
The latest seed price and planting method of broad bean

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Broad bean, also known as Luohan bean, Hu bean, orchid bean, etc., is an annual herb of wild pea of Leguminosae. Legend has it that Zhang Qian was introduced into the Central Plains in the Western Han Dynasty. It is cultivated all over China for grain, vegetable, feed and green manure crops. It can also be used as a nectar plant.

Broad bean, also known as Luohan bean, Hu bean, orchid bean, etc., is an annual herb of the leguminous wild pea genus. Legend has it that Zhang Qian in the Western Han Dynasty was introduced into the Central Plains in the Western Han Dynasty. It is cultivated in all parts of our country for grain, vegetables, feed and green manure. It can also be used as a honey plant. Let's take a look at the seed price and planting method of broad bean.

How much is the broad bean seed per jin?

The price of broad bean seed is about 680 yuan per jin, but it varies greatly due to the variety, quality and market of the seed. There are many varieties of broad bean seeds, and the large-grain varieties with strong drought tolerance and late maturity should be planted in dry land, 4000m / mu, 2kg / mu, 15kg / mu and 15kg / mu. The small seeds with early maturity and strong moisture tolerance should be planted in the paddy field, 5000m / mu, 6000m / mu, 2kg / mu and 12kg / mu. In terms of yield, different varieties will be different, and according to the weather, environment and other different yield is also different, the general yield per mu is 300 to 400 jin, the highest yield is 550 to 580 jin.

Planting conditions of broad bean

Broad bean is born in the warm wetland of 63 °north latitude. It can withstand the low temperature of ~ 4 ℃, but it is afraid of heat. The temperature requirement varies with the growth period. The suitable temperature for seed germination is 16-25 ℃, the lowest temperature is 3-4 ℃, and the highest temperature is 30-35 ℃. The temperature required in the vegetative growth period is relatively low, the lowest temperature is 14: 16 ℃, and the flowering and fruiting stage requires 16: 22 ℃. If the temperature is low at 4 ℃, the aboveground parts will suffer frost damage. Although Vicia faba can fix nitrogen in the air by rhizobium, it still needs to absorb a large number of elements from the soil for its growth. Element deficiency often leads to a variety of physiological diseases.

Sowing method of broad bean

1. Fine soil preparation: broad bean is a deep root crop. Fine soil preparation before sowing can make the soil soft, which is beneficial to root expansion and nodule formation.

2. Inoculation methods: inoculation with rhizobium before sowing can increase the yield of broad bean, and the inoculation methods include soil inoculation and seed inoculation.

① soil inoculation: soil inoculation is to transport about 50 kg of topsoil from the ground where broad beans were planted last year and spread it evenly in the sowing ditch when sowing.

② seed inoculation: seed inoculation is to dilute the rhizobium powder with water when sowing, and then mix well with the seeds to sow.

3. Sowing time: the sowing time of broad bean is also different in different regions. Rice fields in the south should be sown at the time of rice harvest, between Cold Dew and Frosts Descent along the Yangtze River, and before and after Lesser Snow in the area of double-cropping rice in South China. The north scrambled to sow after the spring thaw.

4. Sowing density: the sowing density of broad bean should be determined according to the actual situation, the seeds collected are thinner than green fodder or green manure, and the varieties with long growth period, high plant height and more branches are shorter than those with shorter growth period and shorter plants. the soil fertility is low and the fertilization level is low.

Planting method of broad bean

1, seedling stage management: broad bean in the seedling stage according to the seedling situation to control water or irrigation to achieve strong seedlings, so that the seedlings are neat, uniform, strong, glue-stained mud bean fields, and cover the grass to keep warm and moisturize in time after sowing.

2. Medium-term management: do a good job in the prediction and forecast of diseases and insect pests, timely control the harm of diseases, insect pests and rodents, do a good job of water management, prune seedlings in the field, pull out thin plants and diseased plants, and ensure the healthy growth of the population.

3. Post-stage management: to ensure that the demand for moisture during the filling period keeps the soil water content at 2025%, and irrigation is required for less than 18%. The high-yield fields and late-maturing fields should be topped and cored at the end-flower tip stage, which is conducive to ventilation and light transmission, increasing grain weight and promoting early maturity.

4. Rational fertilization: cover 1500kg / mu of high-quality barnyard manure or cover appropriate amount of rice straw after broad bean sowing, apply 30kg / mu of calcium and 10kg / mu of potassium sulfate at 2.5-year-old stage of bean seedlings.

5. Drought and waterlogging prevention: broad bean is afraid of both drought and waterlogging. if the field drainage is poor, the root system is poorly developed and prone to blight and rust. In case of drought, especially the flowering and podding period has a more serious impact on yield, timely drainage and irrigation should be carried out according to the growth needs.

6. timely harvest: broad bean ripening starts from the lower pods. If green beans are harvested as vegetables, they can be harvested 3 to 4 times from bottom to top. If mature seeds are harvested, the pods in the middle and lower parts of most plants should be harvested once.

Disease and pest control of broad bean

1. Broad bean blight

[harm] the disease can occur in all growth stages of broad bean, but the disease is more serious in the tender pod stage, which mainly infects the stem base or underground part of broad bean, and also damages the seeds. the stem base disease often occurs on one side of the stem or ring stem, causing the stem to turn black.

[prevention and treatment] at the initial stage of the disease, 58% metalaxyl manganese zinc wettable powder 500 solution, or 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600 × 700 solution, or 21% carbendazim wettable powder 800 / 1000 times solution, or 20% methyl rifampicin EC 1100 / 1200 solution, etc.

2. Red spot of broad bean

[harm] the red dots first appeared on the leaves, which gradually expanded into round or oval disease spots, and in severe cases, all parts turned black and withered, and there were black sclerotia on the inner wall of the stem.

[prevention and treatment] Bordeaux solution of 1 ∶ 2 ∶ 100 was sprayed at the initial stage of the disease, and then 50% carbendazim was sprayed once every 10 days.

3. Broad bean rust

[damage] Rust spots appear on the leaves until the leaves dry up, and when they are serious, all the plants die.

[prevention and control] 15% strychnine can be sprayed with 50 grams of 50 grams of water and 40 kilograms of liquid per mu, and then sprayed again about 20 days after application.

4. Broad bean Fusarium wilt

[harm] Fusarium wilt is mainly caused by blackening of roots, short main roots, few lateral roots, yellow leaves, wilting plants and drooping top stems and leaves.

[prevention and treatment] at the initial stage of the disease, 50% methyl topiramate 500 times solution can be used to irrigate the root, and the drug can be used for 2 or 3 times, which has a good control effect.

5. Liriomyza huidobrensis

[harm] Liriomyza huidobrensis uses larvae to feed on green tissue, causing irregular gray-and-white linear tunnels. When the damage is serious, almost all the leaf tissue is damaged, the leaves are covered with decay channels, and even wither and die.

[prevention and control] the control of larvae should be carried out several times in a row, once every 5-6 days, with 500x solution of "Banqianjing", 800x solution of "Aweidu" or 1000 times of 40% "omethoate" EC, etc.