
The latest okra cultivation techniques tutorial

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Okra, also known as okra, is rich in a variety of nutrients beneficial to the human body, known as the king of vegetables, it has a wide range of uses, edible and medicinal. It is not native to us, but widely cultivated in our country, so how do we grow it, below

Okra, also known as okra, is rich in a variety of nutrients beneficial to the human body, known as the king of vegetables, it has a wide range of uses, edible and medicinal. It is not our origin, but it is widely planted and cultivated in our country, so how should we plant it? the following pro-agricultural network brings you its planting method and technology.

1. Sowing and raising seedlings

Sowing is usually carried out in April, and deep, loose and fertile soil is selected for sowing. Okra has strong self-sowing ability. After sowing, covered with soil 2cm, it can germinate in about a week.

Soak the seeds in water for 24 hours before sowing, soak them in an environment of about 25-30 degrees to promote germination, sow two or three seeds in the absence of sowing, and plant them when the seedlings grow to three or four leaves.

2. Field management

Okra has a highly developed root system and a strong ability to absorb nutrients, but when the plant grows to about 50cm, its growth is strong, so it needs to be fertilized immediately to ensure its nutrient supply. Okra has strong drought tolerance, it can be watered once a week in normal times, high temperature in summer needs to keep the soil moist, too much water is easy to rot roots, so watering should be controlled, Rain Water should be drained in time in many seasons. In order to ensure the amount of fruit, the excess side branches should be cut off in time, the nutrient consumption should be reduced, and the diseased branches of old leaves should be cut off after fruit picking to increase ventilation so as to reduce diseases.

3. Fruit harvesting and storage

The fruit picking time of okra is very important, the fruit is picked too early, the fruit is tender, which affects the yield, while the fruit is picked later, the fruit is older, and the edible value is reduced. The fruit picking time is generally a week after the flower fade, when the fruit grows to 8-10cm, the fruit is the best, and the fruit picking time is not suitable at noon, morning and evening.

The storage of okra is also more important, should not be stored at high temperature, high temperature will speed up its respiration, easy to make tissue aging and decay, it is best to store in a cool environment of 7-10 degrees, but not less than 7 degrees, less than 7 degrees will decay and discoloration.

4. Diseases and insect pests

Okra is a vegetable with few diseases and insect pests and is occasionally disturbed by insects. In a long overcast and rainy season, the leaves will appear disease spots. After the weather clears up, lime will be scattered around the plant in time to prevent the spread of the disease and cut off the diseased branches and leaves.

The above is the introduction of okra planting technology brought to you by the pro-agricultural network. Okra plants are relatively large, so they need to be pruned frequently when planting, blindly increasing ventilation and light, and second, to reduce nutrient consumption.