
The problem of food should not only be counted as an economic account, but also an account of people's livelihood.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, With more than 1.3 billion mouths, you have to eat every day, and you can't stop for a day. Food security should not only be counted as an economic account, but also whether the people's livelihood account is a bumper grain harvest year after year, so that the enthusiasm of grasping grain can be collected. Judging from the agricultural situation dispatching of the Ministry of Agriculture and the actual harvest in various places, Xia

With more than 1.3 billion mouths, you have to eat every day. Food security can not only be counted as an economic account, but also an account of people's livelihood.

Is it true that the enthusiasm of grain harvesting can be harvested after a bumper harvest year after year?

Judging from the agricultural situation dispatching of the Ministry of Agriculture and the actual harvest in various localities, the summer grain harvest is expected to hit a new high, laying a solid foundation for winning a bumper harvest for the whole year. With the support of the party's policy of strengthening agriculture and benefiting farmers, China's grain output has achieved "11 consecutive increases", and grain output stabilized at the level of 1.2 trillion jin for the second time last year. On the occasion of another bumper harvest of summer grain this year, some people lamented that since grain has achieved such a high harvest over the years, there is no need to pay so much attention to grain production. Such signs are undesirable, and we must keep a very clear head.

Grain is the foundation of all industries. China has more than 1.3 billion mouths and has to eat every day. Food security is of great special significance to economic and social development. As the saying goes, "Hong Fan's eight policies, with food as the top priority," to properly solve the problem of food for the Chinese people has always been a top priority in governing the country, and we must ensure that grain is basically self-sufficient and food rations are absolutely safe.

The bumper harvest year after year does not mean that there is a surplus of grain. At present, the demand for agricultural products in China, including grain, is showing a rigid growth trend. According to calculation, with the increase of China's total population, the increase in the proportion of urban population, the improvement of residents' consumption level and the expansion of the industrial use of agricultural products, China now needs to increase grain by 20 billion jin a year. In the medium to long term, food supply is still in a tight balance.

The increase in grain stocks also does not mean that there is a surplus of food. The increase in national grain stocks is mainly due to the increase in corn production in recent years. In addition, with the opening of the grain market, households and ordinary enterprises rarely store grain, and grain reserves mainly depend on the state. Experts predict that by 2020, China's grain demand will be about 1.4 trillion jin, with a shortfall of 200 billion jin.

It is realistic to solve the problem of grain gap and to make necessary supplements and appropriate adjustments by importing grain. But if most of the food supply depends on imports, it will be a problem. The volume of global grain trade is limited, about 500 billion to 600 billion jin per year, which is about half of China's total grain output. The annual trade volume of rice in the international market ranges from 40 billion to 60 billion jin, accounting for only about 15 per cent of China's consumption. The total supply of grain in international trade is limited, and we must not make a living by buying grain.

If there is more and less, we cannot afford to deal with the food problem. As far away as the natural disasters in the 1960s caused people to go hungry, let's say that in the late 1980s and early this century, due to the relaxation of food production, it also caused passivity to the national economic and social development. Therefore, as long as there is no major problem with grain, things in China will be stable. The central government's clear national food security strategy of "giving priority to us, having a foothold at home, ensuring production capacity, moderate imports, and supporting by science and technology" must be firmly held high.

Grain production should not be relaxed for a moment. China uses 10% of the world's arable land and about 6% of the world's freshwater resources to feed 20% of the world's population. Great achievements, shining in the annals of history. It is precisely this achievement that the Chinese government has won the certificate of hunger reduction goal in the United Nations Millennium Development goals, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations highly praises China.

The problem of food should not only be counted as an economic account, but also an account of the people's livelihood. There can be no luck or trouble on this issue.