
The latest course of spinach planting techniques and methods

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Spinach can be divided into five varieties: stubble spinach, countersunk spinach, spring spinach, summer spinach and autumn spinach. Spring spinach can be sowed when the temperature rises above 5OC after the beginning of spring. March is the appropriate sowing time and harvested 30-50 days after sowing. Varieties should choose late bolting and leaf hypertrophy.

Spinach can be divided into 5 varieties: stubble spinach, countersunk spinach, spring spinach, summer spinach and autumn spinach. Spring spinach can be sowed when the temperature rises above 5OC after spring. March is the right time for sowing. 30-50 days after sowing, varieties should choose spring and autumn leaves with late bolting and hypertrophic leaves, Shenyang round leaves, Liaoning round leaves and so on. Let's take a look at spinach planting techniques.

The growing environment of spinach

1. Temperature: spinach is a cold-tolerant vegetable, the seeds can germinate at 4 ℃, the optimum temperature for vegetative growth is 15-20 ℃, the suitable temperature for vegetative growth is 15-20 ℃, the growth is poor above 25 ℃, and the aboveground can withstand the low temperature of minus 6-8 ℃.

2. Sunshine: spinach is a long-day crop, which is easy to sprout and blossom under the condition of high temperature and long sunshine, and can be intercropped with high-stem crops.

3. Moisture: spinach has large leaf area, tender tissue and high requirement for moisture. It has plenty of water, thick meat when growing vigorously, high yield and good quality. Under the conditions of high temperature and long sunshine and drought, the vegetative growth is inhibited, the reproductive growth is accelerated, and the immature bolting is easy.

4. Soil: spinach has strong adaptability to soil, but it is still better to preserve water and fertility in fertile soil. Spinach is not resistant to acid, and the suitable pH is 7.3 Murray 8.2. Spinach is a leafy vegetable, which needs more nitrogen fertilizer and appropriate phosphorus and potassium fertilizer.

Planting techniques of spring spinach

The key to planting spring spinach is to strive for early sowing and prevent early bolting.

1. Selection of varieties: round-leaf spinach with late bolting is suitable for spring spinach.

2, soaking seeds to promote germination: in order to accelerate seedling emergence, soak the seeds in cold water for 12-24 hours before sowing, poke them up and down with a bamboo broom, pierce the pericarp, remove and place them under 15-20 ℃ to accelerate germination (the thickness of the seeds is about 15 cm, cover with wet sacks to keep moist) for 3-5 days after the radicle is exposed.

3. Sowing: the seeds can be sown when the daily average temperature reaches 4-5 ℃. Apply sufficient base fertilizer, sow seeds by wet sowing method, and sow 5-6 kg per mu.

4. Field management: early management is mainly to preserve soil moisture, less irrigation and light irrigation to prevent the temperature from being too low. After 2-3 true leaves, the plant enters the period of vigorous growth, and water and fertilizer should keep up to prevent early bolting.

Planting techniques of summer spinach

1. Seed selection and germination: varieties such as round-leaf spinach or big-leaf spinach with high heat resistance, easy germination and strong disease resistance are selected. First break the shell and soak the seeds for 12-24 hours, then put them in a well or in a freezer under 2-4 ℃ for low temperature germination. It can also be spread out in a cool place after soaking seeds (rinse with clean water once a day to remove mucus to prevent mildew), turn frequently and keep moist. Generally, seeds can be germinated and sown after 4-5 days.

2. Sowing at the right time: generally, it is more suitable to sow from mid-May to early June. The sowing rate in the high temperature period should be appropriately increased to 10-15 kg per mu. In order to facilitate the seeds to be unearthed, harvested one after another and prolong the supply period, two wet seeds soaked in seeds and one dry seed can also be used to evenly mix and sow seeds. Before sowing, select sandy loam with good drainage, then combine ploughing and applying sufficient base fertilizer (1500-2000 kg per mu of rotten high-quality manure). Dig a ditch to build a bed the day before sowing, usually 2 meters wide, irrigate enough bottom water, and water once a day in the morning and evening before emergence.

3. Fine management. For spinach sown before "White Dew", it is best to cover the ground with aquatic plants after sowing, and shade can be set up under certain conditions, and the mulch can be removed immediately after emergence. During the growth period and after each spinach harvest, we should apply rotten dilute dung water in time, adhere to small fertilizer and heavy water, water lightly and frequently, often keep the soil moist, and reduce moisture and prevent disease in rainy season.

After watching the planting techniques of spring spinach and summer spinach, let's take a look at the planting techniques of autumn spinach and winter spinach.