
Culture methods and matters needing attention of celery leaf peony

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The moment we hear this name, it reminds us of the celery we usually eat, and its leaves are like celery leaves to get the name. Because of its awesome appearance, it has become the object that many people choose to breed. But do not know, want to raise it also needs certain methods and skills, what are the specific? Let's go to study.

I. Culture methods

1. Lighting management

Although it likes light, it is not resistant to strong light, so it should be fully shaded in summer so as not to burn it by the sun. It can fully enjoy the light in winter, because it can let the flower buds differentiate as soon as possible, so that the florescence can be brought forward. If the light time is too short, the florescence will be delayed, which will promote the growth of lateral buds, increase the number of buds and bloom more. Thus it can be seen that long sunshine can advance flowering, while short sunshine can increase the number of flowers, each has its own advantages, so when we choose light for it, we can determine the length of time according to our own needs.

2. Water management

It is very afraid of wet, drought-resistant, but can not be too dry, especially in the late growth stage, the soil is too dry will make it dormant, thus affecting the quality of bulbs. After planting, it should be watered for the first time, and then each watering should be timely, and pay attention to that the soil should not be too dry and too wet, and the standard should be that the leaves do not wilt.

3. Fertilizer management

Before planting it, the base fertilizer should be fully applied, commonly used is cake fertilizer or animal manure and so on. Then after transplanting, when the plant grows new leaves, you can start to fertilize properly, once every 7 days. In winter, we should pay attention to the exchange of fertilizers, chlorine-containing compound fertilizers can not be used. Wait until after flowering, and then add 1 or 2 times of potassium fertilizer to facilitate bulb growth.

4. Temperature management

It likes shade, the temperature should be appropriate, and the temperature difference between day and night should not be too large. The temperature can be controlled at 15 to 20 degrees during the day and 7 to 8 degrees at night.

5. Florescence management

After it blossoms, it is necessary to properly adjust the indoor temperature to 15 degrees, which can prolong its flowering period. Encounter some diseased plants, residual flowers should be disposed of in time, watering should also be uniform, dry and wet balance.

II. Points for attention

1. Moisture control

Although it is resistant to drought, it is not suitable for excessive drought, especially in the later stage of growth, we should pay more attention to sufficient water, otherwise it is not good for bulbs.

2. Summer wilt

For its summer dry phenomenon, many flower friends do not know how to start, especially worried, in fact, this is a normal phenomenon, because in the summer it will easily be dormant, at this time, we can cut off its dead stems and leaves, and then put it in a cool place, let the soil dry, safe and sound.