
The latest cucumber grafting techniques tutorial

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Cucumber grafting is a cultivation method in which cucumber roots are replaced by pumpkin roots. Because pumpkin root system is developed, low temperature resistance and high temperature resistance, it is not infected by soil-borne diseases, so that cucumber plants grow healthily, and it has preventive effect on various diseases, especially fusarium wilt, and has early maturity and high yield.

Cucumber grafting is a cultivation method in which cucumber roots are replaced by pumpkin roots. Because pumpkin has developed root system, low temperature tolerance and high temperature resistance, and is not infected by soil-borne diseases, cucumber plants grow healthily, and have preventive effect on many diseases, especially Fusarium wilt, and have early maturity and high yield.

Variety selection and seed soaking to promote budding

The main variety is black-seeded pumpkin, with a seed consumption of 1.5 kg per mu and 4400 seeds per kilogram. Before accelerating germination, the seeds should be dried in the sun for 2 days, soaked in warm water for 6 hours, scrubbed 4 times, dried at 12-14 ℃ for 18 hours after soaking, and then germinated with 30 ℃, and began to sprout in 2 days.

Grafting method

1. Rely on the method of connection. Sow cucumbers on the bed first and pumpkins five days later. Pumpkins are sown in nutrition bowls. The nutrient soil in the bowl can be put at 70% high. 2Mel 3 days after pumpkin emergence, about 10 days pumpkin grow to a leaf and begin to graft. Before grafting, we should make a bamboo stick and cut it with a piece of bamboo, the handle is flaky, the tip is cylindrical, and the smooth surface of the bamboo at the bottom of the tip is cut into a blade. When grafting, first remove the growing point of the pumpkin from the cotyledons with a bamboo knife or a shaving blade, and scratch the lateral buds at the base of the two cotyledons with the tip of the bamboo stick to avoid growing lateral buds. Use a razor blade 0.5 cm below the growing point of the pumpkin to cut down the thick slant of the stem. Cucumber is an oblique cut 2 cm below the growing point and 3 stems thick. The slant length of cucumber and pumpkin incision is about 1 cm. The two incisions were inserted and anastomosed. Use the grafting clip at the interface, then put some bed soil into the nutrition bowl, cover the cucumber root system and pour enough water, and enter the late grafting management. After 10 days, use a knife to remove the cucumber root and remove the clip.

2. The method of cutting off the root and relying on the connection. Sowing cucumbers after pumpkin emergence can save the root cutting process. Pumpkins grow to one leaf and begin to be grafted. The method of cutting and going to the growth point of pumpkin is the same as that of leaning. The cucumber is 1 cm below the growing point and is inserted into the pumpkin incision to match. Use a grafting clip at the interface or wrap it with plastic film strips.

3. Horizontal insertion. This method is also used to sow cucumbers after pumpkin emergence, eliminating the process of root cutting and grafting. When the pumpkin grows to one leaf, remove the growing point, 0.5 cm below the growing point, insert the pumpkin stem vertically with a bamboo stick slightly thicker than the cucumber stem, slightly revealing the bamboo stick. Cucumber seedlings are cotyledons flattened, cut a 30-degree slope from 1 Mel 1.5 cm below the growing point, and insert the cut down into the pumpkin stem socket. Cucumber seedlings choose thick and strong seedlings, it is not suitable to grow seedlings.

4. Oblique insertion. The sowing and seedling size of pumpkin and cucumber are the same as that of horizontal insertion. First, the tip of the bamboo stick is used to insert a slightly penetrating hole on the side of a pumpkin cotyledon at an angle of 45 degrees with the stem. The cucumber seedlings that have just flattened cotyledons are cut at an angle of about 30 degrees from 1 cm below the cotyledons and inserted downward into the oblique hole of the pumpkin.

Management after grafting

The grafted cucumber seedlings had better be placed on the shorter bed in the greenhouse, and straw should be laid first if placed on the ground. Then pour water thoroughly, and spray 800 times liquid chlorothalonil to prevent the disease. Buckle the small arch shed on the seedling so that the humidity in the first 3 days can reach saturation, that is, there are water droplets on the film on the second day, and the film should be sealed tightly. The cover paper on the small arch shed was shaded so that the seedlings could not be seen in the first 3 days, but attention should be paid to the opening of the shed, the re-alignment of the incision was not good, and the cucumber seedlings could be rejoined if they were withered. Through heat preservation or heating, the daytime temperature of the first three days will reach 25 ℃, and the night temperature will reach 15 ℃. On the 4th day of grafting.

See the light for an hour in the morning and evening. See each for 2 hours on the 5th day, 3 hours on the 6th day, and all light on the 7th day. At this time, remove the uncleaned lateral buds from the pumpkin cotyledons.

The survival rate of grafting is closely related to the management after grafting, especially in the first 3 days when the humidity is saturated and there is no light.

Points for attention in grafting

1. Sow seeds early. The grafted cucumber has a slow seedling process, and the pumpkin root system can be planted early under low temperature, so it should be sowed about 10 days early, otherwise it will affect the early maturity.

2. Ethephon treatment. The temperature required for grafting slow seedlings is on the high side, which increases the node position of cucumber and reduces the number of melons. Therefore, ethephon treatment is needed to reduce the node position and increase the number of fruit. The method is that when the cucumber grows to 2 true leaves, 100ppm ethephon is sprayed with ethephon and sprayed again one week later. In addition, we should pay special attention to the first generation of hybrid cucumber species, it is not suitable to use ethephon treatment, because it is mostly melon fruit is very strong, the treatment will appear flower topping phenomenon.

3. Try to use ecology to control downy mildew. Grafting basically cured the vine cutting disease (Fusarium wilt), but could not directly control other diseases and downy mildew, so ecological control and four-stage variable temperature management should be adopted to create a temperature and humidity condition which is not suitable for the occurrence of downy mildew. Combined with chemical comprehensive control.

4. increase the application of compound fertilizer. Grafting can be bitter for many years, but it often leads to imbalance of soil nutrition and lack of some nutrients. Help us to apply more farm manure and compound fertilizer. For example, 50 kg of water is added with a leaf noodle treasure and 0.5 kg of urea for foliar topdressing.