
What if the latest kidney beans don't bear pods?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Kidney beans often appear on our dinner table, usually we use kidney beans to stir-fry meat or stir-fried kidney beans, many adults and children love to eat, coupled with kidney beans have a good ability to adapt to the environment, so a lot of housewives will be at home

Kidney beans often appear on our dinner table, usually we use kidney beans to stir-fry meat or stir-fried kidney beans, many adults and children love to eat, coupled with kidney beans have a good ability to adapt to the environment, so a lot of housewives will plant several plants in their own small vegetable garden or balcony, but this one has been found to have a lot of problems, the most of which is that kidney beans do not bear pods That means doing useless work, so what the pro-agricultural network shares with you today is several relatively simple ways to deal with kidney beans without pods, hoping to be useful to you.

The reason for not bearing pods.

There are many reasons why kidney beans do not bear pods. For example, if the planting time is wrong, it is normal for kidney beans to grow branches and leaves but not to bear pods, so kidney beans are generally planted around April in spring. Secondly, if the soil is not right, it will not bear pods, improper use of fertilizer, or too low or too high temperature and water management will cause kidney beans not to bear pods. Therefore, we will make different solutions according to different circumstances.

A solution that does not bear pods

1. Remove the branches and leaves

Kidney beans need enough care in the process of growth, but because the branches and leaves are too luxuriant, the field looks relatively closed, the permeability is very poor, and the nutrients are consumed too much, but they are basically used on the growth of branches and leaves. So we should remove the excess leaves when the kidney bean seedlings grow to a certain extent, and at the same time remove the ungrown branches and leave the main branches and a small part of the branches. When the kidney bean seedling grows to about 50 centimeters, remove the tip and let it grow other branches, so as to reduce unnecessary nutrient consumption and increase the pod setting rate.

2. Planting density

The planting density should not be too small. Under normal circumstances, we can plant a maximum of 2,000 plants per mu. The best planting interval is 30 to 40 centimeters between each plant and 40 to 50 centimeters between each row. Planting with this planting density is also more convenient for field management. secondly, kidney bean has better light and air permeability, so kidney bean has better fruit preservation ability after flowering, which can reduce pod drop and improve pod setting rate.

3. Fertilization method

The method of fertilization is more crucial. if the fertilizer used is incorrect, then kidney beans will only grow seedlings and not pods. Generally speaking, we need to apply fertilizer at least three times during the growth of kidney beans. The first time is after planting. When we raise seedlings in the future, we will add a small amount of urea in the middle of the application of farm manure, and the second fertilization is when flowering, we usually use potash and phosphate fertilizer. This can play a role in flower protection, the third fertilization is when setting pods after falling flowers, when we need to apply boron fertilizer, boron fertilizer can improve the success rate of kidney bean pods. We usually do not apply nitrogen fertilizer, but only a little if we have to, because nitrogen fertilizer has a great effect on pods.

4. Build a shed

When planting kidney beans, we must remember to build scaffolding and let it grow along the scaffolding, which can not only enhance the pain in the field, but also avoid the injury of some diseases and insect pests. In general, we will build a herringbone-shaped scaffold. Then pull it up with a rope on each support, so that the light of each kidney bean seedling will be more uniform, the pollination effect will be much better, and it will also provide convenience for the later harvest.

5. Moisture and temperature management

A week or so before the kidney bean blossoms, we have to water the kidney bean so that it has enough water to ensure the success of podding after flowering. If it is not watered, there will be the so-called phenomenon of only blooming but not podding. At the same time, we also need to carry out a watering after podding. If we forget to water the pods, it will also lead to pods falling. Of course, if there is too much water in the field, we should discharge the water out of the field in time. Otherwise, it wouldn't bear pods. Finally, the planting temperature is generally not lower than 10 degrees, of course, it can not be higher than 28 degrees, so we have to maintain the field temperature in the usual management, can be artificially heat preservation and heat dissipation.