
The cause of the latest premature senescence of cucumber

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cucumber is very common in daily life, not only can be used to stir-fry, but also can be eaten raw, and even can be cut into slices to apply noodles, the effect is very many. But many friends will find that in the later stage, the cucumber will appear the phenomenon of premature senescence.

Cucumber is very common in daily life, not only can be used to stir-fry, but also can be eaten raw, and even can be cut into slices to apply noodles, the effect is very many. However, many friends will find that in the later stage, cucumber will appear the phenomenon of premature senescence, premature senescence will have a significant impact on the yield and quality of cucumber. So what is the cause of cucumber premature senescence? Today, the editor brings you the reasons for the premature senescence of cucumbers. Let's take a look.

1. Temperature

Cucumber likes temperature, and when the temperature exceeds the suitable growth temperature, it will affect the growth of cucumber. The most suitable temperature for cucumber growth is about 25 degrees, when the surrounding temperature continues to rise, especially in summer, the temperature increases to more than 35 degrees. Cucumber is extremely prone to heat damage, sunburn and other problems, so that the photosynthesis of cucumber is reduced, unable to produce enough nutrients, malnutrition leads to premature senility.

2. Fertilizer and water

Improper use of fertilizer and water in the process of planting. In order to control diseases and insect pests, some vegetable farmers do not control the use of chemical fertilizer in the soil, resulting in high soil concentration, affecting the growth and development of roots, and local necrosis in serious cases. The ability of nutrient absorption is reduced, which is harmful to the growth of plants. sparse application of fertilizer and water can not be reduced before pulling seedlings, otherwise lack of fertilizer and water will also lead to premature senility.

3. Root

The growth time of cucumber is gradually lengthened, and the aging rate of the root is getting faster and faster. when the temperature is too high, it will cause some damage to the root if the watering work is not controlled properly. The root is the nutrient absorption channel of all crops, if the root management is not in place, it will have a great impact on the growth and development of cucumber. Root aging is inevitable, but it can reduce root injuries.

4. Management

Cucumber is an annual crop, in the late growth period, the yield of cucumber decreased significantly, the fruiting rate decreased gradually, so vegetable farmers relaxed their management. The vines of the plant were not managed in time, resulting in overgrowth, so that the lower leaves were undernourished, began to age, and consumed a lot of nutrients. Cucumber does not provide enough nutrition for its growth in the later stage of growth, which is also one of the reasons for cucumber premature senescence.

5. Disease

After the cucumber grows to the later stage, its own resistance is getting weaker and weaker, and the germs and parasites in the vegetable garden will gradually increase. Without prevention in place, there will be a variety of diseases in the middle and later stages, such as anthrax, vine blight and so on. The disease will have a great impact on the stems and leaves of the plant, affect the photosynthesis of cucumber, lead to poor growth and development, and cause premature senescence.

The above is a brief introduction to the causes of premature senility of cucumbers, in fact, improper use of drugs in the management process will also cause a certain phenomenon of premature senility. Excessive dosage and short time interval make cucumber very easy to produce drug damage, reduce the growth rate of cucumber, and aggravate premature senescence or even premature senility of cucumber. This article is for reference only. I hope it will be helpful to you.