
The latest fertilization rules and methods of Chinese Cabbage

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Everyone must have eaten cabbage. The fried cabbage is very sweet. Although the market price of cabbage is not high, there are still many people selling and growing cabbage. Because the market demand for cabbage is very large, it is appropriate to grow cabbage on a large scale.

Everyone must have eaten cabbage. The fried cabbage is very sweet. Although the market price of cabbage is not high, there are still many people selling and growing cabbage. Because the market demand for cabbage is very large, so growing cabbage on a large scale can be properly considered. In the process of growing cabbage, fertilizer is the most important, as long as a good fertilizer to ensure the yield of cabbage, then what is the law of fertilization of cabbage? How to fertilize it? Let's have a look!

1. Law of fertilizer requirement

Chinese cabbage needs a lot of fertilizer in the process of planting, and there are also requirements for the nutritional composition of fertilizer. the greatest demand is potassium fertilizer, followed by nitrogen fertilizer, and finally phosphate fertilizer. At the seedling stage, Chinese cabbage needs the least amount of fertilizer, but it also needs to ensure adequate nutrition to ensure the growth of Chinese cabbage. After entering the rosette after the seedling stage, the demand for nutrition increases rapidly, and the degree of nutrition at this time will determine the final quality and yield of the cabbage. The final heading period requires no less fertilizer than the rosette period, mainly potash fertilizer and appropriate amount of nitrogen fertilizer.

2. Fertilization method

(1) Base fertilizer

Before planting cabbage, the basic fertilizer in the soil should be fully applied to improve the soil fertility. Farm manure can be used, because the farm manure is nutritious and fertile, so it is very important for the growth of Chinese cabbage. The specific amount of fertilizer application is mainly based on the planting area, usually about 4800-5200 kg per mu of base fertilizer, and then add an appropriate amount of compound fertilizer.

(2) promoting seedling fertilizer

Seedling fertilizer is also very important for Chinese cabbage, because the seedlings are very thin and need enough nutrition to promote the growth of seedlings, improve the growth rate and strengthen the resistance of Chinese cabbage. Seedling fertilizer can use nitramine and other quick-acting fertilizer, apply to each planting hole before sowing, and pour enough water after sowing.

(3) Fat.

Fat refers to the topdressing work in the rosette stage of cabbage, which determines the yield in the later stage, so the application of fertilizer should not be stingy at this stage. Reasonable fertilization and watering is an important condition for the growth of rosette leaves, but we should also pay attention to the dosage to prevent excessive dosage from affecting the heading time of Chinese cabbage. It is usually time to fertilize a plant when a small number of plants have already begun to bear balls.

(4) Billing fertilizer

Heading fertilizer has reached the final stage of cabbage growth, and the amount of fertilizer required will be greatly increased at this time. Before the cabbage is completely wrapped up, it begins to apply heading fertilizer. Pay attention to applying more potash fertilizer and use fertile and long-effective fertilizer as ball-forming fertilizer. However, we still need to pay attention to the dosage, too little and too much will have a certain impact on the final result of the ball. It is best to mix farm manure and chemical fertilizer together and apply it by strip application.

The above is a brief introduction to the law of fertilizer requirement and fertilization methods of Chinese cabbage. No matter what crops, fertilizer nutrition is the most important, crop fertilization is equivalent to what we eat, how can we have the strength to go to work, is the same principle. Therefore, in the process of planting, cabbage must not be "hungry", so as to further increase the yield. This article is for reference only. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.