
The latest course of planting techniques and methods of autumn spinach

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Spinach is a vegetable widely cultivated in China, which can be planted all the year round. According to its different planting time, spinach can be divided into four types: spring, summer, autumn and winter, while autumn spinach refers to the species sown and listed from August to November. Now it is a good time to grow autumn spinach in autumn.

Spinach is a vegetable widely cultivated in China, which can be planted all the year round. According to its different planting time, spinach can be divided into four types: spring, summer, autumn and winter, while autumn spinach refers to the species sown and listed from August to November. Now it is a good time to grow autumn spinach. Let's take a look at autumn spinach planting techniques.

1. Seed treatment

Generally sowing in August, when the temperature is still high, has a certain impact on spinach seed germination, especially in early August, when the temperature is generally above 25 degrees, so it is necessary to soak seeds before sowing to speed up its emergence, shorten the growth cycle and increase yield. To accelerate germination, you can choose the simplest method of soaking seeds in clear water. first, wash the seeds and soak them in clear water for 3-5 days. When the seeds sprout, you can sow them. During this period, you should pay attention to changing the water in time if the water is muddy.

2. Sowing seeds at the right time

Spinach is generally direct seeded, mostly sowed, and the sowing time can be sowed in batches in late July or early October. Before sowing, the seeds should be sowed evenly on the ground, and then gently comb and rake the topsoil to cover the seeds. In the use of straw or shed, shading and moisturizing, to keep the soil moist, help to speed up the emergence of seedlings, about a week can complete the seedlings. The sowing rate should be determined according to climate change. In the early period of high temperature, drought and heavy rain, it is easy to cause dead seedlings, and the sowing amount is relatively large, generally, about 6 kilograms per mu, but in the later stage, when the temperature decreases, the sowing rate can be reduced. About 3.5 kilograms of seeds per mu.

3. Field management

The temperature and low temperature of autumn spinach seedlings are high during the growth period, so it is necessary to water frequently to keep the soil moist and play a role in reducing soil temperature, so as to provide a suitable environment for seedlings to grow. Autumn spinach in the early growth period is in a dry climate, so at this time to strengthen fertilizer and water management, in the growth of real leaves, can be irrigated a thin dung water, and then as the temperature drops, slowly increase the concentration of fertility. However, this method is only suitable for application when the soil is dry and the climate is dry, so as to avoid excessive humidity and disease. When the seedlings grow 2-3 true leaves, they should combine the seedlings, loosen the soil and weed, and topdressing in time. Organic fertilizer should be applied in the early stage of topdressing, and quick-acting chemical fertilizer should be applied in the later stage to increase yield and improve quality.

4. Harvest

The growth cycle of autumn spinach is short and can be harvested 30-60 days after sowing. Harvest depends on the growth trend and market demand. Generally, when the plant grows to 10cm, it can be harvested in batches. When harvesting, priority should be given to those that grow too dense or bolting fast. when harvesting, the diseased leaves and withered yellow are also removed and tied into a handful of half a jin or a catty, which can be put on the market for sale.

The above is the planting technology of autumn spinach. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about vegetable cultivation, please follow us.