
How do you plant the latest mustard seeds?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Mustard is usually propagated by sowing method, and there are two kinds of artificial cultivation: open field cultivation and protected field cultivation. Open field cultivation can be carried out in spring and autumn in the Yangtze River and Huang-Huai areas, generally mainly in autumn, and can be sowed one after another from late July to October and harvested from mid-September to March of the following year.

Mustard is usually propagated by seeding method, artificial cultivation has two kinds of open field cultivation and protected cultivation, open field cultivation in the Yangtze River, Huanghuai area spring and autumn can be carried out, generally autumn sowing mainly, from late July to October can be sown one after another, mid-September to the end of the harvest in March of the following year, but the highest yield sown in August, let's take a look at how mustard seeds are planted!

seed selection

Mustard lump seeds to orange color, bright color for the best, seed purchase should first be selected, in addition to cleaning mixed impurities, but also should select full seed, because mustard lump seeds are small, generally through washing to select, that is, seeds immersed in water and constantly stirred, remove the grain and debris, submerged in the bottom of the water for full seed.

sun-seed disinfection

After the mustard seeds are selected by water, they are immediately spread out and exposed to the sun to reduce the water content in their bodies. They are also stirred from time to time to allow all seeds to be evenly baptized by sunlight, promote the transformation of substances inside them, end dormancy, improve germination rate, and have more consistent emergence. Disinfection: Soak seeds in disinfectant solution such as multi-bacteria record for 5~10 minutes, stir continuously, and let seeds fully contact the liquid medicine to kill the bacteria.

seed soaking pregermination

Mustard seeds absorb enough water is conducive to the transformation of internal substances and seed coat softening to promote germination. As for soaking in wet water for 3~4 hours, comprehensive foliar fertilizer can be added to allow it to absorb nutrients to increase germination rate and promote strong seedlings. The germination of seeds should have temperature in addition to air moisture, so the seeds after soaking should be kept at 25~30℃ and in the environment to ensure early germination and uniform germination, so as to promote the management of seedling stage.

seeding technology

Mustard is cultivated in late February in spring, early July to late August in summer, and early September to early October in autumn. The sowing rate per mu is 1.5~2 kg for spring sowing, 3~4 kg for summer sowing and 2~3 kg for autumn sowing. Usually spread, but try to be even, after sowing, gently step on the surface of the bed with your feet, so that the seeds and soil are in close contact, so that the seeds can absorb water and emerge early. In summer and autumn sowing can be 1~2 days before soil preparation, soil preparation after wetting.

juvenile management

Mustard seedling stage management is to ensure timely emergence of seedlings, seedlings neat and uniform stem thick, green leaves strong, so the main work is to keep warm and moist, but not too wet, so as not to lack air easy to rot seeds. There is also a job is to pay attention to aphid prevention, in order to reduce the infection of bacteria, from emergence to 2~3 true leaves during this period should spray 1~2 times foliar fertilizer to promote seedlings strong seedlings, then seedling growth accelerated, should be timely thinning, keep seedling spacing 4~5 cm free leaves from sunlight to form Shangjiao seedlings, until the seedlings are 14~16 cm, with 5~6 true leaves can be planted.