
The latest course on planting techniques and methods of kale

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Kale is one of the specialty vegetables in China, also known as white kale, green leaf kale, kale, cover vegetable and so on. It is an annual herb of Cruciferae and Brassica. The vegetable moss is tender, crisp, sweet and delicious. It is eaten with fat and tender flowers and tender leaves.

Kale is one of the specialty vegetables in China, also known as white kale, green kale, kale, and so on. It is an annual herb of Cruciferae and Brassica. The vegetable moss is tender, crisp, sweet and delicious. It is eaten with fat and tender flowers and tender leaves. It has a long history of cultivation in our country. Let's take a look at the planting techniques of kale.

Planting conditions of kale

1. Temperature conditions: kale prefers mild climate, has strong heat tolerance, and its ability to withstand high temperature is the strongest among cabbage vegetables. The optimum temperature for seed germination and seedling growth was 25 ℃, and grew slowly when the temperature was below 20 ℃. The optimum temperature for leaf cluster growth and moss formation was 15 ℃, preferring a large temperature difference between day and night. The high temperature above 30 ℃ was disadvantageous to the development of vegetable moss, but grew slowly when the temperature was below 15 ℃. The varieties with different maturity had different requirements for temperature tolerance and flower bud differentiation.

2. Sunshine requirements: kale belongs to long-day crops, but the existing varieties do not have strict requirements for the duration of sunshine, and their whole growth and development process needs good light and is not shade-tolerant.

3. Water conditions: kale prefers moist soil environment, and the maximum soil water holding capacity is 80% to 90%. It is not resistant to drought and waterlogging tolerance is slightly stronger than other cabbage vegetables, but excessive soil moisture or stagnant water in the field will affect root growth.

4. Soil nutrition: kale has a wide adaptability to soil, but it is suitable for loam and sandy loam. The absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium was the most in potassium and the least in phosphorus, and the ratio of N, P and K was 5.2 to 5.4. The amount of fertilizer absorbed was less in the seedling stage, the growth was slow, and the fertilizer absorption was the most in the stage of vegetable moss formation. The absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is different in different growth stages, so emphasis should be placed on the application of organic fertilizer and proper topdressing.

Seedling raising techniques of kale

1. Sowing time: planting in Beijing can basically be supplied year-round. Early maturing varieties such as willow leaf and kale were cultivated in the open field to ensure the supply from June to October. When sowing from September to March of the second year, middle and late maturing varieties such as flowers and middle and late mustard can be selected for protected cultivation to ensure the supply from November to May of the second year. It should be noted that July to September is the high temperature and rainy season in Beijing, so it should be planted in cool places.

2. Sowing method: kale can be used for direct seeding or seedling transplanting, Beijing area multi-purpose seedling transplanting, need to use 75g 100g per mu. The nursery land should choose sandy loam or loam with convenient drainage and irrigation, preferably the previous crop is not cruciferous vegetables. When preparing the soil, we should apply more rotten organic fertilizer and sow seeds by sowing.

3. Seedling management: always keep the seedling border moist, apply quick-acting fertilizer 2-3 times at seedling stage, sow appropriate amount, pay attention to inter-seedlings, and prevent seedlings from growing into thin seedlings. The seedling age of 25-35 days can reach 5 true leaves. The seedling time is generally carried out after the appearance of two true leaves. Choose young and strong seedlings with good growth, sturdy stems and large leaf area, not young and old seedlings.

Planting techniques of kale

1. Soil preparation and fertilization: kale planting chooses loam soil with fertilizer and water conservation, fine soil preparation, applying basic fertilizer rotten pig manure, compost 3000kg to 4000kg per mu, superphosphate 25kg, turning into the soil to mix evenly, ploughing flat, and fine soil particles. The bed is generally a flat bed, but it should be a small high bed when cultivated in summer.

2. Planting methods: open field cultivation of kale should be carried out in the afternoon, and protected cultivation should be carried out in the morning. After the planting date is determined, pour a permeable water on the seedling bed the afternoon before planting, so that the seedlings can be dug the next day. On the day of planting, the seedlings were dug up, then transported to the planting plot, and planted according to a certain distance between rows and plants.

3. Planting density: the row-plant spacing of early-maturing, middle-maturing and late-maturing species is 25 cm × 20 cm, 30 cm × 22 cm and 30 cm × 30 cm, respectively. Planting seedlings should not be deep, with seedling tuo soil surface and border surface planted flat or slightly lower than 1 cm. After the seedlings are planted, they are immediately watered to restore their growth.

4. Watering and fertilization: watering seedlings in time according to the temperature and humidity at that time, watering properly during the growth period of leaf clusters after slowing seedlings, entering the period of vegetable moss formation and harvest, it is necessary to increase watering times and often keep the soil moist. Equal emphasis should be placed on base fertilizer and topdressing, and topdressing should be applied with water. Generally, a small amount of nitrogen fertilizer or chicken manure should be applied 3-4 days after slow seedling, and appropriate quick-acting fertilizer or human manure should be applied when budding and bolting. In order to promote the growth of lateral moss after the main moss is harvested, topdressing should be applied for 2 or 3 times.

5. Cultivating soil in middle ploughing: kale grows slowly in the early stage, and weeds are easy to grow between plants and rows, so it is necessary to carry out intertillage and weeding in time. With the growth of the plant, the stem changes from thin to thick, the base is thinner, the upper part is larger, forming top-heavy light, to combine with mid-tillage to cultivate soil and fertilize, it is best to apply 1000-2000 kg organic fertilizer per mu.

6. pest control: the disease of kale is less, and black rot is more common, which is a bacterial disease, which is easy to occur at high temperature and humidity. The control method is to select disease-resistant varieties, avoid continuous cropping with cruciferous vegetables, remove diseased seedlings in time, and spray fungicides such as chlorothalonil as soon as disease spots are found. In addition, downy mildew is easy to occur in leaves, stems and pedicels when the temperature is low and the humidity is high in greenhouse.

7. Timely harvest: when the stem of kale grows to be level with or close to the height of the top of the leaf (commonly known as Qikouhua), it is a suitable harvest time, and the harvest height is 15cm to 25cm. In order to maintain a better commodity, it is appropriate to harvest in the early morning and arrange the packaging.