
The latest course of high-yield planting techniques of water chestnut

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Water chestnut is the fruit of water chestnut, an annual herbaceous aquatic plant of the genus Chimonidaceae, also known as water chestnut, dragon horn, water chestnut, etc. it can be eaten raw when young, ripe fruit can be cooked or processed into diamond powder, and leaves can be used as green fodder or green manure. It is widely distributed in our country and can be cultivated in shallow water.

Water chestnut is the fruit of water chestnut, an annual herbaceous aquatic plant belonging to the rhombus family. It can be used as raw fruit when it is young, ripe fruit can be cooked or processed into diamond powder, and leaves can be used as green fodder or green manure. It is widely distributed in our country. It can be cultivated in shallow water or planted in deep water. Let's take a look at the high-yield planting techniques of water chestnut.

Variety selection of water chestnut

Water chestnut should select varieties with high quality, high yield, disease resistance and adapt to the market according to the water depth and consumption habits of the cultivated land. If the raw food is given priority to, the early and middle ripe varieties of large water chestnut can be selected and put on the market in stages and batches. Wuling varieties with high yield and late maturity can be planted. Shallow water turtle varieties should be planted on the water surface with a depth of 0.3 meters and 1.5 meters, and deep water turtle varieties should be planted on the water surface with a water depth of 2 meters and 4 meters.

The propagation method of water chestnut

1. Live broadcast in the field: there are multiple lines of direct broadcast in shallow water with a water depth of less than 3.3 meters, and the Yangtze River basin is sown when the Qingming diamond seed is sprouting. There are two sowing methods: sowing and strip sowing. Strip sowing is suitable for large water surface. First, according to the topography of Lingtang, it is divided into a vertical distance of 2.8 to 3.3 meters, two inserting ropes are used as marks, and then the ropes along the line are evenly scattered into the water by boat, and the sowing amount and density vary according to varieties and water surface conditions.

2. Seedling raising and transplanting: it is difficult for direct seeding to emerge at a water depth of more than 3.3m, the bud is thin and thin, and the yield is low, so it is necessary to raise seedlings and transplant seedlings. The Spring Equinox in the Yangtze River valley chooses ponds with shelter from wind, shallow water level, fertile soil and convenient drainage and irrigation as seedling ponds, sowing seedlings on demand according to row spacing of 1 meter. The amount of seeds per mu is 6590 kg per mu, which can be used in 8 million mu diamond ponds, and the water depth during sowing is controlled at 85cm 100cm. The water level gradually deepened after the diamond seedling came out of the water.

Planting techniques of water chestnut

1. Water chestnut selection: water chestnut planting should choose ponds, river bays, low-lying water surfaces and lake edges with a water depth of 0.3 to 4 meters, fertile soil, less wind and waves, and gentle fluctuations. The depth of the underwater silt layer is more than 20 cm and the content of soil organic matter is more than 1.5%.

2. Application of sufficient basic fertilizer: the amount of fertilizer needed for water chestnut is more concentrated. 2000 kg of pig manure or rotten mud manure can be applied per mu before planting, and 5 kg urea is applied as quick-acting fertilizer per mu after germination. After flowering, it is divided into 2 to 3 times combined with disease prevention and pest control and foliar spraying with 2-3 packets of strong yield-increasing hormone or 2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate.

3. Transplanting and planting: water chestnut should be planted on the same day. In general, the row spacing of shallow water turbot is 1.52m, the hole spacing is 1.52m, the planting distance of each hole is about 230m, the distance between rows of deep water turtle is 2.53m, the distance of hole is 2mm 2.5m, and each hole is planted with a bunch of about 8000m.

4. Weeding at the right time: there are many kinds of aquatic weeds in Lingtang, such as Elaeagnus angustifolia, Pteris vittata, bryophyte, etc., which must be removed manually in time, otherwise it will affect the photosynthesis of water chestnut. Weeds are generally removed every 10 days after transplanting until the water surface is covered with water.

5. pest control: the common pests in water chestnut are aphids and leafhoppers, which can be controlled by trichlorfon or dipterex spray at the initial stage, and the common disease is mainly rhomboplague. Jinggangmycin plus carbendazim spray can be used in the early stage of the disease.

6. Timely picking: the water chestnut is ripe 20-30 days after flowering, harvested as vegetables or eaten raw when the sepals fall off and the pericarp is not fully hardened, and picked when ripe, processed or left seeds must be fully mature. Early-maturing varieties are picked every 5 days and late-maturing varieties are picked every 7 days.