
How to preserve the latest dry bacilli?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Ganba is a rare wild edible fungus peculiar to Yunnan and Hubei provinces. It grows among pine trees in the mountains of central and western Yunnan and northwest Hubei, and is rich in vitamins, high-quality protein and other ingredients that are beneficial to the human body.

Ganba is a rare wild edible fungus peculiar to Yunnan and Hubei provinces. It grows among pine trees in the mountains of central and western Yunnan and northwest Hubei. It is rich in vitamins, high-quality protein and other ingredients beneficial to the human body. It is rich in nutrition and unique in flavor. Let's take a look at how to preserve it.

How to preserve dry bacilli?

1. After the fresh Yunnan dry bacilli are bought, as long as they are relatively dry, they can be preserved for a long time, remove the soil and weeds clean, keep the dry amount in the fresh-keeping bag, store them in the frozen layer of the refrigerator, remove them naturally before eating, and clean them with clean water.

2. Peel off the soil crust from the root of the fresh dried parasite, sort it into strips of basically the same size, wash it with clean water and soak it in salt water for 5 days, then rinse it with clean water and put it into an impervious container, add the fresh-keeping solution and soak it. The fresh-keeping solution is weighed as salt according to 10% of the total weight of dry parasite, sodium benzoate and sodium pyrosulfite in 1 ~ 4 ‰, and dissolved in water. The liquid level should be slightly higher than the dry bacillus stack surface, and then the container mouth should be closed to isolate the air and keep sanitary. After soaking for one month, the package can be taken out as a product with a shelf life of more than 10 months.

How to clean dry bacilli?

1. The solid body of dry bacillus is mixed with rotten grass, loose hair and sand, which must be carefully cleaned. The dried bacteria bought home should follow its texture, tear it into the shape of melon seeds, and remove the sundries inside while tearing.

2. If dry bacilli have loose hairs, first clean the loose hairs growing inside them, and then gently scrape off the surface layer of the roots with a knife. Cut off the soil, pick up the impurities, wash the sand one by one with a brown brush, further remove the sawdust and weeds sandwiched in the bacteria, tear and pick them, and then pinch and wash them with clean water several times.

Dry bacillus is suitable for the population.

1. Ganba is suitable for obese people to eat: Ganba has the characteristics of low fat, low cholesterol and low calories, so it is a natural weight loss food, especially suitable for obese people or people who lose weight.

2. Ganba is suitable for women to eat: Ganba contains antioxidant substances, and antioxidants can remove free radicals in the human body, so it has the effect of delaying aging.

3. Dry bacillus is suitable for cancer patients: although the substance contained in dry bacillus has no direct killing effect on cancer cells, it can stimulate the formation of antibodies, regulate the internal defense strength of the body and promote the transformation of lymphoid tissue. Therefore, it can inhibit the growth and spread of cancer cells.

4. Ganba is suitable for people with anemia: it has a high content of iron and can supplement the iron lost by women due to blood. It is also one of the best foods for patients with iron deficiency anemia. Regular consumption of dry bacilli can effectively avoid symptoms such as pale skin, dry skin and unglamorous complexion, but also can make eyes bright and hair black and shiny.

The common practice of dry bacilli at home

1. Dried bacillus of green pepper

[materials] 200 grams of fresh dried bacillus, 80 grams of green pepper, 10 grams of spicy millet, 15 grams of chicken oil, 15 grams of lard, 15 grams of salt, 1 gram of monosodium glutamate and 1 gram of chicken essence.

[practice] ① first tear up the dried bacillus, transfer it into the flour and wash it, then stir-dry the water in the pan, dice the green pepper and cut up the millet spicy. Heat the ② wok, add lard and chicken oil, stir-fry with dried parsley and stir-fry with green peppers, season and serve.

2. Fried bacon with dried bacon

[materials] cured meat, dried bacillus, spring onions, ginger, garlic, dried chili, Douchi, abalone juice.

[practice] ① dry bacillus is washed with salt water and should be washed several times. Cut the ② bacon. ③ burn oil, add ingredients, and stir-fry until fragrant. ④ add bacon to continue to stir-fry oil, mine is relatively thin, the time is shorter. Add ⑤ and dry bacillus and continue to stir-fry. Add a little salt, soy sauce and abalone juice. ⑥ into a plate, sprinkle with chopped onions and finish.

3. Fried dried bacillus with shredded chicken

[materials] 350 grams of fresh dried bacillus, 100 grams of tender chicken breast, 6 grams of refined salt, 4 grams of monosodium glutamate, 2 grams of pepper, half of egg white, 10 grams of starch, 5 grams of sesame oil.

[practice] ① dry bacilli remove roots and weeds, tear them into strips and put them into the basin, pinch them thoroughly with a little water, rinse repeatedly, rinse away the sediment, squeeze out the water and put it into the basin. Rinse ② tender chicken breast, cut it into thin shreds, bleach it into clean water, squeeze it dry and fill it into a bowl. Add some refined salt, monosodium glutamate, starch, pepper and egg white to mix well and pinch thoroughly. Place the ③ wok on medium heat and fill the hot pan with salad oil. When the oil is 30% hot, pour the shredded chicken into a slippery and cooked spoon, then slowly stir-fry the dried bacteria. ④ stir-fry and sprinkle with a little oil, add the remaining salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper and mix well, then pour in the shredded chicken, sprinkle with sesame oil, turn the pan a few times, and serve.