
How to increase the yield of the latest ginger planting

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Ginger is a necessary condiment for our daily life, which is widely cultivated in our country. Its yield and quality have always been the heart disease of growers. Generally speaking, the yield of ginger is about 300-500 kg per mu. Only by increasing the output can the income be increased, so what about ginger?

Ginger is a necessary condiment for our daily life, which is widely cultivated in our country. Its yield and quality have always been the heart disease of growers. Generally speaking, the yield of ginger is about 300-500 kg per mu. Only by increasing the yield can we increase the income, so how can we plant ginger to increase the yield? Let's take a look at the detailed introduction.

1. Preparation in advance

Before planting, the first thing to do is to strictly select the land and select ginger species, the cultivation land should avoid rotation, choose sandy loam or clay loam with deep soil layer, loose and fertile soil and good drainage, and the planting plot should have better topography to facilitate drainage and irrigation. In seed selection, the tubers with fat and plump, bright skin, fresh meat, hard texture and 1-2 strong buds should be selected and treated with germination and disinfection before sowing, so as to improve the germination rate and reduce the incidence of diseases.

2. Sowing seeds at the right time

If there is no germination treatment to sow the ground during the sting season, while the germination treatment is sown before and after the Qingming Festival, the strip sowing method is adopted, and the reasonable close planting is used to control the row spacing of 40 × 30cm. Generally, about 300 kilograms of seeds are used per mu, and some compound fertilizers are properly applied during sowing to make them sprout quickly. before sowing, water should be irrigated once to keep the soil moist, and then the ginger seeds should be placed horizontally in the ditch to keep the direction of the buds consistent. Gently press into the soil and cover the soil.

3. Scientific fertilization

Ginger is a crop that needs a large amount of fertilizer, so it is necessary to provide sufficient fertility when planting, using the principle of base fertilizer as the main and topdressing as the auxiliary. During soil preparation, 2000-3000 kg of mature organic fertilizer and appropriate amount of compound fertilizer are applied per mu, generally topdressing 2-3 times, the first time at the beginning of branching of seedlings, 15-20 kg of nitrogen fertilizer per mu, the second time before and after the Beginning of Autumn, 50 kg of compound fertilizer and 25 kg of potassium sulfate per mu, and 15 kg of urea and 20 kg of potassium sulfate per mu when the rhizome expands.

4. Field management

Ginger is a plant that likes shade and is not tolerant to high temperature and strong light, so it should be shaded in summer. in addition, ginger is not resistant to drought and waterlogging, and it is more strict for moisture, so it is necessary to keep the soil moist at all times, especially in the period of high temperature. rainy seasons should also be timely drainage and waterlogging prevention. When growing to a certain extent, it is necessary to set up a fight and hit the top in time, control the height of stem vine growth, reduce unnecessary nutrient consumption, and transfer nutrients to the rhizome, which is conducive to rhizome growth.

5. Pest control

The diseases and insect pests of ginger are less, which are mainly caused by diseases, in which the main diseases are ginger blast, rot and spot, and the pests are ginger borer and ginger maggots. Ginger blast can be controlled by diluted dimethoate root irrigation; when rot is found, the diseased plant should be pulled out of the field and disinfected with quicklime; and spot disease can be sprayed with 50% chlorothalonil 800 times solution. Ginger borer and ginger maggot can be controlled by foliar spraying of trichlorfon or phoxim.

The above is how to increase the yield of ginger planting. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about ginger planting, please follow us.