
The latest course on planting techniques of Auricularia auricula

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Auricularia auricula, also known as bean curd, carmine, Gracilaria, etc., is an annual twining herb of the sunflower family, which is less cultivated and has always been listed as a rare vegetable. It is fed with seedlings, tender stems and tender leaf shoots, and tastes fresh and soft. Can be fried, hot, cold

Auricularia auricula, also known as bean curd, carmine, Gracilaria, etc., is an annual twining herb of the sunflower family, with less cultivation, and has been listed as a rare vegetable. It is fed with seedlings, tender stems and tender leaf buds, and the taste is fresh and soft. It can be fried, hot, cold, fragrant, crisp and refreshing, like Auricularia auricula, with a unique flavor. Let's take a look at the planting technology of Auricularia auricula.

Growth habits of Auricularia auricula

Auricularia auricula is produced in tropical Asia, which is planted in the north and south of China, and wild in the south. Resistant to high temperature and humidity, it generally grows in loose and fertile sandy loam. Generally, the optimum temperature for seed germination is about 25 ℃, and the optimum temperature for plant growth is 25-30 ℃. Soil moisture is needed in the whole growth period. Some varieties have strict requirements for high temperature and short days, while most varieties have lax requirements for sunshine. Born in areas below 2000 meters above sea level.

Cultivated varieties of Auricularia auricula

1. Red sunflower: red sunflower is also known as red leaf sunflower, red stem sunflower, lilac to pink stem, dark green leaf, purplish red near vein and margin. The leaf is oval to nearly round, the leaf shape is small, the length and width are about 6 cm, and the pedicel of spike is 3-4.5 cm long, which is native to India, Myanmar and other places.

2. Green stem sunflower: green stem sunflower is a variety of red stem sunflower, except the stem is green, the leaf is dark green, the leaf vein and leaf margin are purple. The leaf blade is ovoid to suborbicular, the leaf shape is small, the length and width are about 6 cm, and the pedicel of spike is 3-4.5 cm long.

3, leaf sunflower: leaf sunflower is also called big leaf sunflower, the stem is green, the leaf is dark green, the top is sharp. The leaf is heart-shaped, the petiole is concave, the leaf type is wide, 15 cm long, the leaf width is 8 cm 12 cm, the spike, the pedicel is 8 cm 14 cm long, originated in the south of China.

4. White flower sunflower: White sunflower is also called white sunflower, fine leaf sunflower, stem light green, leaf green, leaf oval to long oval lanceolate, base round or acuminate, tip pointed or micro-acute, edge tip wavy, leaf is small, average length 2.5 cm, width 1.5 cm, cultivation is very few.

Propagation techniques of Auricularia auricula

1. Sowing time: Auricularia auricula can generally be sowed and cultivated in the open field when the temperature is above 20 ℃. Auricularia auricula vegetables mainly harvesting tender stems and leaves enter the harvest time about 50 days after sowing, and generally sow in April and can be harvested in June.

2. Soil preparation and fertilization: Auricularia auricula vegetables should be prepared and fertilized before sowing, about 5000 kg of mature and high-quality crude fertilizer should be applied per mu, and the bed should be ploughed and turned after spreading, with a width of 1-1.2 meters. When sowing in spring, in order to increase the ground temperature, plastic film mulching can be used to bake the ground one week before sowing. The seeds can only be sown when the local temperature is more than 15 ℃.

3. Soaking seeds to promote sprouting: the seed shell of Auricularia auricula is thick and hard, so you should soak the seeds before sowing. The seeds can be soaked in 50 ℃ water for 30 minutes, then soaked in warm water of 28 ℃ for 6 hours, scrubbed clean, moisturized and germinated at 30 ℃. When the seeds are white, they can be sown.

4. Sowing method

① strip sowing: strip sowing can first be ditched in the border, with a depth of 2 cm to 3 cm, a width of 10 cm to 15 cm, and a distance of 20 cm. After sowing, hold the border flat, after a little suppression, water according to the border, so that the water can wet the surface of the border.

② sowing: sowing can first pour the bottom water according to the border, then sprinkle 0.5cm thick fine soil after the water seeps, then sow, and then cover 1.52cm thick fine soil after sowing, then cover with plastic film to keep warm and moisturizing. Generally, seedlings can emerge after 3-5 days.

Planting techniques of Auricularia auricula

The main results are as follows: 1. The planting of Auricularia auricula is that the row spacing of feeding leaves is 40 cm, the plant spacing is 30 cm, and there are 5 plants per hole, while the row spacing of feeding tender shoots is 15 cm × 30 cm, and there are 3 plants per hole.

2. Water and fertilizer management: Auricularia auricula should keep the soil moist and watered at the right time after emergence. Timely pursuit of human feces and urine after each harvest, 50 kg per mu, or 10 kg of urea, drainage and waterlogging prevention should be timely in the rainy season.

3. Timely harvest

① shoot: when the seedling height is 30cm and 35cm, the harvest shoot leaves 3 leaves and 4 leaves. After that, two strong and exuberant lateral buds are selected to form the shoot, and the rest are picked. After 2 shoots were harvested, 2 or 4 strong lateral buds were left to form shoots, and the rest were removed. In the peak growth period, 5-8 strong lateral buds can be selected to form shoots. Buds should be picked at any time in the middle and later stages. At the end of harvest, 1 or 2 strong lateral buds can be left to form shoots.

② leaves: harvest leaves should be planted on the vine, but also choose to leave backbone vines, generally choose the base of strong lateral buds into vines. When the backbone vine grows to the top of the frame, pick the heart, and then leave strong lateral buds from the base of the backbone vine to form a vine. At 40-50 days after sowing, tender leaves are generally harvested every 15-20 days, 10-15 days in the middle growth stage and 10-17 days in the later stage.

4. Disease and pest control

① brown spot: Brown spot mainly harms the leaves, the injured leaves have water-red water-stained dots at the beginning, then gradually expand, the middle becomes grayish white to brown, the close edge is dark purple-brown, thin but not easy to perforate, causing early withering of the leaves in serious cases. The methods of control are rotation, deep ploughing and chemical control. The seeds were treated with 100-fold formalin solution for 30 minutes to 1 hour to be sterilized. At the initial stage of the disease, 65% zinc 600-fold solution was sprayed 2 times every 7 to 10 days, and during the peak growth period of high temperature, it was protected by a Bordeaux spray of 100 times (or 300) Bordeaux solution.

② purple spot disease: sunflower purple spot damage leaves, the edge of the diseased leaf has purple round chloasma, the middle of the disease spot is thin, easy to perforate, snake-like eyes, serious purple spots covered with leaves. Prevention and control is to strengthen field management, timely prevention and drainage, spray 75% Chlorothalonil wettable powder 800x liquid or 50% Shukeling wettable powder 1800 times liquid, in order to improve plant disease resistance, can increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizer.

③ Botrytis cinerea: Botrytis cinerea harms leaves and stems. Diseased leaves have water-soaked spots, which gradually develop so that the leaves wilt and rot, and there are gray molds. If the stem is infected, there are light green spots in the shape of water stains, and the diseased stems are easy to fold and rot and give birth to gray mold. Prevention and control is to strengthen field management, apply more high-quality crude fertilizer, strengthen ploughing and loosening soil, buckle plastic film or support small arch shed, strengthen heat preservation and prevent high humidity. At the initial stage of the disease, 5% chlorothalonil dust can be sprayed in the shed, or 5% Sukeling wettable powder 1200-1400 times.