
The latest course of efficient cultivation techniques and methods of pollution-free Peanut

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Peanut formerly known as Peanut belongs to Rosaceae, Leguminosae annual herb, stem erect or creeping, 30-80 cm long, wing flap separated from keel flap, pod 2-5 cm long, 1-1.3 cm wide, swollen, pod thick, flowering period from June to August. Mainly distributed in Brazil, China and Egypt

Peanut formerly known as Peanut belongs to Rosaceae, Leguminosae annual herb, stem erect or creeping, 30-80 cm long, wing flap separated from keel flap, pod 2-5 cm long, 1-1.3 cm wide, swollen, pod thick, flowering period from June to August. Mainly distributed in Brazil, China, Egypt and other places. It can be used as raw material for cosmetics such as soap and hair oil.

Pre-broadcast preparation work

1. Choose the place. Peanut is a deep root crop, which is suitable to be cultivated in sandy loam or middle loam soil. It requires that the soil layer is more than 1 meter deep, the soil is loose, the topography is flat, the drainage and irrigation is convenient, the soil ventilation is good, and the plot is sunny.

2. Land preparation. Peanut fields should generally be ploughed in the middle 20cm, and raked in time after ploughing to achieve "deep, flat and velvety". In the early spring of the following year, the top of the mountain was raked, and the livestock water preserved soil moisture. In the area with water, the soil moisture can be irrigated well for 7 days before sowing, and 40 square meters of water can be used per mu.

3. Select the membrane. Planting peanuts must choose 0.007mi 0.008mm microfilm or "linear film" to facilitate the penetration of fruit needle and reduce the cost.

4. Seed selection. In the area where the frost-free period is about 120 days, the precocious varieties with early development and short growth period, "Luhua 1" and "Luhua 9", are generally selected in medium fertility plots. In the areas where the frost-free period is more than 130 days, superior species such as "Luhua 13", "Luhua 14" and "Huayu 16" are selected for the plots with better soil fertility.

Implement the technology of scientific and safe formula fertilization

1. Apply fertilizer scientifically according to the yield of peanut. Before sowing, according to the fertilizer requirements of different peanut varieties, soil nutrients and fertilizer quality, through soil testing, the scientific balanced fertilization technology should be carried out, and a single fertilizer should not be used.

2. Generally, plots with a yield of more than 500kg per mu require the application of more than 6000 kg of organic fertilizer per mu (organic manure includes barnyard manure, green manure, plant ash, biogas residue, biogas slurry, crop orange stalk fertilizer, cake fertilizer, etc.). Inorganic fertilizers include mineral nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium fertilizer and compound fertilizer prepared with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium 50 kg per mu, and calcium superphosphate 80 kg 100 kg per mu. The amount of fertilizer application should be determined according to peanut yield.

3. It is better to apply sufficient base fertilizer at one time for planting peanut.

Plastic film mulching technology

1. Select the membrane. Peanuts are planted with a microfilm of 85 Mel 90 cm, with a thickness of 0.008 mi 0.009 mm, a light transmittance greater than 70%, easy to be penetrated by fruit needles, good spreading performance, and a microfilm that does not stick to the roll.

2. Sowing method. Watery land requires ridging to cover planting, ridge height 10-15 cm, ridge width 60 cm, ridge top to be flat, groove width 20 cm, groove depth 50 cm is appropriate. Spring sowing in dry areas is arranged 10 days before sowing, and then the soil moisture is covered with plastic film to preserve soil moisture, and then drill holes to sow. This method is called mulching first and then sowing. Water areas should be watered before sowing, then soil preparation and then cover with plastic film, and then hit and sow seeds. Drilling is generally required to have a diameter of 2 cm, and a depth of 4 mi 5 cm in seeding. After drilling, the wet soil is sealed tightly to prevent moisture loss. First sow and then cover the plot, after emergence, punch holes in the film to release seedlings. This method is suitable for machine sowing and can be used in irrigated land, expanded irrigated land and dry land with good soil moisture conservation.

3. The method of laying film. The plastic film should be close to the ground with a width of 10 cm on both sides and compacted with wet soil. Make an earth belt windproof film every 5-10 centimeters on the film. Where there are conditions, mechanical film laying can be used.

Sowing technology

L, seed treatment. Peanuts should be "mixed with one choice and three mix". "one selection" means selection. That is, select seeds and get rid of miscellaneous seeds, blighted seeds and small seeds. Three-mix insecticide, 150 grams of phoxim EC for every 50 kg seeds, two fungicides, 200 grams of carbendazim for every 50 kg seeds

2. Sowing date. When the ground temperature of 5Mel 10 centimeters reaches 3-15 ℃, it begins to sow seeds. In our city, the seeds are usually sown on April 25, and seedlings emerge in early May.

3. Sowing depth. Peanut sowing is generally sandy loam 4m 5cm, middle loam 3m 4cm.

4. Density. Generally in the high water and fertilizer land, the seedlings are about G000MUE 9000 holes per mu, and the seedlings are 10000Mu 12000 holes in the medium water and fertilizer land, with two seeds in one hole.

Scientific management measures

1. Check the seedlings and expand the film. For plots that are covered first and planted later, they should be inspected in time in case of strong wind, cover the plastic film opened by the wind, and strictly seal the breach with wet soil.

2. Punch holes and release seedlings. On the land covered after sowing, the peanut seedlings should be released in time when the peanut seedlings grow out of 2Mel 3 leaves. Make a small opening in the microfilm to make it fully ventilated and transparent. Let the seedlings grow in the film for 10 days to prevent frostbite in low temperature and windy weather.

3. Qinggu squatting seedlings. When peanuts emerge, immediately remove the surrounding soil so that the two leaves of the first pair of lateral branches are exposed, and Qinggu increases production by more than 30% over the general mu of the control.

4. Foliar spraying fertilizer. If the seedlings are short of fertilizer, spray the leaves with 40 kg of 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution plus 1 kg urea: or 2% calcium superphosphate 40 kg solution per mu to promote the healthy growth of the seedlings.

5. Regulate growth. In the land with high water and fertilizer, peanuts are overgrown and easy to grow. Foliar spraying can be used to regulate Ji B9 or Juan, with a suitable spraying concentration of 0.05%-0.1%, with 40 kg per mu. Diaojiaan is sprayed with 2MUE 3g / mu mixed with 40kg water to control the vegetative growth of peanuts, promote reproductive growth, make it bear more fruit and bear full fruit.

6. Watering and topdressing fertilizer: during the flower needle period of peanuts, if it does not rain and the water content of 50 cm of soil layer is less than 10%, it should be watered with urea per mu of 7 Mu and 10 kg. When watering, it should be slowly infiltrated along the border ditch, well watered and thoroughly watered to avoid flooding.

7. Harvest in time. Mid-early maturing varieties are harvested in mid-late September, and late-maturing varieties are harvested in time in early October. If the harvest is too late, peanuts will fall off in the soil and reduce income. Dry the pods for 7 days after harvest and store them when the moisture content falls below 10%. The residual film in the field should be removed in time after harvest.

Pest control technology

The main results are as follows: 1. In the later stage of peanut growth, the common disease is leaf class disease. The control measures are deep ploughing in autumn, avoiding continuous cropping and selecting disease-resistant varieties. In the early stage of the disease, spray 200 times Bordeaux solution, 50% carbendazim wettable powder 1500 Mel 2000 times spray, spray every 10 mi 1 Mel every 5 days, spray 2 Mel 4 times in a row, each time 50 Mel 60 kg.

2. The main pests on the ground are aphids and red spiders, which can be controlled by avoiding aphid fog.

3. After the nematode harms the peanut root system, the plant is short, the stem and leaf turn yellow, the bottom leaf edge is anxious, the flowering time is late and the pod is small. (1) 2-3 year rotation is carried out. The longer the rotation time is, the more evil the effect is. (2) deeply turn over and improve the soil and increase the application of organic fertilizer. (3) before sowing, the soil was treated with phoxim particles, or the seeds were mixed with phoxim emulsion.

4. It is strictly prohibited to use the "three non-pesticides" that have not been inspected by the relevant national and provincial departments, and to strictly prohibit the use of pesticides with high toxicity and high residues, such as methamidophos, 3911, omethoate, isocarbophos, phosphorus absorption and other pesticides.