
The causes and control methods of the latest cucumber flower topping

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cucumber flower topping is also called flower holding head, which is a common physiological phenomenon in greenhouse planting, which often leads to a reduction in cucumber production and, in serious cases, leads to no harvest, which seriously affects the interests of growers. So what is the reason for the topping of cucumber flowers? Is there any

Cucumber flower topping is also called flower holding head, which is a common physiological phenomenon in greenhouse planting, which often leads to a reduction in cucumber production and, in serious cases, leads to no harvest, which seriously affects the interests of growers. So what is the reason for the topping of cucumber flowers? Is there any way to solve it? Let's take a look.

1. Abnormal temperature

When the temperature is abnormal, the main reason for the phenomenon of cucumber flower topping is that in the early growth stage, the temperature difference between day and night is large, which will make the nutrients produced by leaves during the day can not be transported to other parts in time, lead to leaf thick green shrinkage, improve aging, and affect photosynthesis. However, under the condition of low temperature, the planting growth is inhibited, and the reproductive growth exceeds the vegetative growth, resulting in the phenomenon of flower topping.

Prevention method: pay attention to the change of temperature when planting, strengthen the ventilation of the shed and reduce the temperature in the shed when the temperature is high during the day, and close the shed when the temperature is low at night to raise the temperature in the shed and reduce the temperature difference between day and night.

2. Imbalance of fertilizer and water

After cucumber planting, if the organic fertilizer applied is not completely mature or not fully mixed with the soil, resulting in direct contact between high concentration fertilizer and plant root system, resulting in root burning phenomenon, weakening root absorption capacity, causing physiological drought, causing flower topping, and long-term lack of water, it will also lead to flower topping.

Prevention method: strengthen fertilizer and water management, select completely mature organic fertilizer when applying base fertilizer, mix it with soil after application, water it in time after planting, reduce fertility concentration, and make root system absorb rapidly. watering in time during drought to keep the soil moist, on the contrary, drainage and waterlogging prevention measures should be taken in overcast and rainy seasons.

3. Root system damage

During seedling raising and planting, the root system is damaged due to some reasons, such as root burning caused by excessive concentration of fertilizer, excessive water accumulation in the soil, root rot, or root damage during transplanting, these reasons lead to root damage. Melon topping is very easy to occur.

Prevention methods: to do a good job of planting management to avoid root damage caused by the above reasons.

4. Drug damage

Improper use of pesticides during planting, excessive use of fumigants, fungicides, or the frequency of drug use is too frequent, so that the growth nodes of the plant are inhibited, which will lead to flower topping.

Preventive methods: the use of pesticides should be carried out in strict accordance with the instructions, should not be excessive and too frequent, to reduce the impact of drug damage on plants.

5. Governance methods

When the cucumber appears flower topping phenomenon, do not blindly control, first of all, thinning flowers and fruits, comb off all the top flowers and melons of the plant, apply amino acid fertilizer and zinc fertilizer, and melt with water in winter. The next day in the use of 30 grams of glucose and 50 grams of urea with a bucket of water, spray foliar, fertilizer flowers and protect fruit, once every 10 days, the effect is excellent.

The above are the reasons and control methods of cucumber flower topping. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about cucumber planting, please follow us.