
The latest pepper planting technology tutorial

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Capsicum is an annual or finite perennial herb belonging to the genus Capsicum of Solanaceae. The fruit is usually conical or oblong, green when immature, and red, green or purple when mature. The fruit of Capsicum is spicy because of capsaicin in the pericarp.

Pepper is an annual or limited perennial herb of the genus Solanaceae. Its fruit is usually conical or oblong, green when it is not ripe, and bright red, green or purple when it is ripe. Red is the most common. The fruit of pepper is spicy because its peel contains capsaicin. It is one of the most common vegetables or condiments in daily life.

Growth habits of hot pepper

The early growth stage of pepper is the germination stage, it is generally unearthed about 5-8 days after accelerating germination and sowing, the first true leaf appears in about 15 days, and the bud is exposed to the seedling stage. The flowering period is mainly from the first flower ear to the door pepper. The fruiting period is from setting fruit to pulling seedlings. The suitable temperature for chili peppers is between 15 and 34 degrees. The suitable temperature for seed germination is 25-30 degrees, and it takes 5-7 days for seeds to germinate. Seeds do not germinate when they are below 15 degrees or higher than 35 degrees.

Pepper in the seedling stage requires a higher temperature, 25-30 degrees in the day, 15-18 degrees at night is the best, the seedlings are not resistant to low temperature, we should pay attention to cold prevention. Chili peppers at 35 degrees will cause flowers and fruits to fall.

Pepper has strict requirements for conditional moisture, which is neither drought nor waterlogging resistant. I like dry air conditions.

Planting technology of hot pepper

1. Cultivation conditions

The temperature requirement of chili is between yarrow and eggplant. The optimum temperature for seed germination was 23-30 ℃, but it could not germinate when the temperature was lower than 15 ℃. Pepper seedlings require higher temperature, low temperature and slow growth. In the early stage of flowering and fruiting, the optimum temperature was 20-25 ℃ in daytime and 15-20 ℃ at night. During the fruiting period, the soil temperature was too high, especially the strong light shining directly on the ground, which was disadvantageous to root growth, and easy to cause toxin disease and sunburn disease.

2. Basic fertilizer for soil preparation

Continuous cropping of chili is not allowed, nor can it be cropped with eggplant, tomato, potato, tobacco and other crops of the same family. The cultivation of pepper plots should have good drainage, convenient drainage and irrigation, and require deep ploughing. It is best to do winter ploughing, leisure permafrost, in order to improve the soil and eliminate overwintering pests and pathogen spores.

Before planting, the topsoil still keeps a large amount of soil in order to breathable and cool water, which plays a good role in preventing falling flowers, falling camp and falling leaves. The requirements of vegetable farmers in Changsha for growing chili fields are "deep ditches and high beds, breaking the old bottom, flat soil and smooth flow of water". The width of the border is generally 1.3-1.7 meters (with ditches) and 2-3 rows are planted. There are also wide beds of 2.3-2.7 meters, which are planted horizontally on the border. At the same time, 50-80 kilograms of rotten barnyard manure, 15 kilograms of superphosphate and 25 kilograms of plant ash are applied per mu as base fertilizer.

3. Sowing and raising seedlings

① seedbed selection: the nursery bed should choose the plot with north to south, high dryness, convenient water source and no eggplant crops.

② seedbed preparation: the nursery bed had better dig deep into the baked soil in the rainy day, sprinkle a layer of human and animal dung on it, dry it, and cover it with a film to prevent the loss of fertilizer when it rains.

③ sowing: before sowing, the bed soil is fully wet, fine and flat. The width of the seedbed is generally 1.5-1.7 meters. Generally do not soak the seeds to promote budding. Early-maturing species are generally sown in January, and late-maturing species are generally sown in February-March. Planting per mu requires sowing 75-120 grams. After sowing, cover the seeds with fine soil mixed with old bran ash or coal ash, with a thickness of about 2 cm. Then watering, after receiving the water, cover the plastic film, and finally use thin bamboo poles or pieces of bamboo to form a small arch frame, about 0.5 meters high, covered with thin film, the north side of the film will be compacted with soil to protect against the wind. It is better to press the bricks on both sides so that the film can be uncovered and ventilated at any time.

④ seedbed management: after sowing to before emergence, generally do not need management, found that the beginning of emergence, to immediately remove the plastic film, otherwise the formation of tall seedlings. After emergence, the film was opened at 9: 00 a.m. on a sunny day, and the film was still covered at 4: 00 p.m. Try to get some air on cloudy and rainy days. Found that the bed soil is white, seedlings wilt Yan, it needs to be watered, watering time must be at 9: 1-2: 00 in the morning. Two hours after watering, check again. If it is found that the part is still dry, replenish the water to make the seedlings grow in a consistent manner. Rainy days, frozen days should not be watered, otherwise, due to excessive humidity, bed temperature decreased, prone to disease. In snowy weather, grass windows can be covered with a layer of film, and electric lights can be installed in the bed to prevent cold and protect seedlings.

⑤ seedling arrangement: in order to make the seedling stout and the root system developed, when two true leaves appear, the seedling should be pseudo-planted once, the plant spacing is 6-10cm, the row spacing is 12-15cm, and the seedling is watered at the same time to prevent the seedling from wilting. The preparation, requirements and management of the seedling bed are similar to the sowing bed.

4. Planting method

The suitable soil temperature for planting hot pepper is above 15 ℃. Because of the low soil temperature, slow growth and falling flowers, the pepper can not achieve the goal of early maturity. The planting distance was 40-50 cm for early-maturing varieties, 26-33 cm for plant spacing, 1-2 plants per hole, and 66-73 cm for late-maturing varieties, 50-60 cm for plant spacing, 1 plant per hole. Choose to plant in the afternoon on a sunny day, and the seedling bed needs to be watered in the morning to pull the seedlings.

5. Field management

① intermediate ploughing and weeding: after planting survived, ploughing once in time. The plant began to grow, focusing on ploughing once. Before the plant is closed, ploughing again. Middle ploughing combines weeding and soil cultivation.

② fertilizer and water management: after planting, it is necessary to apply seedling fertilizer on a sunny day, and the dosage should not be too much or too thick each time, otherwise it is easy to cause overgrowth and delay flowering and fruiting. When waiting for the first or second layer to bear fruit, more fertilizer should be applied to promote the growth of the fruit. After the fruit is picked, it is necessary for the soil to have sufficient fertilizer and water before the plant can grow and bear fruit normally. If it rains heavily before the soil is dry after watering, the phenomenon of fallen leaves and dead plants will be quite common, especially during the period from ups and downs to the Beginning of Autumn. Therefore, in irrigation, the irrigation time must be determined according to the weather forecast. Irrigation depth should not exceed 3/4 of the furrow, and should be carried out in the evening or early morning, and urgent irrigation and drainage.

③ harvest seed: as a fresh food, mostly harvest green fruit, but also can harvest red fruit. As a dried pepper, the red-ripe fruit must be harvested in time, otherwise the growth and fruit of the plant will be affected.

The method of remaining seed harvesting plant selection combined with fruit selection, that is, the standard plant should be affixed with a mark according to the variety characteristics in the field as the remaining seed plant. The first layer of fruit was harvested and listed as early as possible, and 2 Mel and 4 layers of fruit were left as seeds. When the fruit was red and ripe, the fruit with the characteristics of this variety was further selected. The picked fruit was spread in a cool place, ripened for 5 min for 7 days, and the seeds were cut open, dried and stored.