
"Internet + Agriculture": subverting the traditional production and Management pattern of Agriculture

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Internet + 's agriculture is entering a golden period of accelerating transformation and innovative development. China's agriculture is operated on a small scale. There have long been problems in China's agricultural production and operation, such as insufficient standardization, low transaction efficiency, difficult product traceability, difficult to increase farmers' income, and so on.

"Internet + Agriculture" is entering a golden period of accelerating transformation and innovative development. China's agriculture is operated on a small scale. There have long been problems in China's agricultural production and operation, such as insufficient standardization, low transaction efficiency, difficult product traceability, difficult to increase farmers' income, and so on. These problems are expected to be solved through the "Internet +" model, which will bring about subversive changes in the traditional pattern of agricultural production and management.

Recently, the Information Office of the Ministry of Agriculture held a press conference, pointing out that speeding up the construction of the market system of producing areas is an important task to promote the adjustment of agricultural structure, change the mode of agricultural development, and promote agricultural modernization. This year, the No. 1 document of the CPC Central Committee, "some opinions on strengthening Reform and Innovation and speeding up Agricultural Modernization," also proposed to "strengthen the market construction of agricultural products producing areas." The frequent release of relevant policy documents is aimed at establishing a peasant household marketing service system with Chinese characteristics and further improving the circulation capacity and efficiency of agricultural products in China.

The rapid development of the Internet is a process of redistribution of social resources as a whole, which will bring lower costs and higher circulation efficiency. Driven by the actual demand and national policies, "Internet + Agriculture" will reshape all aspects of the agricultural industry chain.

Some industry experts pointed out that "Internet + Agriculture" is entering a golden period of accelerating transformation and innovative development. China's agriculture is operated on a small scale. There have long been problems in China's agricultural production and operation, such as insufficient standardization, low transaction efficiency, difficult product traceability, difficult to increase farmers' income, and so on. These problems are expected to be solved through the "Internet +" model, which will bring about subversive changes in the traditional pattern of agricultural production and management.

The Internet opens the mode of agricultural transaction.

It is understood that there are many levels of traditional agricultural products channels, resulting in low information transparency and low transaction efficiency. In this regard, Huo Xuexi, dean of the School of Economics and Management of Northwest Agriculture and Forestry Science and Technology University and vice president of the China Agricultural Technology and Economic Research Association, said in an interview with this newspaper that the flattening and transparency of Internet information corresponds to the characteristics of traditional agriculture, such as long industrial chain and information asymmetry. Through the Internet, we can reduce the credit risk and transaction cost between farmers and enterprises, and bring a flat transaction mode, thus changing the industrial organization mode of traditional agriculture. "the problems brought by the traditional hierarchical wholesale model, such as high cost, logistics loss, poor exchange of information, and so on, can be quickly solved through Internet technology." He pointed out.

It can be said that Internet technology builds a trading platform for the sales of agricultural products, greatly shortens the distance between production and marketing, reduces levels, reduces costs, and brings a flat transaction mode. At the same time, it also realizes the full docking of production and marketing, which greatly reduces the blindness of production and expands the vision of sales.

Mo Zihan, general manager of Fuzhou Minsheng Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd., agrees with this very much. She said that Minsheng has tasted the benefits of the Internet. In recent years, Minsheng Company has realized the combination of online and offline sales with the help of Internet technology, reducing the intermediate links of sales and reducing operating costs. At the same time, through the collection and analysis of sales data through Internet technology, fixed production by sales and early recovery of funds have been realized. This can not only reduce the operational risk of enterprises due to market fluctuations, but also reduce the risk of farmers and increase the income of farmers. "Internet technology has made it possible to turn traditional agriculture, which used to rely on heaven for a living, into modern contract agriculture." She said.

According to Mo Zihan, people's livelihood technology is using Internet technology to achieve the integration of "Internet + agriculture + cross-border". In her view, only in the context of "Internet +", will these become possible.

Nowadays, the impact of the Internet on the traditional trading mode of agriculture is obvious to all. According to the analysis of relevant industry experts, at present, the large agricultural products trading distribution center based on Internet technology and logistics distribution system and the wholesale sales e-commerce trading platform based on bulk transactions will become the two main transaction modes for the perfect integration of Internet and agriculture. Among them, large agricultural products trading distribution centers will collect storage and transportation, wholesale, trading, auctions and other functions, relying on Internet data to achieve real-time market transactions; and the bulk consumption habits of agricultural products, it will certainly give birth to more bulk trading-based electronic trading platforms such as Alibaba. These two transaction modes will change the traditional production and management pattern of agriculture and greatly reduce the related costs of agricultural operation.

Internet big data enhances the ability of market forecasting

In recent years, there has been a phenomenon that fresh agricultural products are unsalable and difficult to buy and sell in many places in China. On the one hand, "Jiang your army", "garlic you ruthless", "onion wave", "rocket eggs" and so on turn "into action", consumers have no choice but to pay for high-priced agricultural products; on the one hand, the phenomenon of high yield and unsalable agricultural products such as fruits and vegetables is frequent, such as Hainan litchi bumper harvest in 2013, 2 yuan per jin is still few people to buy; in 2014, Shexian County, Anhui Province, Santan loquat harvest is hard to sell, a lot of loquat melons ripe pedicel, attributed to the soil. The high yield of agricultural products cannot be sold, and the strange circle of "unsalable, difficult to sell, and expensive to buy" repeatedly appears, making it difficult for farmers to increase their income. The main reason is that the production and marketing information is asymmetric and the early warning is not timely. The massive data analysis brought by big data on the Internet will provide a way to solve the problem of "unsalable, difficult to sell, and expensive to buy" agricultural products from the source.

An analyst at Anxin Securities pointed out that the ability of the Internet to integrate everything is accelerating the transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture. With the steady increase in the popularity of Internet users and the Internet in rural areas, the rural e-commerce market has great potential, and the total market volume is expected to exceed 460 billion yuan in 2016. Such a huge market volume space indicates the existence of huge amounts of data and information, which makes it possible to use the huge agricultural Internet big data to predict market information.

Recently, a person in charge of a vegetable cooperative in Tangshan told this newspaper about her experience of touching the net. This year, her cooperative tried to grow organic cauliflower in eight cold sheds through agricultural data provided on the domestic agricultural product trading information platform "one mu of farmland". Unexpectedly, the price per kilogram on the market was as high as 4.40 yuan, and the average income of each greenhouse was 8500 yuan. the total income is as high as 68000 yuan. According to reports, the cooperative has been in contact with "one mu of land" and cooperated since August last year. According to the planting data provided by the "one mu of farmland" platform, it is predicted that the greenhouse organic cauliflower in Tangshan area will end in early May, and the land cauliflower will be on the market in late May, with a gap period of about 20 days. The co-operative is to seize this cut-off period and seize the market opportunity.

However, agriculture is a high-risk and weak industry, and natural factors affect the whole production process. Although the Internet big data technology can provide forecasts for the agricultural market and accelerate the circulation of agricultural products to provide strong support, but in the face of uncontrollable natural risks, farmers may still be forced to default. When the liability for breach of contract is blamed by farmers on the negative factors of the Internet, it will inevitably breed a mentality that contradicts the Internet, and the result does not rule out the emergence of "agriculture-Internet".

Huo Xuexi said that the Internet system can promote the integration of resources in all aspects of agriculture and rural areas and make China's agriculture profitable, but the Internet will also bring some problems to ordinary people, especially farmers, such as the application of technology, economic costs, and so on. at the same time, farmers' level of management and risk management of "Internet + Agriculture" also need to be improved.

"the integration of agriculture and the Internet is by no means a simple addition, but through industrial integration and innovation, with the strengths of the latest Internet industry, making up for the shortcomings of the most traditional agriculture, or even creating a brand-new industrial model. Agricultural entrepreneurs should, on the basis of fully understanding their own strength, tap the best entry point with the Internet and achieve their own upgrading," Huo Xuexi points out.

"how far and how deep 'Internet + Agriculture' can go depends on people's understanding and acceptance of the Internet. The extent to which we recognize, reform and liberate the Internet determines the extent to which China's agriculture develops. " Huo Xuexi stressed again.