
What is the latest disease of yellow leaves of chili?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Pepper is an indispensable seasoning dish in the life of Hunan, Sichuan and other provinces, and pepper plays a high role in our life. And the scale of pepper cultivation is also very large, although there are many varieties of pepper, but there will be the same diseases and insect pests.

Pepper is an indispensable seasoning dish in the life of Hunan, Sichuan and other provinces, and pepper plays a high role in our life. And the scale of pepper cultivation is also very large, although there are many varieties of pepper, but there will be the same diseases and insect pests. And some diseases and insect pests will harm the leaves, making the leaves appear the phenomenon of yellow leaves, resulting in the decline of plant photosynthesis and affecting the growth and development. So what diseases can cause yellow leaves? How to prevent and cure it? Let's take a look at it.

1. Leaf mold

Symptoms: leaf mildew usually begins on the lower leaves of the plant, and then begins to spread upward. In the expansion period, the disease is the most serious, the initial stage will produce light-colored irregular patches on the leaves, and white mildew spots will appear on the back of the leaves. Then the color gradually darkens, and many friends think it is caused by lack of nutrients or frost injury. But in the later stage, as the harm becomes more and more serious, the whole leaf will be covered with patches, and then turn yellow and die, resulting in serious hindrance to plant growth, lack of fruit nutrition and reduction of yield.

Prevention and control methods: strengthen the management of the vegetable garden, in the initial stage of the disease can use methyl topiramate and other agents for spray control. Each harvest needs to do a garden cleaning work, will be diseased and defoliated flowers and fruits concentrated out of the garden for treatment, to avoid continuous cropping, reduce the incidence of disease.

2. Whitefly

Symptoms: many friends in order to facilitate or save planting costs, will not give planting greenhouse film, in fact, this will increase the difficulty of management in the later stage. Whitefly is the most likely to occur in high temperature and dry environment, and the reproduction ability of whitefly is very strong, which makes it more difficult to control whitefly. Whitefly usually lays eggs on the back of the leaves, and the larvae directly suck the sap of the leaves after birth, causing the leaves to turn yellow.

Prevention and control methods: control the humidity of the vegetable garden, avoid the phenomenon of drought, do a good job of disinfection of the vegetable garden, and reduce the number of insect eggs. When insect pests are found, dichlorvos or propofol can be used to spray and kill.

3. Virus disease

Symptoms: virus disease, like whitefly, mainly occurs in a hot and dry environment. The leaves of viral disease mainly start from the top, and there will be light green patches or light dense patches on the leaves. Then the diseased leaves began to turn yellow, and in the later stage, the diseased leaves directly yellowed the dead leaves, which had a very serious impact on the growth of the plant. The spread of viral diseases mainly depends on pests such as aphids.

Prevention and control methods: as I just said, the spread of viral diseases mainly depends on pests, so we should focus on the prevention and control of aphids. Trichlorfon and other agents can be used to kill aphids. To prevent and cure virus diseases, triacontanol should be used to clear the fallen leaves and fruits out of the orchard in time, so as to reduce the pathogen and reduce the incidence.

These are the several diseases that lead to the yellow leaves of chili peppers. In fact, not only the diseases will cause the yellow leaves, but also drought and lack of nutrients will cause these problems. Drought must be timely watering, and then pay attention to the amount, and then check is due to the lack of elements to make its yellow leaves, can be corresponding replenishment. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it will be helpful to you.