
Notes on the latest planting of Tremella fuciformis

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Tremella is called white fungus because it is similar to black fungus to a certain extent, the planting method is basically similar, and the efficacy is also similar, so it is called white fungus. The market demand of Tremella fuciformis has increased greatly in recent years.

Tremella is called white fungus because it is similar to black fungus to a certain extent, its planting methods are basically similar, and its efficacy is also similar to some other aspects, so it is called white fungus. The market demand for Tremella has increased greatly in recent years, and a variety of delicacies made of Tremella appear in people's lives, so it is necessary to have more Tremella output to meet the needs of the market. Today, the pro-agriculture network will tell you what you need to pay attention to when planting Tremella.

1. Temperature

In the process of the growth of Tremella, the temperature must be controlled. If the temperature is not properly controlled, then you will find that some of the Tremella will have the love of death, while others are deformed, and so on. Therefore, the temperature suitable for the survival of Tremella should be controlled at about 20 to 25 degrees, the lowest temperature should not be lower than 6 degrees, and the highest temperature should not exceed 30 degrees. Of course, under special circumstances, Tremella can still grow at zero degrees, but the growth rate is very slow. During the whole growth process of Tremella fuciformis, at least three times of heat preservation should be carried out, each time the temperature is adjusted to about 22 to 25 degrees.

2. Moisture

Water is an inevitable condition for the growth of all things, so it is the same for Tremella fuciformis. The demand for water in Tremella is a little high. The water content in the field should be kept at least 70% to 80 percent, but it must not be higher than 90%. Tremella is not easy to sprout, and its growth is very weak. Watering should be carried out at least three times during the whole growing period, the first time is during planting, the second time is about 20 to 25 days after planting, and the third time is usually one month later, but if it is in summer, it usually needs to be watered every three days, which is very troublesome, so planting in summer is generally not recommended.

3. Lighting

Tremella cannot be exposed to direct sunlight, but it cannot grow without light, so when planting, we should choose a good planting place, preferably in a shady place, so that the sunlight is relatively scattered, and the light will not be too strong, but if it is not, it is necessary to use artificial means to create an environment suitable for the growth of Tremella fuciformis. Try to use transparent materials to build shelter, so that Tremella can grow quickly and with high quality.

4. Nutrients

Before planting Tremella fuciformis, we will prepare the nutrients of Tremella fuciformis, so we should pay attention to the growth habits of Tremella fuciformis and what nutrients are more easily absorbed and utilized by Tremella fuciformis, then we will prepare them, so in order to promote the growth of Tremella fuciformis, we generally add nitrogen fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer and calcium fertilizer to Tremella fuciformis, which can promote the absorption of external nutrients and healthy growth.

5. Sterilization

In fact, there are no diseases in the growth process of Tremella fuciformis, and the main threat comes from bacteria. Although some fungi can promote the absorption of nutrients by Tremella fuciformis, there are still many fungi that will seriously affect the normal growth of Tremella fuciformis. So we need to sterilize the nutrients under high pressure after preparing the nutrients, and then inoculate them, and also do a good job of disinfection and sterilization when inoculating. Only in this way can we ensure that Tremella fuciformis grows in a healthy environment.