
Speed up the construction of modern animal husbandry industry system

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, As China's economy has entered a new normal, animal husbandry has undergone many new changes in the form of consumption, mode of production, restrictive factors, economic benefits and so on. How to adapt to these new changes and take the initiative to meet the new challenges facing the development of animal husbandry under the new normal is the future work.

As China's economy has entered a new normal, animal husbandry has undergone many new changes in the form of consumption, mode of production, restrictive factors, economic benefits and so on. How to adapt to these new changes and actively meet the new challenges facing the development of animal husbandry under the new normal is the top priority of the future work. As the main production area of animal products in Jiangsu Province, Huai'an has the necessary and conditions to take the lead in seizing the opportunity of animal husbandry development under the new normal, pay attention to scientific and technological innovation, promote the transformation and upgrading of animal husbandry, and speed up the construction of modern animal husbandry.

Focus on the construction of large-scale animal husbandry, innovate and change the mode of production of animal husbandry

The first is to consolidate the dominant industries. Stabilize the two dominant industries of pigs and poultry, and pay attention to the transformation from "quantity improvement" to "quantity and quality improvement". The proportion of large and medium-sized pig farming reached 65% in the whole year, and reached 80% in 2020. The poultry industry should actively respond to the impact of H7N9 virus on the poultry industry, expand the proportion of fast and large broilers suitable for listing, and optimize the internal structure of the poultry industry. The second is to develop the characteristic livestock and poultry industry. The mutton sheep industry should expand the breeding scale of high-quality breeds such as Hu sheep and Bo hybrid sheep, and increase the total production of mutton sheep. The dairy industry should actively cope with the fluctuations in the development of the dairy industry, coordinate and help free-range dairy farmers and dairy enterprises to establish an interest linkage mechanism, and maintain the sustained and healthy development of the dairy industry. Third, efforts should be made to promote standardized ecological and healthy farming. The establishment of standardization demonstration of livestock and poultry of the Ministry of Agriculture and the demonstration of animal husbandry ecological health breeding in the whole province will be carried out, with emphasis on the prevention and comprehensive utilization of manure pollution in large-scale livestock and poultry farms. Focus on the demonstration farm, organize and carry out various forms of demonstration and promotion activities to promote the city's livestock and poultry breeding industry to raise the level of standardized production.

Innovate and cultivate the main body of animal husbandry around the construction of modern industrial system

We will further innovate the production and management mechanism of animal husbandry and gradually establish a modern animal husbandry industry system. Comply with market changes and the current situation of industrial development, subdivide business entities, and gradually form multi-level and multi-directional business entities such as large professional households, family farms, professional cooperatives, leading enterprises, and so on. First, actively develop family farms. Give full play to the leading role of leading enterprises, through "companies + farmers" and other forms to drive moderate-scale farmers to develop family farms. Take Huai'an Wen's Company as the leader, carry out the "company + family farm" model, implement "unified provision of seedlings, unified provision of feed, unified provision of technical services, unified provision of veterinary drug vaccines, product insurance and recycling", drive farmers to develop family farms. The second is to speed up the cultivation of the leading body of aquaculture. Do a good job in the service work of leading enterprises such as Nanjing Dairy Group and Jiangsu Kangyuan Mude, and strive to achieve the goal of "taking root and blooming everywhere". Relying on Taiwan's Mude Biology Company, two pig breeding farms have been built in Huaian District and Xuyi County, driving farmers around Lianshui, Hongze and Xuyi to carry out contract pig farming, with an annual production of more than 200000 pigs. The third is to encourage the development of diversified business entities. Encourage leading enterprises and cooperative organizations to extend from aquaculture to upstream and downstream industries. Actively guide farmers to dock with processing enterprises and markets, vigorously develop intensive processing of animal husbandry products, and encourage the development of the whole industry chain of production, processing and sales. We will actively develop new trading forms such as electronic trading of livestock products, futures trading and online shopping.

Innovate and implement the improved breed project of livestock and poultry around the construction of modern seed industry

We will expand and strengthen breeding farms such as Huai'an Wen's breeding Poultry Farm, Taiwan Mu de Huai'an Pig breeding Farm, Huaiyin breeding Pig Farm, and Tyson Meat breeding Chicken Farm, and speed up the construction of a new type of modern livestock and poultry breeding enterprise with industry as the leading factor, enterprise as the main body, base as support, and industry-university-research integration. Focus on speeding up the industrial development of Huaian black pig. Efforts should be made to enlarge the brand effect of Huaian black pig, continue to organize the breeding of Huaian black pig strain, and study the feed nutrition standard and feeding management standard suitable for Huaian black pig. Set up Huaian Black Pig Industry Group, integrate existing development enterprises, unify the name of Huaian black pork store, and unify licensing and standard management. To explore the construction of somatic cell and semen bank of local pig breeds in China in conjunction with Huai'an Research Institute of Nanjing Agricultural University. Speed up the promotion of a number of practical main push techniques, such as ecological and efficient breeding of livestock and poultry, cage breeding of egg ducks, breeding of geese in four seasons, high-bed feeding of mutton sheep, determination of DHI in dairy cows and feeding of TMR mixed diets.

Focus on improving the construction of animal epidemic prevention system and strengthening the quality supervision of animal products

First, speed up the management of the slaughtering industry. In the light of local reality and adhering to the principle of unity of functions, institutions, staffing and post responsibilities, an administrative organization for livestock and poultry slaughtering shall be established in the agricultural departments of cities and counties (districts), which shall be specifically responsible for the management of livestock and poultry slaughtering in the area under their jurisdiction. In accordance with the requirements of optimizing layout, transformation and upgrading, standardizing operation, and strengthening supervision, we should constantly enhance the supervision capacity of livestock and poultry slaughtering, speed up the establishment of a meat quality and safety guarantee system, and strive to ensure that major quality and safety incidents do not occur in livestock and poultry slaughtering. The second is to speed up the construction of a harmless treatment system for sick and dead animals. The harmless treatment of diseased pigs in the slaughtering process is regarded as an important part of the special regulation of pig slaughtering to prevent sick and dead pigs from entering the slaughterhouse and diseased meat from flowing to the dining table. Xuyi County harmless treatment of sick and dead livestock and poultry should be put into production as soon as possible, give full play to the function and role of the project, and it is estimated that the daily handling capacity will reach 10 tons. The third is to organize and implement three major epidemic prevention actions. We will organize and carry out the "three major centralized epidemic prevention actions" in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and further implement the "four" working systems of centralized immunization, monthly inspection, on-site supervision and fixed-point contact. Centralized immunization of major animal diseases and monthly needle supplement should be carried out for livestock and poultry in scattered households, and scientific immunization should be carried out in large-scale livestock and poultry farms according to the immunization procedure, so as to ensure that the immunity density of major animal diseases such as highly pathogenic avian influenza should be maintained at 100% all the year round. The qualified rate of immune antibody is more than 80%. Fourth, strengthen the construction of township veterinary stations. We will speed up the construction of the "Wuyou" township animal husbandry and veterinary station project, promote the addition of county-level supervision branch brands in township or regional animal husbandry and veterinary stations, and strengthen the team and capacity building of official veterinarians, licensed veterinarians and rural veterinarians.