
Harvester basically saturated grain processing machinery will meet the hot spot of growth

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, The biggest difference between summer harvest and summer seed in the past is that the level of mechanization is high. Wheat is basically harvested by machine, and summer seed is mainly machine-based. Agricultural machinery has gradually become the protagonist of agricultural production and the development direction of agriculture in the future. Today's agricultural classics

The biggest difference between summer harvest and summer seed in the past is that the level of mechanization is high. Wheat is basically harvested by machine, and summer seed is mainly machine-based. Agricultural machinery has gradually become the protagonist of agricultural production and the development direction of agriculture in the future. Today's agricultural economic talk invited he Zhiwen, director of the Achievement Transformation Department of China Institute of Agricultural Mechanization, to talk about the development direction of China's agricultural machinery industry.

He Zhiwen: in terms of this year's market, harvesters, rice transplanters, dryers, tractors and facility agriculture account for the main agricultural machinery market at present. Combine harvesters are more obvious than last year. Subsidies from last year to this year are basically stable at around 20 billion, and agricultural machinery is mainly subsidized by the state. From the first quarter to the end of the second quarter of this year, the growth rate of all kinds of harvester is about 3%. Harvester market is mainly policy subsidies this year began to subsidize agricultural machinery to the local, the local operation space. At present, no matter what kind of machines and tools, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River are medium-sized and large to the north, especially this year, because four kilograms of feed has basically withdrawn from the market, more than 4 kilograms, more than to 7 kilograms, it mainly accounts for about 30 percent of the market this year, that is, domestic, as well as foreign brands account for 1/3, and some market products account for 1/3, that is, the case of 333. In terms of varieties, wheat is dominant, corn is dominant, and corn machines are relatively tough, so from market research this year, from the first three months to the fourth month, there were more than 5100 corn harvesters, an increase of 30% over the same period last year. From our country's point of view, agricultural machinery sales have been running at a high level in recent years. In the future, the state will transform agricultural mechanization and enterprises, traditional agricultural machinery and traditional planting methods. In the case of bulk varieties, if we want to develop horizontally, we may talk about facility agriculture, mechanization of food crops, storage and processing after farming, and storage and processing after harvest, which will be dominant in China's agricultural machinery market in the future. In terms of crops, there may be harvest and sowing of cash crops, and hot spots may be hot in grain post-natal processing and grain drying. From now on, we can see that straw comprehensive utilization and straw burning are related to large-scale machines and tools, and some grass industries related to animal husbandry will be a bright spot in the market in the future.