
The latest course of garlic cultivation techniques and methods

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Garlic, also known as garlic, Liliaceae, biennial. Feed on tender seedlings (green garlic), flower stems (garlic bolts) and garlic bulbs (bulbs). Can be eaten raw, fried, pickled, processed into garlic powder, garlic slices and so on. Garlic is resistant to storage and transportation, can block the shortage and make up for the shortage, which is helpful to realize the vegetable week.

Garlic, also known as garlic, Liliaceae, biennial. Feed on tender seedlings (green garlic), flower stems (garlic bolts) and garlic bulbs (bulbs). Can be eaten raw, fried, pickled, processed into garlic powder, garlic slices and so on. Garlic is resistant to storage and transportation, can plug the shortage and make up for the shortage, which helps to achieve a balanced supply of vegetables throughout the year. In addition to carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins, garlic also contains allicin, which is a kind of volatile sulfide with special spicy taste, which can increase appetite. It has the effects of bacteriostasis, sterilization, swelling, wind, rheumatism, poison gas, tinea, spleen and stomach, kidney qi and plague. The refined garlic essence can be used as medicine.

Biological characteristics

Garlic is a string-shaped root, distributed in the tillage layer of 5 cm ~ 25 cm, with few root hairs and weak absorption. It is required to loosen the soil with high fertility, water and fertility. The garlic produced in the sandy land is spicy, while the garlic produced by the clayey soil is light. The stem shortens into a bulb disk. The leaf is flat, lanceolate, the leaf sheath embraces the synthetic cylindrical pseudostem, and the base expands into a bulb composed of more than 10 cloves of garlic, which is the breeding material of garlic. According to different varieties of garlic, there are bolting or non-bolting, purple or white-skinned (purple-skinned garlic has a long physiological dormancy period of 65-70 days, while white-skinned garlic is shorter, 35-45 days), and there are large or small cloves (larger than 5 grams are large cloves). The flower stem is an involucre at the top, and umbels appear after dehiscence. There are dozens of small bulbs at the base of the pedicel, called aerial bulbs, whose morphological structure is similar to that of garlic cloves and can also be used as sowing material. Garlic is not heat-resistant and cold-resistant. Garlic cloves can sprout under 3C~5C. The germinated garlic cloves pass the vernalization stage at 0 ℃ ~ 4 ℃ for 20 days and the photoperiod response at higher temperature and long day in the following spring. At this time, the terminal bud of the stem disk can turn to flower bud differentiation, and then bolting quickly through the incubation period of the flower organ. The optimum temperature for plant growth was 12 ℃ ~ 16 ℃, and the bulb formation required 16 ℃ ~ 20 ℃ and long sunshine. The stems and leaves withered when the temperature increased after summer, and the bulbs entered the dormancy period.

Key points of cultivation techniques

(1) Variety selection

China is very rich in garlic variety resources, and there are famous special producing areas in the north and south, which have formed many excellent local varieties, such as Chengdu Ershuizao, Cangshan garlic, Songcheng white garlic, Sichuan garlic, garlic seedlings and so on. Varieties can be selected according to local planting habits, production purposes and so on.

(2) soil preparation and fertilization

Fine soil preparation should ensure that the soil is finely broken and the ground is flat. The soil should be ploughed deeply about 20cm, and combined with soil preparation, the soil PH value should be controlled at about 5.5-6.0. If the root is too acid, the root tip becomes thicker and stops growing, while if it is too alkaline, the seed petal is easy to rot and the growth is poor. Garlic likes all-effective organic fertilizer of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, so it advocates the fertilization method of "controlling nitrogen, increasing phosphorus, supplementing potassium and adding micro". Applying nitrogen fertilizer 2can3 as base fertilizer and adding appropriate amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to ensure neat emergence of seedlings, prevent premature senescence, organic fertilizer should be rotten, buried in the soil, especially cake fertilizer, scattered on the surface will lead to root maggots. At present, garlic production is mainly cultivated with plastic film mulching, and it is not suitable to top fertilizer during the growth period of garlic. Therefore, it is best to apply sufficient base fertilizer at one time before sowing combined with soil preparation, and apply mature high quality circle fertilizer 6000kg and mature cake fertilizer 80kg per 667m2. Urea 50kg, calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer 80kg, potassium sulfate compound fertilizer 25kg, zinc sulfate 1.5kg. The border type is small height wow, border height 8-12cm, bottom width 100cm, surface width 70cm, groove width 20-30cm.

(3) sowing seeds

The determination of cultivation season should be determined according to the purpose of garlic production and the requirements of external conditions in different growth stages of garlic, as well as the climatic conditions of each region. In general, the northern region takes 35-38 °north latitude as the dividing line between spring sowing and autumn sowing. The winter is not too cold in the south of 35 °, and the seedlings can spend the winter in the open field, and the seedlings can be harvested in the early summer of the following year, mainly sowing in autumn, including Henan, Shandong, Guanzhong of Shaanxi Province and southern Shaanxi, southern Shanxi and southern Hebei. In the area to the north of 38 °, the winter is cold and the seedlings are not easy to survive the winter safely, so it is suitable to sow in early spring and harvest before and after the Summer Solstice. It mainly includes northeast provinces, Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Xinjiang, northern Shaanxi, Shanxi and northern Hebei. In the area between 35 °and 38 °, the seeds can be sown in spring and autumn, such as in the north of Henan Province. The growth period of garlic varies greatly according to sowing date and variety. The growth cycle of spring sowing garlic is shorter, generally 90-110 days, and that of autumn sowing garlic is longer, 220-280 days. Selecting a suitable cultivation season is the key to a bumper harvest.

Choose garlic with large size, large and neat cloves, hard cloves, no injury, no disease spots, white and fresh color as seeds. Garlic cloves are generally required to weigh more than 400g and soak with 50% carbendazim wettable powder 500 times for 12-16 hours before sowing to prevent fungal diseases. It is more appropriate to sow garlic from early September to early October. "Green garlic" is usually sown in August or earlier with garlic. The temperature in October is 16.9 ℃, and the ground temperature in 5cm is 18-19 ℃. The height of garlic seedlings can reach more than 25cm when overwintering, which is beneficial to overwintering safely. To sow garlic, first open the sowing ditch deep in l0cm according to the 20cm row spacing, and sprinkle a small amount of seed fertilizer. When sowing, the seed petals are arranged in the trench according to the plant spacing of 10-15 cm, 9-l0cm and 7 cm, keeping them upright, and the back of the petal is parallel to the sowing line (after emergence, the leaf direction is consistent, which is beneficial to the scenery, increase the yield), then cover the soil with a thickness of 3.3cm, water, spray the herbicide Acetochlor while moisture, and then cover with plastic film. When mulching plastic film, the plastic film is required to spread flat on the border surface without wrinkles, and there is no gap under the plastic film, so that the plastic film is close to the border surface so as not to breed weeds. Sowing "green garlic" should be more dense, protecting 40-50 000 seedlings per mu, which is not only beneficial to management, but also beneficial to high yield, but also can effectively restrain the occurrence of diseases, insect pests and weeds.

(4) Field management

Autumn sowing garlic generally emerged 7-10 days after sowing, watered the second time after emergence, and watered the soil for 1 time before freezing (before Lesser Snow). After a few days, covered with wheat straw, cold and drought protection, wind barriers can be set up when it is too cold to ensure that garlic seedlings survive the winter safely. In the first and middle of March, the cover grass was removed in time and watered in sunny and warm weather, and 15-20 kg of urea was applied with the water to promote the green growth of garlic seedlings as soon as possible. From the beginning of April to the end of April, water was watered once according to soil moisture for 5-7 days (days). From the beginning of May to May 20, it needs to be watered for 4-6 days (days) for one time, combined with watering to apply fertilizer, so as to shorten the time of yellow leaves when garlic leaves, and prevent an underground pest at the same time. Garlic bolting when bending. Stop watering 3-4 days before bolting. Garlic bolts should always keep the soil moist after harvest to promote the rapid increase of garlic until 2-3 days before harvest and stop watering.

(5) timely harvest

1. Garlic harvesting. The seedlings can be harvested after 60-70 days of emergence. The specific harvest time can be determined according to the market situation. The output of early mining is low, but the benefit is not necessarily bad. Most of the harvesting methods are uprooted, shook off the soil and bundled up on the market, generally a large number of harvests should not be washed. It is also harvested at the base when the plant height is about 40 cm, and the fertilizer and water management is strengthened after cutting, and then the regenerated new leaves are pulled up.

2. Garlic stalks are harvested. One is to cut the false stem with a knife, cut off the bolt and pull it out, and then twist the garlic leaves to cover the wound. The second is to pull out the garlic bolts directly by hand. The yield of garlic bolts cut by knife is high, but the wound is easy to rot after rain. The yield of garlic bolting by hand is low, and it is necessary to have certain technology and less application. At present, the most commonly used method is to extract garlic bolts in the afternoon, pinch them again with their hands at the base of garlic seedlings, or pierce the base of garlic seedlings with nails, and then extract them, so that the garlic bolts extracted in this way will cause small wounds to garlic seedlings and have little effect on the growth of garlic seedlings.

3. Garlic bolts can be harvested in time, which has no effect on the growth of garlic. Garlic can be harvested about 20 days after garlic bolts are harvested. If garlic bolts are not accepted, the expansion rate and yield of garlic will be affected. Garlic harvest can not wait until all the leaves on the ground withered, if not timely harvest in the rainy season, easy to rot, garlic cloves easy to spread, can not be stored, should not leave seeds.

Storage and processing

(1) Storage

After garlic is harvested and dried, it should not be exposed to strong sunlight to avoid high temperature burns, then bundled into bundles or cut off leaf sheaths and roots, and stored in a cool place, hanging or basket storage. In order to prevent sprouting during storage, 0.25% aqueous solution of penicillin can be used to spray leaves half a month before harvest, or cobalt 60 radiation can be used. The growth point of the treated garlic was damaged and could not germinate and could not be planted.

(2) processing

There are mainly two kinds of Chinese folk garlic: pickled garlic and sweet and sour garlic.

1. Pickled garlic. Choose garlic round, non-loose, fleshy white, dried garlic, pseudostem length not more than 3 cm of garlic as raw materials. The amount of salt used is generally 7 kg ~ 8 kg per 100 kg of garlic, and the rate of finished products is generally about 80%.

2. Sweet and sour garlic. Sweet and sour garlic is to wash pickled garlic from salt water and soak it in sweet and sour solution for a week, so that the garlic can fully absorb sweet and sour taste and become sweet and sour garlic.

In addition, it can also be processed into garlic powder, garlic slices, refined into garlic oil and so on.

Pest control

(1) Variety selection

To plant local varieties, we can use individual plant purification and rejuvenation year by year, selecting disease-free field and disease-free plants for planting garlic, which is also a way to select disease-free and high-quality garlic species. In addition, planting good local varieties after detoxification is the fundamental measure to prevent and control virus diseases.

(2) Agricultural prevention and control

1. Reasonable rotation. Pathogens such as garlic leaf blight, purple spot and coal spot can survive the winter or summer in soil or disease residues, resulting in an increase in the number of pathogens. In general, garlic fields should be rotated with non-lily crops for 3 to 5 years to reduce the number of pathogens, ensure the supplement of some nutrient elements in the soil, and reduce the occurrence of diseases.

2. Rational drainage and irrigation. Garlic root system is neither drought-resistant nor waterlogged, and soil drying should be watered in time, which is beneficial to restrain the occurrence of thrips, excessive rainfall, timely drainage, and take this opportunity to spread plant ash to reduce field humidity and increase potassium fertilizer. it can also effectively restrain the harm of Botrytis cinerea and root maggots, and achieve the purpose of increasing production and disease prevention.

3. Clean the countryside in time. It is particularly important in areas or fields prone to diseases and insect pests. To remove the diseased body, pull out the central diseased plant in time and take it out of the countryside for treatment is an important means to prevent the epidemic of the disease.

(3) Chemical control

When diseases and insect pests occur and spread in a large area, drugs should be used in time to control them.

1. Disease control

① virus disease. Spray at the initial stage of the disease, about once in 7-10 days, 2-3 times in a row. 1.5% Zhiyanling emulsion 1000 times, 20% virus A wettable powder 500 times, 83 enhancers 100 times, antivirus No. 1 water agent 250 times 300 times, etc.

② coal spot. Choose 65% Dyson zinc wettable powder 400: 600 times liquid or 1% Bordeaux solution 1 / 1 / 100 Bordeaux solution.

③ leaf blight. Choose 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600x liquid, 50% prohydantoin wettable powder 1500 times liquid, 64% poison alum wettable powder 500x liquid, 60% trimethophosphate aluminum wettable powder 500x liquid, 11purpura 100Bordeaux solution for prevention and treatment.

④ purple spot. Choose 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 500 times 600 times, 64% alum wettable powder 500 times liquid, 58% potassium frost manganese zinc wettable powder 500 times liquid, 50% propofoin wettable powder 1500 times solution for prevention and control.

⑤ gray mold, downy mildew. Use 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600 times liquid, 50% nail cream copper wettable powder 800 times liquid, 64% antiseptic alum wettable powder 500 times liquid, 72.2% Prike water agent 800 times liquid, 72% ethyl manganese wettable powder 500 times solution.

⑥ rust. Use 20% triadimefon EC 2000 times, 97% rust sodium wettable powder 300 times solution, 25% enemy emulsifiable concentrate 3000 times solution to prevent and cure.

2. Pest control

① spring onion thrips. It can be sprayed with 6000 times, 50% octyl sulfur EC 1000 times, 50% dimethoate EC 1000 times, 10% chrysanthemum horse EC 1500 times, 25% synergistic quinathion EC 7000 times.

② root maggot. Both adults and larvae should be controlled. Control adults to kill 6000 times liquid, 2.5% deltamethrin 3000 times solution once every 7 days, even 2 times 3 times. 50% phoxim 800 times solution, 90% crystal trichlorfon 1000 times solution or 50% dimethoate 1000 times solution can be used to control larvae.

③ garlic scallops. In the event of a major occurrence, it can be prevented by 2000-4000 times liquid spray.

④ coffee bean elephant. Can be fumigated with aluminum phosphide 6g/m2.