
The latest leek high-yield fertilization techniques tutorial

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Leek is one of the vegetables with large market demand, and the market price is stable. In addition, it is also a perennial vegetable, which can be harvested several times a year. By planting leek, farmers can earn a lot of economic income. But if you want chives to grow fast and well, fertilizing is extremely important.

Leek is one of the vegetables with large market demand, and the market price is stable. In addition, it is also a perennial vegetable, which can be harvested several times a year. By planting leek, farmers can earn a lot of economic income. However, if you want chives to grow fast and well, fertilization is an extremely important work. Mastering the fertilization time and method of chives is the premise of achieving high yield, so how to fertilize, let's have a look at the pro-farming network together.

1. Apply enough basal fertilizer

When leek seedlings grow less, the demand and consumption of fertility is small, and the seedlings are weak, the root growth is not perfect, and the absorption of fertility is weak. Therefore, in addition to applying sufficient base fertilizer at this time, some quick-acting fertilizers should be applied to make it grow rapidly and accelerate root growth. However, leek can be planted when it grows to about 20cm. Enough organic fertilizer should be applied to the planting field. After the fertilizer is sprinkled into the soil, it can be planted by deep ploughing and mixing evenly. When the leek grows mature in the second year, it can be harvested and marketed. At this time, it needs to be fertilized once to make the leek recover quickly and avoid premature aging caused by nutrient loss after harvest.

2. Timely topdressing

After chives are planted, after summer heat, it enters cool autumn, when the temperature is the most suitable for chives to grow, and it is also the most critical period for fertilizer and water management. Timely fertilization and maintenance of nutrient supply are the basis for rapid growth of chives. In addition, leek in winter, depends on the accumulation of nutrients, and autumn sometimes nutrient accumulation stage, so fertilizer and water management at this time is particularly important. During this period, it is generally necessary to apply topdressing 2-3 times, usually once in early September, late September and early October, and about 15~20 kg ammonium sulfate per mu. Three days after harvesting leek, new leaves begin to grow slowly. At this time, ammonium sulfate should be tested once in combination with watering. The amount is the same as before. Don't water and fertilize 2-3 days after harvesting to avoid root rot. Leek in summer when not harvested, summer leek fiber tissue, taste poor, then also need to fertilize once, make it safe summer, the same fertilizer and dosage.

3. Smart application of plant ash

When planting, cleverly apply some plant ash, which can play an increasing role. In the growth stage of leek, apply some plant ash, which is a good water-soluble quick-acting potassium fertilizer, which can make leek root and tiller as soon as possible, and the yield increase effect is obvious. In addition, many leeks are now planted in greenhouses, and gray mold is easy to occur when planted in greenhouses, causing losses, and the application of plant ash can reduce the incidence of this disease. A large amount of ammonium sulfate and acid fertilizer were applied during topdressing. Long-term application made the soil acidified, which easily led to yellow leaves and death of leeks. Plant ash was an alkaline fertilizer, which could adjust the pH of the soil and make leeks grow normally.

The above is the high-yield fertilization technology of leek brought by the pro-agricultural network. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about leek planting knowledge, please pay attention to the pro-agricultural network.