
What's the smell of the latest truffle?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The taste of truffle is very special, it is rich in protein, amino acid and other nutrients, and it is extremely demanding to the growth environment, and it can not be cultivated artificially, and the yield is rare, which makes it rare and expensive. Therefore, Europeans juxtaposed truffle with caviar and foie gras.

The taste of truffle is very special, rich in protein, amino acids and other nutrients, the requirements for the growth environment is extremely harsh, and can not be artificially cultivated, the yield is rare and expensive, so Europeans rank truffle with caviar and foie gras as "the three most precious dishes in the world". Let's take a look at what truffle tastes like.

What does truffle taste like?

The taste of truffles is very peculiar. The flavors of mushrooms, garlic, wet mud, honey, corn, bedbugs and rotten leaves have been used to describe the smell of truffles. It is also often said that they smell of musk, semen and unwashed bed sheets. Even professional perfumers describe the smell of gasoline mixed with the smell of garlic and rotten eggs, of course, the smell of fallen leaves accumulating and fermenting in some woods and wetlands. Mix a hint of yeast and honey. Everyone comes to a different conclusion about what it tastes like.

Nutritional value of truffle

Truffle is rich in protein, 18 kinds of amino acids (including 8 essential amino acids that cannot be synthesized by human body), unsaturated fatty acids, multivitamins, zinc, manganese, iron, calcium, phosphorus, selenium and other essential trace elements, as well as sphingolipids, cerebrosides, ceramides, triterpenes, androsterone, adenosine, truffle acid, sterols, truffle polysaccharides, truffle polypeptides and other metabolites, which have high nutrition and health care value. Among them, male ketone has the remarkable effect of aiding yang and regulating endocrine. Sphingolipids have obvious activities in preventing senile dementia, atherosclerosis and anti-tumor cytotoxicity. Polysaccharides, peptides and triterpenes can enhance immunity, anti-aging, anti-fatigue and other functions, and can be used for health care.

The eating method of truffle

1. Cream truffle soup

[raw material] 200 grams of truffle, 30 grams of butter, 100 grams of milk, 50 grams of flour, a little salt, a little chicken essence, a little white pepper, the right amount of chicken soup.

[practice] ① first wash and cut the truffle into thin slices, put into the blender, at the same time put in the milk, beat into a paste. Heat the ② pan, melt the butter, then reduce heat, add flour and stir-fry until fragrant. ③ will beat the truffle milk paste into the pot, mix well with the flour, add the right amount of chicken soup, salt, chicken essence. Boil the ④ over low heat for about half an hour.

2. Truffle black chicken soup

[materials] 15 grams of dry truffle, one black chicken, proper amount of ginger slices, refined salt and cooking wine.

[practice] wash the truffle with cold water, kill and wash the black chicken, cut it into pieces, put the truffle, black chicken, sliced ginger and cooking wine into the pot, add the right amount of water to boil, turn to low heat and simmer for 1 hour, remove the floating foam before starting the pot, and add refined salt.

3. Fried eggs with truffles

[materials] one or two truffles, three eggs, one spoonful of salt and one spoonful of chicken powder.

[practice] ① rinses the truffle slightly with clean water, takes it off quickly, and gently brushes off the truffle or dirt with a fine brush. Cut into thin slices, put the eggs into the mix and stir slightly, then put them in the freezer. It is recommended to leave it for at least 4 hours to let the flavor of truffle fully enter the egg liquid. ② put the truffle egg out of the refrigerator for 10 minutes, add the right amount of salt and chicken powder, stir evenly. Heat the ③ wok and pour in the vegetable oil. when the oil is 70% hot, pour the truffle egg into the frying pan and turn the frying pan slightly by hand to make the egg round. After the bottom of the egg is solidified, turn it quickly and fry the egg into golden circles on both sides. Cut into eight corners with a spatula and serve on a plate.

4. French truffle soup

[materials] 8 grams of truffle, 50 grams of wet flower gum, 100 grams of old chicken and 50 grams of red meat.

[practice] ① wash the flower gum first, soak it in cold water overnight, do not get fat. ② boils the old chicken and red meat in boiling water for a while and soaks them in cold water, the so-called "super-cold river". ③ use a food brush to clean the truffle skin and grind it into a fluffy shape. Set aside. ④ stews the spare flower gum, old chicken and red meat in a steamer for 4 hours. The flower gum is extremely gelatinous and easy to stick to the bottom. It should be checked frequently when cooking to prevent it from burning. ⑤ put matsutake into the stewed flower gum soup, add seasoning and serve.