
The latest course of High-yield Management techniques of Chinese Cabbage

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Chinese cabbage is the most common vegetable in China, which has a wide planting area in our country. It is sown in summer, but sowing in summer does not mean that Chinese cabbage has a good ability to adapt to high temperature and rainstorm in summer. on the contrary, these factors affect the yield of Chinese cabbage.

Chinese cabbage is the most common vegetable in China, which has a wide planting area in our country. It is sown in summer, but sowing in summer does not mean that Chinese cabbage has a good ability to adapt to the high temperature and rainstorm in summer. On the contrary, these factors are important factors affecting the yield of Chinese cabbage. Therefore, in order to achieve the goal of high yield of Chinese cabbage, there must be correct management techniques. The following editor brings you the high yield management techniques of Chinese cabbage.

1. Select the place

Chinese cabbage needs a large amount of fertilizer, and it has a good growth trend in the soil with fertile and loose soil. Ploughing and disinfecting the land to avoid residual bacteria, and the drainage and irrigation system in the land should be better to facilitate drainage. The location should be in a place with sunny ventilation, no pollution sources and adequate water sources. Before sowing, the soil should be ploughed with soil and farm manure to keep the soil fertile. If the soil moisture is not good, it must be ridged, and the ridge must be leveled, in order to be easy to cultivate in the future, combined with ammonia bicarbonate and soil fertilizer application.

2. Sowing seeds

What affects the final yield and planting benefit of Chinese cabbage is the environment around the planting site and the market demand at the time of harvest. At this time, we should consider from these two aspects, in order to maintain the healthy growth of cabbage and avoid the harvest period in spring and autumn. Generally choose to start sowing from June to July, when sowing, we need to use the new high-fat membrane to go to the ground with the seeds, mainly in order to dispel underground pests, avoid the occurrence of diseases, strengthen respiration at night, and improve the germination rate of seeds. And it is necessary to maintain a reasonable planting density which is the basic condition to achieve high yield.

3. Management

After sowing in summer, it is generally high-temperature and rainy weather, so water a small amount frequently, not too much, to avoid diseases. But in case of continuous high temperature and drought, keep the ground moist at all times to avoid sun burns. In order to prevent burns, some shading measures should be taken. Over-summer Chinese cabbage is mainly to promote, watering and fertilization is mainly potash fertilizer when heading. Properly spray Zhuangzhuanling to improve the disease resistance of Chinese cabbage, reduce the amount of pesticides as far as possible, and prevent it from being burnt out.

4. Disease control

Chinese cabbage will also encounter many diseases and insect pests in the process of growth, which is very important for the prevention of diseases and insect pests of Chinese cabbage, because the disease resistance of Chinese cabbage is weak. Once the disease is not treated in time, Chinese cabbage will die within 3-4 days, and if the disease is contagious, it is easier to spread and affect a large area of Chinese cabbage. Diseases include Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, soft rot, etc., pests include aphids and cabbage green insects, and so on. When signs of disease are found in cabbage, targeted drug control should be carried out according to the actual situation, and should be used together with new high-fat membrane to improve the prevention and control ability of insecticides and strengthen the effect.

The above are several key points of management for the high yield of Chinese cabbage, among which pest control is the most important. Disease-free seeds should be selected and the soil should be disinfected. To prevent all kinds of diseases and insect pests, do not give diseases and insect pests any chance to invade, if it occurs, we should also timely understand the disease symptomatic spraying agents, serious cases can pull out the diseased plants. For more information, please continue to follow the pro-agricultural network.