
New connotation of agricultural modernization

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, [introduction] marketization, branding and informatization are the three core contents of agricultural modernization. The marketization of agricultural products solves the problems of market efficiency and farmers' income, and branding enhances consumers' trust in the value of products. Informationization is important to achieve these goals.

[introduction] marketization, branding and informatization are the three core contents of agricultural modernization. The marketization of agricultural products solves the problems of market efficiency and farmers' income, and branding enhances consumers' trust in the value of products. Informationization is an important way to achieve these goals.

In recent years, the marketization, branding and informationization of agriculture have made great progress, and under the new normal, marketization, branding and informationization have new connotations, which need us to re-recognize and position, and find new ways and means to promote development. See how Zhang synthetic, director of the Department of Market and Economic Information of the Ministry of Agriculture, interprets the new three modernizations.

Zhang synthetic is the director of the Department of Market and Economic Information of the Ministry of Agriculture.

Reporter: at the Central Rural work Conference held at the end of 2014, Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council made an important speech on speeding up agricultural modernization. In the new situation, what is the significance of marketization, informationization and brand construction to agricultural modernization?

Zhang synthetic, Director of the Department of Market and Economic Information of the Ministry of Agriculture:

China's economic growth is entering a new normal, and the growth rate, structural adjustment and macro-control policies all show new characteristics: the new normal of the growth rate, that is, the transformation of high-speed growth into the normalization of medium-to-high-speed growth; the new normal of structural adjustment, that is, the transformation of rapid and extensive development into the normalization of structural optimization development; the new normalization of macro policy, that is, the normalization of stable rather than stimulating policies. This is the scientific judgment and accurate decision made by the CPC Central Committee on the current situation of economic development under the situation that the growth rate of China's economy has slowed down after more than 30 years of rapid growth.

As far as agriculture is concerned, after the "eleventh consecutive increase" of grain production and the "eleven consecutive rapid growth" of farmers' income, various risks and structural contradictions are also accumulating, facing the realistic challenge of "adjusting the structure and changing the mode." how to scientifically and rationally judge the future development of agriculture is an urgent task. The prices of staple agricultural products are upside down at home and abroad, the profits of agricultural production are squeezed by the price "ceiling" and the cost "floor", and the traditional mode of income growth of agriculture and farmers and the previous government regulation and control policies are also faced with new difficulties. This is the new normal that China's agriculture is facing.

The concept of agricultural modernization is not immutable, but advancing with the times. In the fifties and sixties of the last century, agricultural modernization was summarized as mechanization, electrification, water conservancy and chemistry, all of which served agriculture itself, agricultural modernization in the traditional sense, or agricultural modernization in a narrow sense. The current agricultural modernization can not be judged by these alone, but by consumers from the heart to recognize, only consumers finally recognized, that is the real realization of modernization. To understand agricultural modernization under the new normal, we should understand it from three aspects: marketization, brand and informationization.

First of all, marketization is the soul of agricultural modernization. If agriculture does not have a market-oriented mechanism, invisible hands cannot play a decisive role, there is no supporting modern market system, there is no modern relationship between supply and demand, production depends on government arrangements, and growth depends on the government, then this kind of agriculture can only be regarded as planned agriculture and traditional agriculture. Why did the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee put the market decisive role in the first place? Because only the power from the market is the most fundamental driving force to promote agricultural modernization.

Modern agriculture is not determined by leadership or government, but based on the modern market system. It is an agriculture in which consumers can express their wishes through market choice. In my opinion, agricultural modernization without the soul of marketization is not agricultural modernization in the real sense.

Second, branding is the symbol of agricultural modernization. Prime Minister Li Keqiang is now the largest salesman in our country. What is he mainly promoting? high-speed rail. As a big country in agricultural production and consumption, one day the Prime Minister will also promote our agricultural products like high-speed rail. Minister of Agriculture Han Changfu has repeatedly stressed the need to "focus on building a number of agricultural standardized production bases and well-known brands of agricultural products."

Branding is a process of value enhancement and intangible assets. Its core is to establish a stable consumer group and form a stable market share. Branding has a veto effect on modern agriculture, brand symbolizes quality and represents the maturity of industrial development, so branding is the core symbol of agricultural modernization, agriculture without brand can not be regarded as modern agriculture.

Let's talk about the issue of brand creation here. I think there are four things to do well in brand creation. First of all, it is necessary to establish the idea that brand strategy is the national strategy. Brand strategy is the requirement of modern marketization, and the market competition of agricultural products has gradually changed from price competition and quality competition to brand competition. Therefore, we should speed up the construction of agricultural brand, carry out the research on agricultural brand strategy from the aspects of brand cultivation, support, publicity, supervision and protection, broaden the train of thought of agricultural brand development, and promote the implementation of agricultural brand strategy.

Secondly, establish a national agricultural brand catalogue system. Establish brand national catalogue, provincial catalogue and local catalogue, and take brand influence and brand value as the two core indicators. The index system of brand catalogue can be set by the government, but the score of brand influence and brand value is decided by consumers and can be realized through network evaluation.

Thirdly, establish a national public brand development system. Rely on the professional market of national agricultural products to promote national famous agricultural products by region, variety and level, and create regional public brand, product brand, enterprise brand and peasant household brand of agricultural products. Finally, cultivate and shape national brands. We will strive to cultivate and build brands of agricultural products that can represent our national characteristics, so that China's agricultural products can really go to the world.

Third, informationization is the commanding point of agricultural modernization. Modern agriculture contains two very important external elements, one is modern biotechnology, the other is modern information technology. Modernization is to combine these external elements with industry. Information technology is the representative of the most advanced technology in modern times. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "without informatization, there would be no modernization."

Agricultural informatization integrates Internet technology, intelligent equipment and agricultural industry to save cost and increase efficiency, save land, labor, water, pesticides and chemical fertilizers, improve labor productivity and increase farmers' income. therefore, agricultural informatization is the highest level of modern agriculture and the commanding height of modern agriculture. Only by realizing agricultural informatization can agricultural modernization be realized. At present, the comprehensive deepening of reform in China will bring huge institutional dividends for the development of agricultural informatization.

These are not contradictory to the modernization in the traditional sense. The traditional point of view is "modernization" in terms of production. We are now jumping out of this to talk about agricultural modernization and re-recognize and promote agricultural modernization in the context of the new normal.

Realizing the tight balance of agricultural products market is an important symbol of the success of agricultural market reform, the goal of the government's macro-control, and also a test of the government's ability to regulate and control.

Reporter: agricultural marketization reform has always been an important part of agricultural and rural reform. How do you evaluate the agricultural marketization process and marketization construction since the reform and opening up, and what should the government do in the marketization process?

Zhang synthetic: since the launch of the market-oriented reform in the 1980s, China has formed an agricultural market operation and management mechanism dominated by market regulation and supplemented by government regulation, which has played an important role in ensuring the effective supply of agricultural products and the smooth operation of the market. However, throughout the process of agricultural market-oriented reform over the past 30 years of reform and opening up, it can be said that it is "getting up early in the morning to catch up with the evening collection".

Agriculture is the earliest open field in our country, and the first contract of China's rural economic reform was signed in Xiaogang Village. Since then, the process of agricultural marketization in China has developed by leaps and bounds, the production mechanism of fresh agricultural products has been gradually activated, and the circulation and trading modes of agricultural products have been gradually diversified. a large market and large circulation pattern with the wholesale market as the main body has been initially formed.

Over the past 30 years of reform and opening up, the process of agricultural marketization is actually a "release" process, and we have released everything we can for the market of agricultural products. Now, in order to achieve modernization in the real sense, we must add the word "help". The third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee made it clear that the market should play a decisive role in the allocation of resources and give better play to the role of the government.

If the government wants to "help" well, the ways and methods of "help" should be constantly studied and improved. for example, at present, the state-run system is dominant in the purchase of grain and cotton, and the government has assumed the main responsibility for the purchase of grain and cotton. But in fact, it has created a tight warehouse and a heavy financial burden. So in the process of marketization, what kind of standard should be established to measure the success of the agricultural marketization system with Chinese characteristics?