
The latest course of soilless cultivation techniques of Chinese chive

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Under the condition of suitable temperature, humidity and darkness, the leek root can produce leek plant with good taste, light yellow color and little cellulose under the condition of not forming chlorophyll. Industrial soilless cultivation of leek can save space.

Make the leek root in the suitable temperature, humidity and dark conditions, in the case of not forming chlorophyll, produce leek plants that are fat and tender and delicious, good taste, light yellow color and very little cellulose. Industrial soilless cultivation of leek can save space, reduce diseases and insect pests, and improve production efficiency. Let's take a look at the soilless cultivation technology of chive yellow.

Cultivation facilities

1. The sites for factory production of softened vegetables such as chives are generally in solar greenhouses, plastic greenhouses, large warehouses, etc., but no matter what facilities are used, the outer layer must be shrouded with opaque covers, and the outer layers of solar greenhouses and plastic sheds must be covered with black plastic film. the doors and windows of warehouses and houses are covered with opaque curtains, and the production is carried out under no light conditions.

2. The cultivation environment needs certain temperature conditions. for annual production, heating facilities such as air stove, heating and electric heating should be set up in winter facilities. In summer, electric ventilation should be forced to cool down to maintain suitable temperature conditions. Automatic sprinkler irrigation facilities should be installed to regularly supply water for growth and development. In order to make full use of space, planting racks are built in the facility.

3. The cultivation frame is welded with angle steel, 1.5 cm high, 50 cm wide and 1 cm 1.5 m long. it is divided into 5 layers, each with a height of 40 cm and 50 cm. The cultivation frame is arranged in the facility, leaving a pedestrian walkway between the shelves. 4'5 layers of cultivation boxes are placed on the cultivation rack.

4. The cultivation box is an open box made of plastic, which is 20cm high, 40cm wide and 50cm 60cm long. There is a hole in the bottom of the box to drain water. Put light substrates such as peat, vermiculite or perlite 10 to 15 centimeters thick in the planting box.

Root plant culture

1. Root plant: when the root plant is cultivated in the open field, the 2-year-old strong root plant is generally selected, and the green leek is only harvested in the open field, so that the root plant accumulates more nutrients, which is beneficial to improve the yield of leek.

2. Fertilization: when the leek is not harvested, the rotten human feces and urine should be re-applied once, and a small amount of urea should be added as the base fertilizer to fertilize the root plant.

3. Planting: the leek root plant is planted in the cultivation box, and the substrate is installed in the cultivation box. Water the plant after planting, and put the planting box on the cultivation rack.

4. Watering: after planting the leek root, shade the light immediately in the facility and keep the temperature about 20 ℃ during the day and 15 ℃ at night. Watering once every 5 days to keep the substrate moist.

5. Nutrition: the leek root can be irrigated once every 10-15 days after emergence, and the nutrient solution is 0.2-0.3% compound fertilizer solution or 0.3% urea solution.

6. Harvest: after the leek root is planted, it can be harvested and listed one after another after 20-30 days, and the leek is generally harvested.

Pest control

1. Botrytis cinerea: Botrytis cinerea is mainly harmful to leaves. When a small number of plants are found to be diseased, it should be sprayed with 1000 times of 50% promethazol or 50% propofol, or it can be controlled with 50% carbendazim wettable powder.

2. Epidemic disease: the epidemic disease can harm roots, stems and leaves, and the more serious the disease is when the humidity is high. If it is found that 50% nail cream copper 600 times solution or 64% poison alum 400 times solution should be sprayed every 7-8 days, it is better to spray 2-3 days.

3. Verticillium wilt: Verticillium wilt can harm leaves, yellowing and sagging leaves, gradually dying, and spraying with 50% carbendazim 500 times or 70% mancozeb 500 times solution.

4. Leek maggots: ground spraying is used to control leek maggots, that is, 2.5% trichlorfon powder is applied along the ridge, 22.6kg per mu, or 1000 times of phoxim EC from 9 am to 11:00 during the peak period of adults.

5. Leaf miner: from the peak spawning period to the early stage of larval incubation, the leaf miner should be sprayed with 75% cypermethrin 5000-7000 times, or 2.5% deltamethrin, 20% fenvalerate or other pyrethroid pesticides 1500-2000 times.

6. Thrips: in the peak stage of larval occurrence, thrips were sprayed with 1000 times of phoxim, 4000 times of imidacloprid, 3000 times of pyrimidine, or 15002500 times of pyrethroids such as 2.5% deltamethrin.