yield decline, and even no harvest. Crop rotation, especially rice-upland rotation, can effectively prevent continuous cropping obstacles.

pest control

Folded root itself with fishy smell, resistance to pests and diseases is strong, less incidence. But at present, there are white silk disease, purple spot disease, black cutworm, Spodoptera litura and other diseases and insect pests in the old planting areas.

1, white silk disease: mainly damage plant stem base and underground stem. Before sowing, seed stems were soaked and disinfected with 800 times solution of 50% carbendazim; in the early stage of disease, soil with diseased plants was dug up and destroyed, quicklime was applied to disinfect the diseased areas, and the surrounding plants were irrigated with 800 times solution of 40% Sclerotium WP and 1500 times solution of 5% Jinggangmycin aqueous solution.

2, purple spot disease: when the incidence of plant disease reached 20%, spray 3% polyoxygen water agent or 78% Kebo (Boer·manganese zinc) wettable powder, spray once every 7-10 days, 2-3 times.

3. Little ground tiger: Remove weeds in the field in time before sowing, and destroy part of eggs and weed hosts; when the damage rate reaches 10% or the insect population density is high, dissolve 50mL of 40.7% chlorpyrifos in 1L of water, and then evenly mix 5kg of chopped fresh vegetable leaves, and evenly scatter them in the field in the evening; or use 90% crystal trichlorfon 0.25 kg to 3kg of water, mix 2.5 kg of chopped fresh grass or bran, and evenly scatter them in the field in the evening to trap adults.

4. Spodoptera litura: When the damage rate of larvae reaches 25%, it can be sprayed with 4.5% beta-cypermethrin EC 2000 times or 10% imidacloprid WP 2500 times, once every 10 days, for 2-3 times. The adults can be killed in the field by poison made up of sugar: vinegar: liquor: water =6∶3∶1∶10 and appropriate trichlorfon.

Harvest Sales

There is no strict time limit for harvesting broken ears, and they can be harvested in batches. Fresh leaves and aboveground parts can be harvested after 25 days of growth. Leaves contain 20% volatile oil components, containing houttuynia (decanoylacetaldehyde) and manganese elements more, cold, boiled soup rich in nutrition. When harvesting the underground part, the aboveground part is cut off first, and it can be sold as medicinal materials by bundling fresh or drying. After the stems and leaves are cut off, the underground rhizomes are harvested, covered with straw or other shelters to reduce water loss, cleaned, and bundled in grades for marketing.