
The latest eggplant doesn't bloom. What's going on?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Eggplant flowering has been a problem that eggplant growers have attached great importance to over the years, which is related to the number of eggplant melons in the later stage. However, the problem of flowering often bothers growers, because eggplant is easy to appear without flowering, so how on earth is this going to happen?

Eggplant flowering has been a problem that eggplant growers have attached great importance to over the years, which is related to the number of eggplant melons in the later stage. But the problem of flowering often bothers growers, because eggplant is easy to appear if it does not blossom, so what is this all about? Why doesn't eggplant blossom? Get to know it with the editor.

1. Fertilization error

First of all, there is the problem of fertilizer, which is often caused by the growers themselves and is the least easy to find. What eggplant needs most in the flowering stage is potash fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer, which can effectively increase the number of flowering. At this time, farmers often like to apply more nitrogen fertilizer, resulting in the growth of leaves and stems of most of the nutrients of eggplant trees. If you find that the eggplant tree grows very luxuriantly but does not blossom, then it is very likely that this is the case.

2. Lack of light

Sunlight is an important factor in the flowering stage of eggplant trees, which often occurs in places with shelter or back slope. Generally, the light time can basically meet the flowering needs of eggplant in 3-4 hours, so when checking whether it is caused by light, we should also pay attention to whether the observation time is enough. If the eggplant tree grows sluggishly and does not blossom, then everyone should be careful about the sun.

3. Influence of diseases and insect pests

Diseases and insect pests are common problems in vegetables, so the factors of diseases and insects can not be ignored in flowering. Some aphids and caterpillar larvae often climb down the stem of eggplant to the position of eggplant flower, which is one of their favorite foods. Some flowers are eaten before they bloom, and flowering will of course be affected. So growers should pay attention to if there are not many flowers, to check whether there are bugs on the eggplant seedlings, and whether there are traces of flowers and bones.

These are some of the factors that may be caused by eggplant not blooming, because different places may also be caused by some diseases, which we all need to examine in detail. However, generally do not blossom because of these, we need to prescribe the right medicine to solve the problem. More related information can be found on our website.