
The latest course on planting techniques and methods of rape and wheat

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Rapeseed is a pointed leaf lettuce with tender shoots and leaves as its products. it has strong adaptability and cool climate, but it can be produced all the year round through measures such as winter heat preservation and summer shading. Greenhouse cultivation in autumn and winter lasts only 40 days from planting to harvest, and the yield per mu can reach.

Rapeseed is a pointed leaf lettuce with tender shoots and tender leaves as its products, with strong adaptability and cool climate, but it can be produced all year round through measures such as winter heat preservation and summer shading. It takes only 40 to 45 days from planting to harvest in greenhouse in autumn and winter. The yield per mu can reach more than 3000 kg, and the planting benefit is quite good. Let's take a look at the planting technology of rape.

Growth habits of Brassica napus

The condition of rape seed germination is not high, generally, it can germinate smoothly when the temperature is above 4 ℃. If the temperature is between 15-20 ℃, it only takes 3-4 days for rape seeds to germinate. If the temperature exceeds 30 ℃, rape seeds will not germinate. The most suitable temperature for rape seedling stage is 12-20 ℃. If the temperature exceeds 24 ℃ during the day and 19 ℃ at night, it is easy to cause immature bolting of rape.

Cultivation cycle of Brassica napus

The main results are as follows: 1. Spring sowing from January to March, two rows are built in the standard greenhouse, one ditch is opened in the middle, the bed is deeply turned over, the bottom water is watered, the seeds are sown in the border, the seeds are covered with mud, and the plastic film is spread to cover the seeds. Generally, the seedlings emerge in 10-15 days, and the seedlings are longer in rainy and cold time. Remove the plastic film after the seedlings, ventilate and ventilate, prevent high temperature injury during the day and frost injury at night.

2. Sowing in summer from April to June to raise seedlings in the open field, select high potential land, 2 meters continuous ditch, deeply turn and apply rotten stable fertilizer, build the border and level off. Soak the seeds for 3 hours, wait for the seeds to dry before sowing. Pour enough bottom water on the seedling bed, spread the seeds on the border surface, cover the seed mud, pour enough water, in case of high temperature and drought, cover the border with sunshade net, uncover the net sooner or later after finishing the seedlings, the fertilizer and water of the seedling bed should be moderate and should not be too dry.

3. Sowing seedlings in the shed from July to September in autumn, rape seedlings should be soaked and germinated. The method is to wrap the seeds in gauze and soak them in water for 3 hours and 4 hours, then take them out and put them in the refrigerator for 10 hours and 15 hours. 75% of the seeds can be sprouted. Autumn sowing seedlings had better use a small arch shed or greenhouse, pay attention to soil moisture after emergence, should not be too dry and wet and pull out weeds in time to ensure smooth drainage.

Seedling raising techniques of Brassica napus

1. Seed treatment: rape seedlings should be soaked and germinated, the seeds were wrapped in gauze and soaked in cold water for about 1 hour, then picked up and placed in 1520 ℃ or in household refrigerator freezer for 2 or 3 days, the seeds were exposed and sowed.

2. Nursery bed preparation: the nursery bed selects plots with high dryness and strong ability of water and fertilizer conservation, which have not been hit with long residual herbicides such as Pushter and Dousulfuron in the previous crop, and apply more organic fertilizer, with a seedbed of 15 square meters per mu of cultivated field.

3. Sowing at the right time: when sowing, mix the seeds with an appropriate amount of fine sand, separate the seeds, and then sow the seedlings, do not sow densely to prevent the seedlings from growing, cover the seeds with 0.5 cm thick mixed with phoxim, and build a shed to protect them from the sun and rain.

4. Seedling management: when the seedlings of rape grow two true leaves, the transplanting density is 6 × 6 cm. Rape seedbed should be kept moist and sunshaded at noon. At the same time, rape should pay attention to pest control at seedling stage.

Planting management of rapeseed

1. Land preparation and border preparation: before planting, rape applies 3,500-4000 kg of rotten organic fertilizer, 20-25 kg of phosphate fertilizer, 40-50 kg of nitrogen fertilizer, 10-15 kg of potash fertilizer, 1-1.5 meters wide, 10 × 10-15 cm per mu, and planting 40-50,000 plants per mu.

2. Intermediate ploughing and weeding: after planting slow seedlings of oil and wheat vegetables, apply a small amount of available nitrogen fertilizer for 1 to 2 times combined with watering, generally applying 5 kg urea or ammonium sulfate per mu to promote the growth and growth of the plants. in the future, the soil should be kept moist and weeded in time.

3. Timely buckle the shed: rape is a fast-growing leafy vegetable, and the suitable growth temperature is 18-25 ℃. When the night temperature is lower than 12 ℃, the shed should be buckled. After buckling the shed, the temperature and relative humidity in the shed should be adjusted in time. Generally, the relative temperature in the greenhouse should be less than 90%.

4. Reasonable topdressing: wheat and vegetable cultivation should be kept clean and hygienic, and 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate and urea solution should be used for foliar spraying for 3 times in the early and middle stages of growth. During the whole growing period, topdressing 2-3 times, applying 5-10 kg of urea or 10 kg of ammonium sulfate per mu.

5. Pest control: the main pests of rape are aphids, which can be sprayed with 800 times of 40% dimethoate EC. The main diseases are downy mildew and soft rot, which are controlled by 300 × 500 times of 70% mancozeb wettable powder and 0.02% agricultural streptomycin spray respectively.

6. Timely harvest: when the number of leaves of rape reaches 30 to 34, the plant height is 45 to 48 centimeters, and the degree of expansion is 60 to 69 centimeters, it can be harvested at a time of 2 to 3 centimeters from the ground. after harvest, the old and diseased leaves can be removed and supplied to the winter market in time.