
The latest course of techniques and methods for pest control of broad bean

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Broad bean is one of the earliest legume crops cultivated by human beans. broad bean is grown in more than 50 countries in the world. In addition to selecting disease-resistant varieties, reasonable close planting and pruning, drought prevention and drainage, increasing phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and enhancing plant resistance, chemical control is also

Broad bean is one of the earliest bean crops cultivated by human beings. There are more than 50 countries planting broad bean in the world. In addition to selecting disease-resistant varieties, reasonable density planting and pruning, drought prevention and drainage, increasing phosphorus and potassium fertilizer application, and enhancing plant resistance, chemical control is also necessary. Let's take a look at the pest control technology of broad bean together.

Vicia faba blight

[Hazard characteristics] Broad bean can be infected at all growth stages, but the disease is more serious in the tender pod stage, mainly infecting the stem base or underground part of broad bean, but also damaging the seeds. The stem base disease mostly occurs on one side of the stem or the ring stem, causing the stem to turn black.

[Control method] At the beginning of the disease, spray 58% metalaxyl manganese zinc wettable powder 500 solution, or 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600-700 solution, or 21% imimanate carbendazim wettable powder 800-1000 times solution, or 20% chlorfos-methyl EC 1100-1200 solution, etc.

red spot of broad bean

[Hazard characteristics] Red dots appear on the leaves first, and the dots gradually expand into round or oval spots. In severe cases, all parts become black and withered, and there are black sclerotia on the inner wall of the stem.

[Control method] In the early stage of disease, spray 1∶2∶100 Bordeaux mixture. After that, spray 50% carbendazim 500 times solution once every 10 days, spray 2-3 times continuously, spray bordeaux mixture is better than spray carbendazim in the early stage.

broad bean rust

[Hazard characteristics] Rusty spots appear on the leaves until the leaves are dry, and all the plants die when they are serious.

[Control method] 50 g of 15% triadimefon can be sprayed on 50-60 kg of water, 40-60 kg of liquid medicine per mu, about 20 days after application, and then sprayed once.

faba bean Fusarium wilt

[Hazard characteristics] Fusarium wilt is mainly black root disease, short taproot, few lateral roots, yellow leaf color, wilting plant, top stem and leaf wilting.

[Prevention and control methods] In the early stage of the disease, 50% thiophanate-methyl 500 times solution can be used to irrigate the roots, 2-3 times, with good control effect.

brown spot of broad bean

[Hazard characteristics] Brown spot disease of broad bean can infect stems, leaves, pods and seeds of broad bean. The leaves are reddish brown and small freckles at the beginning of infection, and then expand into round or oval spots. The center of the spots is light gray, and the edges are dark brown and red. The diameter is 3-8 mm. There are small black grains arranged in a ring pattern. When the disease is serious, they blend into irregular large patches.

[Control method] In the early stage of disease, spray 70% thiophanate-methyl WP 600-800 times solution, or 50% copper succinate WP 500-600 solution, etc., once every 7-10 days, 1-2 times continuously.