
The latest control methods of common diseases and insect pests of Dutch beans

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Dutch beans, which are often called peas, do not have high requirements for the planting environment. They can be planted on the ridge of the field, on the balcony or in the field, so now many people will plant some Dutch beans at home by themselves.

Dutch beans, which we often call peas, do not have high requirements on the planting environment. They can be planted on the ridge of the field, on the balcony or in the field, so now many people will plant some Dutch beans at home by themselves. So when it comes to the disease of Dutch beans, they don't know what to do. Today, the pro-farm network has brought us a wave of benefits. Is to teach you some of the more common prevention and control methods of diseases and insect pests of Dutch beans, let's take a look.

1. Powdery mildew

Powdery mildew usually occurs during and at a stage after the fruit of Dutch beans, so the yield of the most Dutch beans has a great impact. The initial symptom of powdery mildew is that there are a small number of plate spots on the leaves and stems of Dutch beans. If you do not prevent it, you will find that the white spots on the leaf surface will slowly spread, covering the whole leaf surface, as well as the stem. Finally, it will cause the plant to wither and die. If there are pods on the vines at this time, the quality of the pods is also very poor, so the common control method is to arrange a reasonable density when planting, and the second is to build a scaffolding to maintain good permeability. during the onset of the disease, we can use chlorothalonil solvent to spray, once every ten days, three times four times in a row.

2. Brown spot

The initial symptoms of brown spot disease are mainly reflected in the leaves of Dutch beans. At first, there are large and small brown spots on the leaves, and then when you touch them with your hands, you will find that your hands are covered with dark brown powder. finally, the leaf surface will all be replaced by black spots. there are two general control methods, one is through ecological means, that is, reasonable fertilization, not partial application of nitrogen fertilizer. The second is to drain the water from the field in time, clean up the sundries in the field, and carry out regular ploughing and weeding. Another method is to use medicament for prevention and cure. We usually spray foliar with 500600-fold solution of 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder or 200-fold Bordeaux solution.

3. Root rot

The most common period of time when root rot occurs is during the seedling period of Dutch beans, usually when the Dutch beans grow to about 10 centimeters. This disease usually occurs in the plum rain season, or when there is more rainfall, it is caused by bacterial infection, which mainly harms the roots of the plant, making the whole plant lose water and die fundamentally. First of all, we can choose varieties with good resistance, and then observe the changes of the weather one by one during field management, deal with them in time, find out that the diseased plants are removed in time, and clean up the soil. Sprinkle a layer of quicklime to disinfect other normal-growing seedlings, and finally, chemical control methods are used to irrigate the roots with metalaxyl or copper preparation. Or spray with carbendazim.

4. Aphids

Aphids are also a common pest of Dutch beans, which mainly harms the tender shoots of Dutch beans and hinders the growth of Dutch beans. We can buy some traps specifically aimed at aphids to trap and kill them. secondly, we can also make trapping and killing tools according to the preference of aphids, and finally use imidacloprid for control.

5. Pod borer

The pod borer is a very annoying pest. It mainly feeds on the buds and tender pods of Dutch beans, which will lead to pods falling and the pods are bitten by insects, so the Dutch beans have no value at all. so when there are few pods, we hunt them manually and remove the damaged pods. Then spray an appropriate amount of imidacloprid or dimethoate emulsion solvent.