
The latest Shanghai Green cultivation methods

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Shanghai green is a kind of cabbage, it can provide vitamins and minerals needed by the body, regular consumption of blood vessels, skin and eyes of the human body have great benefits, at the same time can also play a very good role in inhibiting ulcers.

Shanghai green is a kind of Chinese cabbage. It can provide vitamins and minerals for the human body. Regular consumption is of great benefit to the blood vessels, skin and eyes of the human body. At the same time, it can also play a very good role in inhibiting ulcers. Now Shanghai green on the market is also deeply loved by everyone, so today let's learn the planting method of Shanghai green.

1. Select improved varieties

Now there are many varieties of Shanghai green, so when planting, we usually choose suitable varieties according to the planting season, planting area, and so on. In summer, we usually choose varieties that are resistant to disease, high temperature and drought. In autumn and spring, we can choose more normal varieties with higher yield, so that we can ensure the yield and quality of Shanghai green under the most basic conditions.

2. Soil preparation and fertilization

Shanghai green has no requirements for the choice of planting land, but it is best to plant in places with sufficient water sources and convenient drainage, drainage and irrigation, and at the same time, the viscosity of the soil should not be too heavy, otherwise it will cause various diseases, and the soil should be relatively fertile and convenient for transportation. Deep ploughing should be carried out when preparing the land, sprinkle with sufficient barnyard manure or livestock manure and stir evenly, then make the bed according to the width of about 1.5 to two meters, and finally set up a good ditch to facilitate later field operation.

3. Scientific sowing

Now Shanghai green can basically be planted all the year round, and the way of planting is generally sowing or strip sowing. First of all, we need to water the land thoroughly, and then sow the seeds evenly on the land. Or according to the distance of 30 centimeters per behavior, the seeds are evenly sown in the ditch, covered with soil and covered with seeds. When the temperature is not very high, you can cover it with a layer of grass or plastic film. Used for moisturizing and heat preservation.

4. Field management

Before emergence, Shanghai green basically needs to be watered twice a day. After emergence, it only needs to be watered once. When it grows three or four leaves, it needs to grow seedlings to ensure a reasonable density. Multiple fertilizers are needed in the whole process of the growth of Shanghai green, mainly compound fertilizer, urea and phosphate fertilizer. Appropriate amount of fertilizer should be applied according to the growth situation of Shanghai green. When Shanghai green leaves turn yellow, fertilization should be carried out in time, otherwise there will be death.

5. Pest control

The main diseases and insect pests of green in Shanghai are leaf blight, downy mildew, aphids and cabbage insects. The peak of leaf blight and downy mildew is usually when it is high temperature and rainy in summer. First of all, we need to strengthen the management of the field. Secondly, we can use Bordeaux solution or carbendazim to control. Aphids and cabbage insects exist at every other stage of the growth of Shanghai green, which mainly harms the leaves of Shanghai green. We can use trichlorfon or dimethoate EC to kill them.

6. Timely harvest

Shanghai green should not be allowed to grow too big, otherwise the taste will become bitter and people will lose their appetite, so it is generally necessary to harvest Shanghai green in time when it grows to have 10 to 15 leaves. Secondly, Shanghai green can be harvested in batches, each time the big ones are harvested and the small ones are retained, so that the next time the harvest can be continued, economic benefits can be improved, and land resources can be fully utilized.