
The latest course of asparagus cultivation techniques and methods

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Asparagus alias asparagus, asparagus, Liliaceae Tianmen winter, perennial root herbs. Asparagus is fed with tender stems, rich in nutrition, crisp and tender texture, fragrant and delicious, can be eaten fresh, can also be processed to make cans, is a kind of high-grade fine dishes, and is also one of the top ten famous dishes in the world.

Asparagus alias asparagus, asparagus, lily family asparagus, perennial perennial root herbs. Asparagus to tender stems for food, nutritious, crisp texture, fragrance delicious, can be eaten fresh, can also be processed, is a high-grade fine vegetables, but also one of the world's top ten dishes. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, but also contains asparagine and aspartic acid, as well as Yunxiangyang, folic acid, nucleic acid and other substances, regular consumption of asparagus on heart disease, hypertension, cystitis, diabetes, leukemia has a certain effect, and can inhibit the development of cancer cells, known as anti-cancer health vegetables.

botanical characteristics

Asparagus is perennial, but the ground stems and leaves die every winter low temperature frost, winter with underground rhizomes rest eyes, to the next March-April temperature rise and then from the underground pumping new stems, new pumping tender stems that is asparagus, well managed, harvest period can be as long as more than 10 years.

Requirements for environmental conditions

1. Temperature

Asparagus has wide adaptability to temperature, the suitable temperature for seed germination is 25-30℃, the optimum temperature for vegetative growth is 20-30℃, the growth is slow below 15℃, the tender stem occurs less, the tender stem skin is easy to fibrosis above 30℃, the shoot tip is easy to spread, the quality is poor; the growth stops above 35℃.

2. Light

Asparagus is a light-loving plant, requiring strong light, sufficient sunshine, luxuriant foliage, photosynthesis and temperature are closely related. High temperature season is unfavorable to asparagus growth, and long-term rain also affects asparagus yield.

3. Soil

Asparagus is deep root function, and young stems need to cultivate soil shading, should choose deep soil layer, loose fertile, rich in organic matter sandy loam. PH5, 8-6 and 5 are optimal.

cultivation techniques

1. Sowing seedlings

① Sowing period: March to April in spring, August to September in autumn.

② Seed treatment

The seeds are put into 50% carbendazim or 70% thiophanate solution 400 times, the water temperature is kept at 25-30%, the seeds are disinfected for 24 hours, and then cleaned by clear water, and the seeds are soaked in warm water at about 30 DEG C for 2-3 days. After the seeds are fully absorbed, they are wrapped with gauze or towels and placed in a warm box or warm place to germinate, during which they should be sprayed or rinsed frequently. After 2-3 days, the seeds can be sown.

③ Seed bed preparation

Seedbed to good drainage, loose breathable loam or sandy loam is appropriate, the base fertilizer according to each mu of seedbed to apply high-quality farm manure 1500-200kg, urea 10kg, calcium phosphate 7kg, potassium sulfate 6kg, evenly spread, and then turned into the soil layer and mixed with the soil.

④ Sowing method

The seed amount per mu is about 10kg for sowing, about 1kg for dibbling and drilling. After sowing, cover the ridge surface with straw or pine hair, and then water it evenly with a watering can. Emergence begins 15-20 days after sowing.

④ Seedbed management

After 80% of the seeds are unearthed, the mulch can be removed one after another. Pay attention to light washing, weeding and topdressing, and timely control underground pests.

④ Seeding and false planting When the seedlings are about 10cm tall.

2. Planting

① Select land and dig trenches

Planting should be selected leeward sunny, groundwater level is not high, irrigation convenient loam or sandy loam. Digging and sunning the soil, curing the soil, and then digging a planting ditch according to the row spacing of 1 and 5 meters, with the depth of 50cm, the width of the ditch at the top of 40cm and the width of 50cm at the bottom. Asparagus should be heavily applied with base fertilizer. First, fill the ditch with about 10cm of soil, then apply 4000-5000kg of machine fertilizer every week, 150-200kg of compound fertilizer or 100-150kg of oil cake, 50kg of calcium phosphate, 15kg of potassium sulfate and 2 kg of carbofuran to prevent underground pests. Mix well, then backfill 20cm of topsoil, mix and tread. Finally, topsoil shall be backfilled into the ditch, but the ditch surface shall still be about 10cm lower than the ridge surface.

2. Planting period and density

Spring seedlings were planted in May and June, autumn seedlings in March and April of the following year. White asparagus is planted at 1,6 - 1,8 m row spacing, 30-35cm plant spacing, 1000-1200 plants per mu, green asparagus at 1,4 - 1,5 m row spacing, 20-25cm plant spacing,

(3) Cut off part of the selected asparagus seedling stem and leaf, leave 20 cm, open the root group according to the fixed plant spacing, make it extend obliquely downward around, cover the soil once not too deep, after survival, combine with intertillage and weeding, cover the soil twice, make the root disk buried under the soil 10-15 cm is good.

3. Field management

① Management of new seedlings

After planting, topdressing can be applied one month, mainly with clear manure water, and then once every two months, the concentration can be appropriately increased, intertillage and weeding, combined with intertillage and shallow cultivation for 1-2 times, to prevent root exposure, and all tender stems grown in the year of planting should be retained.

② Remove female flowers and fruits

Female plants should be removed early because they consume a lot of nutrients and affect the yield of the current year and the next year.

③ Irrigation and topdressing

During the shoot picking period, irrigation should be ensured and drought should not be suffered. Generally, irrigation should be carried out once every 7-10 days. The highest yield should be after the third-fourth year. Autumn fertilizer and winter fertilizer should be applied again every year. N fertilizer should be avoided. N, P and K should be reasonably matched.

4. main diseases and insect pests

There are many diseases and insect pests harmful to asparagus, among which stem blight is the most harmful disease, in addition to brown spot, rust, root rot and so on. Insect pests are mainly Spodoptera litura, small cutworm, grubs and so on.

5. Harvest

May have the second year to start a small amount of harvest, every morning or evening, when the tender stem height of 15-20cm, 1- 2 cm from the soil surface with a sharp knife cut, wrapped with wet towels. Every time you harvest, you must harvest all the tender stems, regardless of size.