
The latest course on planting techniques and methods of ginger

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Ginger is a common condiment in daily life, it is planted in all parts of our country, in addition to the role of seasoning, it is a good medicine for treatment, it has the effects of stopping vomiting and dispelling wind-cold, invigorating the spleen and stomach, and soaking feet with it can dispel beriberi. With the expansion of market demand, its planting area is also

Ginger is a common condiment in daily life, it is planted in all parts of our country, in addition to the role of seasoning, it is a good medicine for treatment, it has the effects of stopping vomiting and dispelling wind-cold, invigorating the spleen and stomach, and soaking feet with it can dispel beriberi. With the expansion of market demand, its planting area is also gradually increasing, so how to grow ginger? Let's take a look at this technology.

1. Land selection and fertilization

Ginger is a continuous cropping crop, so when planting, it is necessary to rotate reasonably and choose the soil with deep soil layer, loose and fertile soil and rich organic matter, which requires a slightly higher topography of the field and convenient drainage and irrigation. It can be rotated with rice, cruciferous and legume crops. During soil preparation, sufficient base fertilizer was applied to ensure the vigorous growth of ginger and increase the yield. 2500-3000kg mature organic fertilizer or farm manure mixed with 50kg compound fertilizer per mu were applied as base fertilizer, spread evenly on the soil, and mixed evenly with soil by deep ploughing.

2. Seed selection and budding

Choose fat and plump, good appearance color, fresh, hard texture, disease-free, and 1-2 strong. The best weight of sprouted pieces of ginger is 50-70 grams. Western medicine is disinfected and germinated before sowing, so that it can be soaked and sterilized by 50% carbendazim 500 times solution through germination rate and neat emergence. After disinfection, put it in the sun in sunny weather for 1-2 days, wait for its surface to shine, then pile it together, cover it with straw, keep its temperature between 20-25 degrees, pay attention to wetness, wait until ginger sprouts have 1cm or so, you can sow.

3. Sowing seeds

The best sowing time is before and after Ching Ming Festival. The strip sowing method is adopted when sowing, and the plant row spacing is controlled at 40 × 30cm, the furrow depth is 10-20cm, and the seeds are generally used for 400-500kg per mu. When sowing, apply an appropriate amount of fertilizer as seed fertilizer to make it sprout quickly, apply the fertilizer evenly into the ditch and mix evenly with the soil. Pour water once before sowing to keep the soil moist, then put the ginger flat in the ditch, the buds up, press it into the soil, cover a layer of fine soil with 5cm, and rake the soil flat after sowing.

4. Scientific fertilization and watering

After applying seed fertilizer, ginger should not be topdressing in its germination stage, but when 1-2 branches germinated and seedlings grew to 20-30cm, they should be topdressing in time, which usually applied 15-20kg ammonium sulfate per mu. The second topdressing is in the ginger tuber expansion period, when a lot of nutrients are needed to grow and expand, then cake fertilizer 75kg and compound fertilizer 50kg are applied per mu, which can be combined with soil cultivation. Watering should adhere to the principle of less watering and diligent irrigation, keep the soil moisture within 70%, high temperature in summer, soil moisture evaporation, timely watering to maintain moisture, watering time is best in the morning or evening, avoid the high temperature period at noon. It is best to take drainage and waterlogging prevention measures in the overcast and rainy season. Ginger grows rapidly in autumn and requires a lot of water, so it is generally necessary to water at least once a week to make the soil moisture at 75% and 80%.

The above is the planting technology of ginger. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about ginger planting, please follow us.