
The latest course of cucumber pest control techniques and methods

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Cucumber is widely cultivated in various parts of China, and is now widely cultivated in temperate and tropical regions. It is one of the main greenhouse products and a common vegetable on the dining table. In the process of cucumber planting, most diseases and insect pests are mixed. Attention must be paid to the compound and different occurrence of pesticides in disease control.

Cucumber is widely cultivated in various parts of China, and is now widely planted in temperate and tropical regions. It is one of the main greenhouse products and is a common vegetable on the dining table. In the process of cucumber planting, most of the diseases and insect pests are mixed. When preventing and controlling diseases, we must pay attention to the compound of pesticides and the flexible use of drugs in different periods of disease. Let's take a look at cucumber pest control techniques.

Cucumber disease control

Cucumber diseases are mainly caused by cucumber downy mildew, cucumber powdery mildew, cucumber anthracnose and cucumber gray mildew. The main causes of cucumber diseases are caused by the warm weather, the gradual rise of air temperature and improper management. The prevention and control techniques of cucumber diseases are introduced as follows:

1. Downy mildew

[hazard characteristics] under the condition of low-lying terrain, poor ventilation and excessive watering, downy mildew is more serious, mainly harmful to leaves and occasionally to stems and pedicels. At the initial stage of the disease, there are water-stained polygonal disease spots, which are not perforated, and black mildew layers may grow on the back of the disease spots when the humidity is high. In severe cases, due to the large number of disease spots, rapid expansion and mutual healing of disease spots, the leaves scorch and die early.

[prevention and control methods] Ecological prevention and control: maintain good indoor ventilation and control the indoor temperature at about 25 degrees during the day and 15 degrees at night. Drug control: spray 2000 times of water with 50% bacteria during the onset of the disease, and spray again in 3-5 days with serious illness.

2. Powdery mildew

[hazard characteristics] powdery mildew damaged all parts of the plant, but mainly leaves and vines. At the initial stage, small white powder spots appeared on both sides of the leaves, and then expanded into a large area of powdery powder with inconspicuous edges. In severe cases, the whole leaf was covered with white powder, and in the later stage of the disease, the white mildew spot turned gray due to the maturity of the hyphae, and the diseased leaves were yellow and withered with small black spots.

[control methods] Field management: select disease-resistant varieties as far as possible, pay attention to light transmission, reasonable irrigation, reduce air humidity and apply sufficient organic fertilizer. Drug control: at the initial stage of the disease, Tian Nuo granule Feng germicidal type was sprayed with 1000 times of water, once every 5-7 days, repeated 2-3 times.

3. Grey mold

[hazard characteristics] Botrytis cinerea not only harms cucumbers, but also damages green peppers, eggplant and kidney beans. Botrytis cinerea mainly harms leaves, fruits and flowers of cucumbers. Botrytis cinerea invades from aborted female flowers and grows grayish brown mildew layer, then invades young melons, causing top rot, softening and atrophy, and the damaged parts of big melons first turn yellow until they rot and fall off.

[control methods] Field management: high cultivation, reducing field humidity, reasonable irrigation, watering in the evening, proper ventilation and moisture drainage to promote its healthy growth. Chemical control: at the initial stage of the disease, use 50% Sukeling wettable powder 1500-2000 or 50% carbendazim 800-1000 times liquid spray.

4. Anthrax

[hazard characteristics] anthracnose mainly harms stems, leaves and so on. Water-immersed spots appeared at the beginning, and the injured spots on the leaves were nearly round, reddish brown, with halos on the outside, and ruptured in the middle of the lesions when they were dry. The black-brown disease spot occurs when the fruit is damaged, which is easy to bend and deform.

[control methods] soil treatment: rotation with non-melon crops for more than 3 years. Soil disinfection, selection of disease-resistant varieties, crop rotation, removal of diseased and residual plants, and application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Chemical control: spray 1% mancozeb 100 Bordeaux solution, or 65% mancozeb 500-800 times, 80% anthrax Fumi wettable powder 800 times, 70% mancozeb wettable powder 400 times, or fumigate with 45% chlorothalonil fumigant 250 grams per mu. Use once every 7-10 days, 3-4 times in a row.

Cucumber pest control

The main pests of cucumber are leaf miner, whitefly, melon aphid and so on. Field management should be strengthened in the process of control.

1. Leaf miner

[hazard characteristics] after hatching, the larvae latent feed on the mesophyll, showing zigzag food marks. At the seedling stage, the 2-7 leaves suffered more, and the serious latent scars were covered, resulting in yellowing, scorching or shedding of the leaves. The terminal of the insect track does not widen obviously, which is different from Liriomyza huidobrensis, Liriomyza huidobrensis and Liriomyza huidobrensis.

[biological control] release Ji wasp, anti-jaw cocoon wasp, Liriomyza sinensis cocoon wasp and so on, these three parasitic wasps have a high parasitism rate to Liriomyza huidobrensis. The application of insect growth regulators can affect adult reproduction, egg hatching, larval peeling, pupation and so on.

[chemical control]

① 5% Regent suspension, 50% 100 ml / mu, 40% Qixingbao EC 600 × 800 times, control time is in the peak period, 5-7 days once, continuous control 2-3 times.

② insect growth regulator 5% Yitaibao 2000 times solution, 5% carrageenol EC 2000 times solution, has infertile effect on adults of Liriomyidae, and the hatching rate of adults is low.

③ was sprayed with 50% phoxim EC 1000 times in the peak period, once every 5-7 days for 2-3 times in a row, and stopped using the drug 7 days before harvest.

2. Whitefly

[hazard characteristics] secrete a large amount of honey, seriously polluting leaves and fruits. Leaf symptoms: adults and larvae congregate and secrete a large amount of honey, seriously polluting leaves and fruits, and causing coal fouling disease.

[biological control]

① cultivation of "insect-free seedlings": fumigation greenhouse before breeding to remove the residual insect population, remove weeds residual plants, in the greenhouse ventilation with a layer of nylon yarn to avoid exotic insect sources.

② try to avoid mixed planting: in particular, cucumbers, tomatoes and beans should not be mixed. Adjusting the production stubble is also an effective method, that is, the first stubble arranges vegetables with light damage caused by whitefly, such as celery and sweet pepper, and then grows cucumbers and tomatoes in the second crop.

③ removed the old leaves and burned: the old nymphs were mostly distributed in the lower leaves, and some of the old leaves were properly removed during eggplant fruit pruning, buried or burned to reduce the population.

④ aphid wasp: aphid wasp can successfully control whitefly in greenhouse. When the adult of whitefly is less than 0.5 per plant, 15 adults of APHIS gossypii were released every two weeks.

⑤ yellow has a strong trapping effect on adults of whitefly: setting yellow board (1mX0.7m fibreboard or cardboard) in greenhouse, painting orange peel yellow, and then applying a layer of viscous oil with 32 to 34 pieces per mu, the trapping and killing effect is remarkable. The yellow board is set between the rows and is equal to the height of the plant. Viscous oil is generally adjusted with No. 10 engine oil and a little butter, and reapplied once every 7 to 10 days. Pay attention to prevent oil droplets from causing burns on the crops.

[chemical control]

① uses a knapsack motor smoker or 3MF-3 knapsack plant protection multi-purpose machine to atomize 1% deltamethrin or 2.5% fenvalerate (fenvalerate) oil into droplets of 0.5 ~ 5 μ m, which are suspended in the air to kill adults.

② was sprayed twice with 25% buprofezin (buprofezin) wettable powder 100ppm and 200ppm when the average number of adults was 2.7and 6.6, and mixed with permethrin 100ppm and bifenthrin (Uranus) 5ppm twice when the adult was 19.5.

③ 2.5% deltamethrin or 20% fenvalerate EC 2000 times spray once every 6-7 days for 3 consecutive times.

④ methyl acaricidal (acaricidal) wettable powder 1500 times solution, bifenthrin 0.8~2g/ mu, the control effect on adults was more than 99.% one day after treatment.

3. Melon aphid

[hazard characteristics] leaves curled, melon seedlings wilted, and even withered. The old leaves were damaged and withered ahead of time, which shortened the fruiting period and reduced the yield.

[biological control]

Non-insect strong seedlings were cultivated by ①. Strictly use the anti-insect net from the seedling period and cultivate insect-free seedlings.

② uses yellow board to trap aphids. Taking advantage of aphids' tendency to yellow, yellow board was used to trap aphids.

③ protects predators. Such as small black spider, star leopard spider, spider, seven-star ladybug, tortoise ladybug, black ladybird, Chinese lacewing, aphid fly, Huaji assassin bug, tiny bug, aphid cocoon wasp, lacewing, lacewing, gall mosquito, aphid mold and so on.

[chemical control]

When ① finds that there are aphids, you can use 0.65% anistemisin 100ml, add water 30-40kg and spray, or Shaoguan mycin 200x liquid, add 0.01% washing powder, or 2.5% fish rattan essential EC 600ml800 times, or spray with tobacco water (tobacco water = 1:30-1:40).

② 20% Suele oil slick 1000 times, or 40% chrysanthemum and horse EC 2000 times. Or 21% cyhalothrin (killing) EC 4000 times, or 2.5% cyhalothrin (kung fu) EC 3000 times, or 2.5% bifenthrin EC 3000 times, or 10% imidacloprid wettable powder 2000 times, spray again every 10 to 15 days.

If you want to strictly control the above various pests, you should set up a qualified pest control net, timely detection and control, and eliminate the insects in the spot film occurrence stage. The preferred method is physical and biological control, and the necessary chemical control can be selected in the major occurrence period.