
"Green" creates a different kind of bumper harvest

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Compared with previous years, this year's summer grain production presents a distinct new trend and new bright spot, that is, green concepts, actions and methods run through the whole process of summer grain production. Judging from the timeline of previous bumper harvests, the meaning of this green harvest is particularly far-reaching, which is based on the theory of facts.

Compared with previous years, this year's summer grain production presents a distinct new trend and new bright spot, that is, "green" concepts, actions and methods run through the whole process of summer grain production. Judging from the timeline of previous bumper harvests, the meaning of this "green harvest" is particularly far-reaching, and it proves with facts that a bumper harvest can be achieved in a "different way".

After years of increasing grain production, resources and environmental constraints have become increasingly tight, and the extensive management of relying solely on fighting for resources, environment, and inputs has become difficult to sustain, and the transformation mode is imperative. At the same time, grain production must not be relaxed, and grain output must be guaranteed. This requires continuous innovation of ideas, techniques and methods to ensure both high yield and high efficiency, equal emphasis on production ecology, and calculate both ecological account and benefit account. It is in the process of innovation and in the way of ensuring supply that this year's summer grain production has achieved a "different bumper harvest."

The different bumper harvest benefited from the high attention and firm determination of the central government. At present, "greening" and "changing mode" have become the strong voice of the central government to guide agricultural development under the new normal of economic development. Since General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the "five new" requirements during his inspection in Fujian in November 2014, the Central Rural work Conference at the end of the year stressed that "speed up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development, and constantly improve the land output rate, resource utilization rate and labor productivity." to achieve intensive and sustainable development. This year, the No. 1 document of the CPC Central Committee pointed out that "ensuring the effective supply and quality safety of agricultural products and enhancing the ability of sustainable agricultural development under the hard constraints of resources and environment," a series of intensive and clearly directed expositions are sending out a strong signal and the central government's firm determination that we must unswervingly change the mode of agricultural development, including the mode of grain production. Since the beginning of spring this year, Premier Li Keqiang and Vice Premier Wang Yang have repeatedly stressed at meetings on agricultural production that we should not only pay attention to grain but also adjust the structure and change the mode. The great importance attached by the central government has effectively established the "green" concept of summer grain production.

Different harvests benefit from a strong push up and down. Since the beginning of this year, agricultural departments at all levels in various localities have joined forces to promote green growth with ideas, measures, and actions. The national agricultural work conference at the end of last year decided on the main line of "stabilizing grain income, adjusting structure, improving quality and increasing efficiency". Since the beginning of this year, the Ministry of Agriculture has carried out large-scale efforts to create high yields and tackle key problems of green grain production models, actions to protect and improve the quality of cultivated land, technological innovation and integrated demonstration of conservation tillage, and the implementation of zero growth in the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, etc., strengthen the word "adjustment", further optimize the variety structure, strengthen the word "transfer", and integrate and promote high-yield and high-efficiency, resource-saving, and environment-friendly technical models. Various localities have also moved quickly to refine the implementation plan, support disaster reduction and control technology, attach importance to sustainable development, vigorously promote scientific fertilization and integrated pest control, and achieve efficiency reduction of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. It can be said that this year is an important node in the transformation of grain production. In the past, the "transfer" and "adjustment" were spontaneous, partial, and sporadic, but since this year it has been a conscious pursuit of the whole system, the whole process, and all directions.

Different bumper harvests benefit from the innovation of production organization. The transformation and innovation of the mode of production is reflected in every link of farming, field management, harvesting and transportation, drying and warehousing. In farming, the key technologies such as deep loosening and soil preparation and suppression after sowing are adopted to improve soil, improve soil fertility, balance nutrients and restore cultivated land, so as to realize "storing grain in the ground"; on field management, water control, fertilizer control and pesticide control are used to achieve cost-saving, efficiency and environmental friendliness; machine harvest, the use of modern information technology to improve operation efficiency and quality, efficient harvesting and reducing throwing, to ensure that particles return to the warehouse. Agricultural machinery agronomic deep integration, the implementation of straw crushing and returning to the field, to promote resource utilization and clean comprehensive utilization; drying has become an important part of the whole process of grain production mechanization, to achieve "grain does not fall to the ground", directly dried into the granary. In the report card of bumper harvest, the innovation of organization mode also plays an important role. The rapid development of new business entities and social service organizations makes the scale, mechanization and standardization carry out effectively. Driven by agricultural scientific and technological innovation, the change in mode has made this year's summer grain production greener, greener, more intensive and more efficient.

The co-action of many factors has made a good start for the transformation of summer grain production and structural adjustment. However, changing the mode of grain development is a long-term and arduous task. It is not an easy task not only to solve the problem of feeding 1.3 billion people, but also to ensure ecological security and resource security, and not to owe new debts but also to repay old debts. This requires agricultural departments at all levels, major grain-producing provinces and regions, and scientific research experts to make joint efforts to finally achieve sustainable grain and agricultural development and leave fertile land for future generations.