
Harvest on the field of income articles

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Another bumper summer harvest this year. The main body of summer grain is wheat. Among the three staple grains, the comparative benefit of wheat is the lowest. Zhao Guangcai, a member of the Wheat Expert Steering Group of the Ministry of Agriculture and a researcher at the Crop Science Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, once calculated an account: In recent years, wheat

There will be another bumper harvest of summer grain this year. The main body of summer grain is wheat, and the comparative benefit of wheat is the lowest among the three staple grains. Zhao Guangcai, member of the wheat expert guidance group of the Ministry of Agriculture and a researcher at the Institute of crop Science of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, once calculated an account: in recent years, the net income of wheat per mu is more than 100 yuan, which is about 100 yuan lower than that of corn and nearly 200 yuan lower than that of rice. Especially under the background of agricultural production cost rising "floor" and price "ceiling" pressing down, low efficiency has become a "hidden reef" for stable wheat production. If the grain is abundant year after year, how can the benefit be increased? The vast number of agricultural workers and hundreds of millions of farmers have made painstaking efforts and spilled sweat to hand over a beautiful answer in the fiery "three summers."

Less medicine, better effect-- "Bug Kou grabs Grain" to calculate the cost

Under the influence of the warm winter weather last year, this year, wheat diseases and insect pests occurred early, the area was large, the base number was high, the expansion was fast, and the momentum of recurrence was strong, which was a serious threat to the harvest of summer grain. Especially in the middle and last ten days of April, there were more Rain Water in the heading and flowering stage of wheat in Jianghuai region, and the epidemic risk of scab and powdery mildew was high. In previous years, in order to "seize grain by insects", it was often regardless of the cost, but this situation has changed this year.

In the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, labor costs account for a large part. For farmers, one less dose of medicine means less money. Zhou Mingguo team of Nanjing Agricultural University developed a series of new fungicides such as NAU-1 to control wheat scab. The Institute of Agricultural Sciences along the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province has used NAU-1 to control wheat scab for the second year this year. "NAU preparations have been used in more than 7 mu of land, and as long as the appropriate dose is given, the effect of prevention and control can be achieved." Song Yimin, a researcher at the Institute of Agricultural Sciences, explained that the so-called appropriate dose refers to an effective dose of 8-12 grams per mu, while the conventional drug carbendazim requires 50 grams at a time, 2-3 times before it can be completely prevented.

Even with the same control agents, from one sprayer per household to centralized unified control, the control effect and benefit have been greatly improved. This year, the area of integrated control of wheat diseases and insect pests in Shandong Province is more than 22 million mu, accounting for more than 40% of the total area of wheat disease and pest control. According to the different production scale and growth stage of wheat, different pesticide application machines are adopted to optimize the allocation, forming a three-dimensional prevention and control pattern of the combination of high-efficiency pesticide application machinery on the ground and aircraft aeronautical operations. In the wheat "one spray and three prevention", Qihe County, Shandong Province has implemented the operation mode of "man-made noodles, UAV pulling points, air-fed sprayer edge sweeping". Zhao Jincheng, a major grain grower in Houyai Village, Huadian Town, Qihe County, said: "drugs are uniformly distributed according to mu dosage, coupled with unified aircraft prevention and control, in most cases these drugs have not been used up."

In order to enhance the enthusiasm of the socialized service organization of plant protection, Tianchang City, Anhui Province takes the area and effect of wheat scab control as the main assessment index of 11 million yuan of bonus and subsidy funds for improved varieties and methods in the city. "in addition to collecting service fees, as long as the cooperative issues a contract signed with the service object, after the control effect has been checked and accepted, it can also get a bonus of 10 yuan per mu of land." Weng Jilong, chairman of the plant protection cooperative in Yimin Village, Tianchang City, Anhui Province, said.

Watering less and beating more high-quality wheat-structural adjustment allows farmers to "I want to grow" a bumper harvest, and the area is the foundation. According to the regulation of the Ministry of Agriculture, the area of summer grain this year is expected to reach 415 million mu, an increase of more than 1 million mu over the previous year. Whether the wheat planting area can be stable or not, farmers mainly look at the comparative benefits. Since 2007, the minimum purchase price of wheat has increased from 0.72 yuan per catty to 1.18 yuan per catty in 2014. the purchase of supporting the market has always been the policy bottom line for increasing grain production and increasing efficiency, but with the scale and marketization of grain production, in improving the efficiency of wheat planting, the pulling role of the market is becoming increasingly prominent.

Only by improving quality can we increase efficiency. Among the three staple grains, wheat is the only variety that has increased production for 11 consecutive years. Why are there so many imports? It is understood that with the changes in the domestic consumption structure, the market demand for strong gluten wheat for bread production has increased, and the successive increase in wheat imports has not only seized the domestic market, but also depressed wheat prices. Therefore, optimizing the variety structure and expanding the strong gluten wheat varieties with large demand increment have become the focus of the transformation mode and structure adjustment of summer grain production this year. How did it work? According to the statistics of the Ministry of Agriculture, the area proportion of strong gluten wheat this year is 1 percentage point higher than that of last year, which is equivalent to an increase of 3.4 million mu of strong gluten wheat supply.

"in the past, seeds could only be sown after a set of complex procedures such as ploughing, raking, stubble, and so on. With a seeder, you can sow seeds directly after ploughing." Yu Tongqin, a big grain grower in Huangcun, Baidaokou Town, Huaxian County, Henan Province, planted 280 mu of land this year, and he praised the benefits brought by the new planter.

Only by increasing production can we increase efficiency. According to the major summer grain producing provinces, wheat populations are sufficient and individuals are strong this year, especially dryland wheat growing significantly better than in previous years. More than 10 million mu of wheat in Shanxi Province, 60% of which are dry land, whether the yield of dryland wheat is increased or not is directly related to the summer grain yield of the whole province. This year, Shanxi Province has popularized and implemented the wide and narrow line soil moisture furrow sowing technology in 150000 mu of dryland wheat fields and expanded irrigated fields in Yuncheng, Linfen, Jincheng and other 9 counties (cities and districts). Zhang Hongliang, a technician of the Agricultural Committee of Zezhou County, who is one of the sites, said: "after the yield test, the experimental field of exploring soil moisture and furrow sowing can hit more than 900 jin of wheat per mu, while plastic film mulching is more than 800 jin per mu."

The benefit is visible, it is easy to popularize-- specialization makes the technical model "fall to the ground".

In order to stabilize wheat production, we must highlight the advantageous areas. "the five provinces of Hebei, Shandong, Henan, Jiangsu and Anhui account for 76 percent of the country's wheat output, which means that three out of every four steamed buns on the table come from these five provinces." Zeng Yande, director of the planting Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, said: to do a good job in wheat production, the key point is to do a good job in the five provinces of Huang-Huai-Hai. Since the autumn sowing last year, the Ministry of Agriculture has launched a wheat high-yield and high-efficiency model in the Huang-Huai-Hai wheat region to further improve the level of scale, standardization and mechanization of wheat production.

From the scattered planting of one household to the moderate scale of large grain growers and cooperatives, the improvement of efficiency is obvious. Sun Renzhong, chairman of Renzhong Agricultural Machinery Professional Cooperative in Xiliqiu Village, Wangjiajing Town, Shenzhou City, Hebei Province, said: "with 4000 mu of land under our centralized management, we can harvest wheat and grow corn in three days." Why is the efficiency so high? The cooperative matched two combine harvesters, eight tractors, one straw grinder, one deep loosening machine, two rotary tillers and two planters into complete sets. One set of machines worked 130mu a day, and 12 sets of machinery could complete 4000 mu of land in three days.

The innovation of organizational style integrates fragmented resources, but whether the efficiency can be really improved depends on whether the service can keep up. Sheyang County, Jiangsu Province explores and practices co-farming and co-planting, centralizing fragmented farmland and realizing organized continuous planting, so as to "increase the area, reduce agricultural costs, promote the return of fields, increase land productivity, increase yield per unit area, and increase benefits." "the prevention and control of scab has set the right time, used the right kind of medicine, and used enough medicine, and there will be another bumper harvest year." Said Liu Jinghua, secretary of Xinnan Village, Siming Town, Sheyang County, one of the places to promote it. This year, Sheyang County sent two professional and technical personnel to the village to help organize farmers in the village to set up two unified defense and domination service teams, which scientifically and efficiently completed the prevention and control of wheat scab.

The efficiency of science and technology is fundamental, but standardized production and management are particularly important in order to let advanced technology "fall into the ground" and "stay in the same shape". "more than 3000 mu of land on the farm has all been built into high-standard grain fields, and no good harvest will be achieved!" Qi Qiuyang, a Shengkang family farmer in Xingzhuang Village, Tangzhuang Township, Sheqi County, Henan Province, is full of confidence in a bumper harvest. "when wheat is ripe and operated with a large combine harvester, it is required to work more than 8 mu per hour, and the harvest loss rate is less than 3%." The comprehensive county and city norms of social service standards formulated by Qihe County have put forward quantitative standards for prenatal, mid-and post-natal management, from the supply of improved varieties, fertilization of cultivated land, unified prevention and control, harvest and storage, and even financial insurance, and farmers' training. let farmers' professional cooperative organizations, social service companies have rules to follow.