
Distribution of the latest Moringa oleifera

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Moringa oleifera, also known as drumstick tree, is a perennial tropical deciduous tree of the genus Moringeraceae. It is planted as an ornamental tree in tropical and subtropical areas. It has certain economic value. Seeds can purify water and produce edible oil (there are also certain in paint and cosmetic manufacturing.

Moringa oleifera, also known as drumstick tree, is a perennial tropical deciduous tree of the genus Moringeraceae. it is planted as an ornamental tree in tropical and subtropical areas, which has a certain economic value. Seeds can purify water and produce edible oil (they also have certain value in paint and cosmetics manufacturing, and the roots are also edible. Let's take a look at the distribution of Moringa oleifera.

Distribution of Origin of Moringa oleifera

Moringa is native to northern India, and there are about 14 varieties in the world, and there are also a large number of varieties grown in China. At present, the more commonly eaten varieties are traditional Indian Moringa, improved Indian Moringa and African Moringa (originally found only near Lake Turkana in Kenya and southwestern Ethiopia). Since Moringa is proved to be a plant with rich and high nutritional value, it has been developed in Europe, America, Japan and other countries. With its high protein, low lipid, high fiber, high vitamin content and special hypoglycemic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, heart-strengthening health care effect, it has become a new favorite in people's health food industry.

The producing environment of Moringa oleifera

Moringa oleifera likes light and has a long main root, so it can withstand long-term drought, and the suitable growth temperature is 25-35 degrees Celsius. Under shade, it can endure a high temperature of 48 degrees Celsius or a slight frost. Severe cold may kill the aboveground part of Moringa oleifera, but after the severe cold, the new buds can still germinate and grow into plants, which can adapt to various soils such as sand and clay, and can also grow in slightly alkaline soil.

Planting value of Moringa oleifera

1. The whole plant of Moringa oleifera can be used, the root and bark are the raw materials of traditional medicine, and the tender leaves and pods are delicious and nutritious vegetables. the withered cake left after the seeds are rich in vegetable oil is a flocculant recommended by international environmental protection organizations for the purification of human and animal drinking water.

2. Moringa oleifera is considered to be effective in preventing and treating a variety of diseases in Indian traditional medicine. It has many functions, such as strengthening heart, promoting blood circulation, diuresis, helping digestion, helping sleep, invigorating spleen and stomach, eliminating garbage in the body and so on.

3. Moringa oleifera is rich in a variety of essential trace elements for the human body, which can supplement a variety of amino acids and minerals necessary for the human body, regulate the nutritional balance of the human body, enhance human immunity, improve the quality of life and diet, and promote physical and mental health. it can effectively prevent and combat all kinds of "rich diseases".

4. Moringa oleifera seed contains all the nutrients needed by the human body, which can replace multivitamins, calcium tablets and cod liver oil. it is very helpful in preventing diseases, improving sleep, enhancing memory and delaying aging. it is used to treat diseases in special parts such as liver, spleen, meridians and collaterals, and has good effects on hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, gout, etc., as well as improving sexual function, treating halitosis and sobering up alcohol.

5. Moringa oleifera not only has high value of medicine and food, but also has broad development prospects and high value potential in the fields of health products, cosmetics, medicine and industry.