
Agricultural enterprises frequently "cry out thirst" for lack of guarantee for financing loans.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, In recent years, there are also some development bottlenecks in the progress of China's agricultural industrialization, among which what attracts people's attention is that many "agricultural" prefix enterprises have encountered the problems of difficult and expensive loans to varying degrees on the road of becoming bigger and stronger. It has become inevitable for enterprises.

In recent years, there are also some development bottlenecks in China's agricultural industrialization, among which what attracts people's attention is that many "agricultural" prefix enterprises have encountered the problems of difficult and expensive loans to varying degrees on the road of becoming bigger and stronger. It has become a hurdle that enterprises can not get around.

Want to expand the scale of production but do not have the funds, want to go to the bank loan or because there is no collateral, or can not find a guarantee object, resulting in the final loan can not be obtained. The development of the real economy is inseparable from capital. for the majority of agricultural enterprises, this sense of frustration with the hope of "money" makes them often struggle, and there is an urgent need for the government to lend a helping hand and expect banks to lower the threshold.


"the difficulty of financing loans has become an obstacle for enterprises to expand their operations."

Recently, at a forum on financing loan guarantee for agricultural enterprises held in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, some localities and enterprises discussed the issue of loan guarantee.

A relevant responsible person from the Shanxi Provincial Agricultural industrialization Office said that the current financing difficulties of leading enterprises are mainly manifested in the following aspects:

The working capital of the enterprise is under great pressure, and the means of financing is single. The capital market requires a high threshold for corporate financing, only a small number of enterprises achieve listing financing, while bonds, bills and other financing means are not used enough.

The bank loan examination and approval time is long, the loan term is short. Most enterprises can only get working capital loans, and most of them have a repayment period of only a few months, with a maximum of less than one year, which virtually increases the burden on enterprises.

The cost of loans remains high. Most of the lending rates exceed the benchmark interest rates announced by its head office. For example, the benchmark interest rate announced by the Agricultural Development Bank of China is 5.75%, and the actual executive interest rate is 6.6%. The benchmark lending rate announced by the Shanxi Merchants Bank is 6%, but the real executive interest rate is as high as 10.68%.

The bank reduced the mortgage rate in disguise. In order to reduce the loan risk, some banks require enterprises to add collateral, or directly reduce the mortgage rate, the difference between bank loans and collateral evaluation is too large, resulting in several times the amount of collateral, from the bank can only lend a small amount of loans.

"these problems are basically a true portrayal of the current difficulties in financing expensive loans for our enterprises, and are a major crux of our enterprises' desire to expand the scale of production and operation." Representatives of Jilin Dexiang Wood Industry Co., Ltd., Anhui Huawei Group Poultry Industry Co., Ltd., and other enterprise representatives all expressed the same feelings to the reporter: "the difficulty of enterprise financing and loans has become an obstacle in our way to expand the scale of production and operation, not to mention driving farmers to become rich." Status quo:

It is still the norm that "the threshold of the bank is high and the enterprise hits a brick wall repeatedly".

"if enterprises want to expand the scale of raising cattle and sheep, they need money; if they want to launch a new slaughtering and processing production line, they need money; and when they are buying raw materials and paying orders, they need a lot of liquidity." In a word, without money is absolutely impossible, there is no capital rolling, often let enterprises in deep trouble. " The person in charge of Gansu Kangmei Modern Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Industry Group Co., Ltd. said, "the only thing we can do is to ask the bank for loan help, but in the face of the high threshold, we often take advantage of the fun and return, and it has become common for us to run into obstacles."

The relevant responsible persons of many provinces and autonomous regions said that at present, the operation of leading agricultural enterprises is becoming more and more difficult, especially the situation of difficult loans is increasing. For example, Heilongjiang is mainly manifested in rice and soybean processing enterprises, sugar processing enterprises in Guangxi and fruit processing enterprises in Hainan also generally encounter loan difficulties in financing loans, while in Fujian, there are more than 10,000 tea enterprises of all kinds in the province, and the homogenization competition is serious, which makes the financing and loan road of tea enterprises more difficult. "it is really thousands of troops crossing a single wooden bridge."

"although in 2013, the Anhui Provincial Financial Office proposed to strengthen the performance assessment of financial institutions, making it clear that agriculture-related loans of financial institutions must reach 'two not lower than', that is, the loan increase is not lower than the same period last year, the loan growth rate is not lower than the average growth rate of all kinds of loans, the implementation situation does not seem to be satisfactory." A relevant person in charge of the Agricultural industrialization guidance Office of the Anhui Provincial Committee of Agriculture said that many agricultural enterprises generally reflected that financial institutions had few suitable types of loans and high barriers to entry, and failed to extend the term of loans on the basis of credit lines for the seasonal purchase of agricultural products by leading enterprises with controllable risks and high comprehensive returns.


"I hope the government will give a push and the banks will lower the threshold."

In order to solve the financing and loan problem of agricultural enterprises, all localities are also using their brains, do not wait and rely on, take the initiative to explore and sum up a lot of good ways. Jiangxi, Hebei and other provinces inject part of the capital by government departments, attract leading enterprises to contribute part, and set up provincial loan guarantee companies to provide enterprises with guarantees to banks, bridge funds and other services.

Many enterprise representatives have said: "there are many support policies, and we hope that they can be truly implemented, and that the government can give us a push in the development of the real economy and in promoting agricultural enterprises to do industry. We also expect banks and other financial institutions to lower the threshold and give preferential loan programs according to the characteristics of agriculture."

Every year, Tianjin Municipal Committee of Agriculture organizes a number of financing training and bank-enterprise docking activities, and organizes leading enterprises to negotiate docking activities. "We organize leading enterprises to participate in docking activities such as the docking of science and enterprises in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, and the Beijing Agricultural industrialization Exhibition, in order to allow enterprises to go out and find capital and partners." Lin Zhaohui, director of the Industrial Development Department of the Tianjin Municipal Commission of Agriculture, said.

"the government should play a matchmaking role in the problems that enterprises cannot talk about when looking for banks." Zhang Shuanyang, deputy director of the Hebei Agricultural Industry and Chemical Office, said that in building a bank-enterprise docking platform, government departments actively recommended key projects to the State Development Bank, Minsheng Bank, Agricultural Bank, and other financial institutions to improve the way of financial support. we should give full play to the role of the provincial national rich agricultural guarantee company, establish an equity investment fund to guide agricultural industrialization, plan to establish a credit guarantee fund for agricultural industrialization, and expand new financing channels for leading enterprises.

How do agricultural enterprises cooperate with the capital market? In the view of Yu Xiaoping, director of the Agricultural Industry Office of the Heilongjiang Provincial Committee of Agriculture, we should focus on solving the problems of enterprise listing reserves, asset securitization, establishing a multi-level capital market and making good use of various new financing channels introduced by the central government, and do a good job in the investigation of listed enterprises. establish a listed reserve bank, guide agricultural enterprises to learn from the management thinking of other industries, "jump out of agriculture to agriculture, jump out of agricultural thinking to operate agricultural industry." Make use of the capital market to realize 'from finding money to finding money', so as to realize financing through multiple channels and solve the bottleneck problem perplexing the development of funds for agricultural enterprises. "