
The latest course of field management techniques and methods of radish

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, At present, there are still many radish products in China, such as gray radish, white radish, green radish, sweet radish and so on. The delicacies made from radish are also very popular. The most important thing is that radish has high efficacy and effect. And now radish every year.

At present, there are still many radish products in China, such as gray radish, white radish, green radish, sweet radish and so on. The delicacies made from radish are also very popular, and the most important thing is that the efficacy and function of radish is also relatively high. and now the annual output of radish is quite considerable, which is inseparable from the field management technology of radish, so what the editor brings to you today is the field management technology of radish. I hope it can be helpful to all of you.

1. Check the seedlings between seedlings

Since radish is usually sown in the way of strip sowing, it is not possible to accurately grasp the amount of seeds when sowing seeds, so Turnip Sprouts grows denser in many places after emergence. So we need to observe the emergence of seedlings in the field first, and then carry out reasonable seedlings, usually according to the spacing of about 30 cm. Each plant only needs to leave three or four of the best growing seedlings.

2. Water management

The growth of radish needs enough water, and it needs to be watered once after sowing, followed by strengthening the management of water after the seedlings grow, usually every three days or so. If it is hot in summer, it needs to be watered every day. Finally, reasonable watering is needed when the radish expands. If there is not enough moisture in the field, there will be a hollow situation. But if there is too much water, the fruit will crack or even rot.

3. Fertilization management

One of the more important points in the field management of radish is fertilization management. In the early stage of radish growth, we usually give priority to nitrogen fertilizer, or feces and urine water. When the tuber of radish begins to grow, it is best to give priority to potash fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer, which can promote the growth of radish tuber. During the growth of radish, according to the normal topdressing, it is generally appropriate for two or three times, and finally, do not sprinkle fertilizer on the leaves when fertilizing. Chemical fertilizer is more harmful to the leaves, and at the same time, it should not be too close to the root of the radish.

4. Weeding and cultivating soil

We need to carry out reasonable weeding during the growth of radish. In the early and middle stages of radish growth, we usually use mid-tillage to weed the radish, which can loosen the soil and make the radish breathable. In the later stage, we usually use artificial weeding to weed, because if we use mid-ploughing and weeding in the later stage, it will cause damage to the radish.

5. Pest control

Pest control during the growing period of radish is also an important work of field management. during this period, its main pests are aphids and vegetable leaf insects. We can directly use Pechongling for control. Secondly, the most important disease is black rot, first of all, we can control it by enhancing soil permeability and water management, and then we can use streptomycin for root irrigation treatment at the initial stage of the disease.