
Notes on the latest planting of chili peppers

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Chili is a common side dish in our life, especially in Hunan, Sichuan and other provinces. Every family will plant some chili peppers, and chili peppers are very easy to grow. In fact, there are also many pepper planting bases with different planting scales in our country.

Chili is a common side dish in our life, especially in Hunan, Sichuan and other provinces. Every family will plant some chili peppers, and chili peppers are very easy to grow. In fact, there are many pepper planting bases with different planting scales in our country. Even now there are many people who want to plant on a large scale, so what should we pay attention to when growing chili peppers? Let's take a look at it.

1. Fertilization

Fertilization is the most basic work of growing chili peppers, many friends will have such a misunderstanding when fertilizing, that is, the more fertilizer is applied, the more the yield will be. But in fact, it is wrong, if there is too much fertilizer, the serious reverse osmosis of fertilizer infiltration will lead to the dryness of the plant. Naturally, the yield will be reduced, and if the surrounding temperature and humidity is high, the volatilization rate of phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizer will be accelerated, resulting in fertilizer damage to the plant. Therefore, we must pay attention to master the correct way of fertilization.

2. Density

The problem of density is also what we need to pay attention to when planting chili peppers, many farmers will try to keep more seedlings when planting, want to increase the yield of chili peppers. But in fact, this will lead to pepper planting too dense, affecting the growth of all plants, resulting in uneven light, reduced photosynthetic capacity, unable to synthesize enough carbohydrates. There may even be a phenomenon of overgrowth, and poor permeability leads to the breeding of all kinds of bacteria.

3. Temperature

Chili peppers have higher temperature requirements, although chili peppers are summer crops, most growers think that the higher the temperature, the better. In fact, the highest growth temperature of hot pepper can not exceed 30 degrees, which is very disadvantageous to the growth of young fruit. Hinder the nutrition absorption of young fruit and reduce the growth rate. Too high temperature will also lead to greater respiration of hot pepper, increased demand for nutrition, extremely prone to malnutrition, resulting in a decline in yield.

4. Moisture

In the process of pepper growth, we must control the amount of water, too much water can easily lead to pepper root retting, respiratory obstruction, nutrition absorption and transportation is not timely, which is extremely disadvantageous to plant growth. However, if there is too little water, the color change of hot pepper will be affected to a certain extent, and the photosynthesis of leaves will also decline, so that its growth and nutrition will be insufficient, and it is prone to premature senility and various diseases and insect pests.

5. Medicament

Although it is inevitable to use some chemicals in the planting process, it is also necessary to reasonably control the dosage and concentration. Can not blindly use medicine, can not have the idea that there is no disease if there is more medicinal use. Overuse of drugs will not only control diseases and insect pests, but also inhibit the growth of plants. Affect the accumulation of carbohydrates in pepper, but also lead to the decline of disease resistance of pepper.

The above is a brief introduction to the matters needing attention in growing chili peppers. Although it is simple to grow chili peppers, many people will make some mistakes in details. Loose management and carelessness lead to a serious decline in pepper production, which will also have a great impact on their own economic interests. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. Thank you for your reading and support.