
Ensure that the "China Bowl" is mainly filled with "Chinese grain"

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Food is safe and prosperous all over the world, and agriculture is the basis for building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and realizing modernization. In the full text of the proposal for the 13th five-year Plan released recently, the issue of agriculture, rural areas and farmers has become a major focus. General Secretary Xi Jinping has always attached great importance to the food issue, he stressed: security

Food is safe and prosperous all over the world, and agriculture is the basis for building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and realizing modernization. In the full text of the proposal for the 13th five-year Plan released recently, the issue of agriculture, rural areas and farmers has become a major focus. General Secretary Xi Jinping has always attached great importance to the food issue, and he stressed: "ensuring national food security is an eternal issue, and this string must not be loosened at any time, and the rice bowls of the Chinese people should be firmly in their own hands at all times." our rice bowls should mainly be filled with 'Chinese grain'. In order to realize that "our rice bowls should mainly be loaded with 'Chinese grain', ensuring the effective supply, quality and safety of agricultural products is the top priority." How can all localities do a good job in this top priority? How to ensure the quantity and quality of "Chinese grain"? What other problems need to be solved?

Test one: the continuous increase of grain production in many areas, "cherish the sale and wait-and-see" has reached the top.

With these problems, the people's Daily multi-channel reporter went to Heilongjiang, Hubei, Shaanxi and other places to investigate and found that this year's bumper grain harvest in many provinces is basically a foregone conclusion: the grain output of Inner Mongolia Autonomous region is expected to reach more than 55 billion jin this year. 12 consecutive grain production has become a foregone conclusion; Jiangsu Province has achieved "11 consecutive increases" in 2014, and is expected to continue to increase production this year. In the first three quarters, grain production in Hubei Province remained stable. according to statistical analysis, grain output in Hubei Province is expected to achieve 12 consecutive increases this year. Shaanxi's total grain output is expected to be 12.3376 million tons, an increase of 3% over the previous year, and grain production has reached a new high.

At the same time as the increase in grain production, there are also "difficulties in selling grain." Due to the continuous increase in grain production, the surge in imports, the upside down in prices, and other reasons, there has been a situation in some provinces that agriculture and agriculture are "sparing to sell and wait and see", and private enterprises and grain brokers are less active in purchasing.

In order to solve this problem, local governments have adopted a variety of measures to alleviate the problem according to the actual local conditions.

Inner Mongolia has set up a "green channel" for acquisition loans at all levels in the region, issuing loan notices to loan-bearing enterprises five working days in advance, and issuing acquisition funds in a timely manner. As of November 6, 446 million yuan has been issued in the region.

Jilin uses radio, television, newspapers, the Internet and other news media to focus on publicizing the national grain price policy, purchasing quality standards, transmitting market information, popularizing scientific grain storage technology, and winning the understanding and support of farmers. And implement the activity of "invigorating grain, benefiting agriculture and entering ten thousand families", publicize grain policy, understand farmers' demand for selling grain, and guide farmers to store grain safely.

Anhui urges all localities to further take a series of measures to expand effective warehouse capacity, such as speeding up the transfer of warehouses, consolidation, rotation of reserves, and sales to other provinces, especially with the completion of the "324" project for the maintenance and renovation of old warehouses in dangerous warehouses. the pressure on the purchase of autumn grain has been effectively alleviated. In view of the phenomenon of long queues in some areas, the Anhui Grain Bureau promptly required all storage sites to start acquisitions, to make orderly acquisitions for large grain growers by pre-inspection, and to open up green acquisition channels for ordinary farmers. Unified dispatch of personnel and equipment to increase the acquisition of warehouses and shorten the time for farmers to sell grain.

Henan Province has established a long-term and stable cooperative relationship of grain production and marketing with 18 provinces and cities (regions) throughout the country, and organized grain purchasing enterprises in the province to dock with large grain enterprises inside and outside the province. We will carry out cooperation in grain purchase and sale, warehouse leasing, collection, storage, marketing and processing, and implement grain sources according to market demand.

Shaanxi grasps both policy-oriented and market-oriented acquisitions, giving full play to the role of the main channel of state-owned grain, selling grain centrally through cooperatives and selling grain with the orders of leading enterprises, thus diversifying the main body of grain purchase.

Test 2: ensuring production and quantity is not the focus, ensuring safety is the key.

In a random interview on the street, the people found that the people gave great support and expectation to the goal that "our rice bowls should be mainly filled with Chinese grain."

After 85, Ms. Wu believes that Chinese grain is the most suitable for native-born Chinese people.

Mr. Yin, who works in the construction industry, said, "our rice bowls filled with Chinese grain have also made a contribution to China's economic growth."

"our high-quality wheat in Guanzhong, Shaanxi Province is very good, and most of the rice in Northeast China sells well. I will give priority to domestic grain." since ancient times, we have been a big agricultural country, and 'Chinese grain' is a symbol of quality. " On the streets, people like "Chinese grain" one after another, expressing their trust and expectation to "Chinese grain".

To realize "rice bowls are mainly filled with 'Chinese grain', it is necessary not only to ensure grain output and no problems in purchasing, but also to ensure grain quality, which requires efforts in the whole process from seeds and pesticides to purchase and storage, and then to processing and marketing. In order to make "Chinese grain" become the "safe grain" in the mouth of the people, all localities have made full efforts to actively take advantage of the development opportunity of "Internet +" to strengthen the supervision and control of the quality and safety of agricultural products through information technology, so as to ensure food security:

Liaoning Province has established an information service platform for the quality and safety supervision of agricultural products, which is composed of six subsystems: agricultural input filing, agricultural product traceability, complaint reporting, test data management, public opinion monitoring, collection, storage and transportation monitoring. The platform has been put into operation at present. Pilot projects have been carried out in Shenyang, Liaoyang, Chaoyang and other places, with nearly 1000 agricultural input supervision sites and 3.8 million mu of agricultural production area included in the retrospective pilot project.

Heilongjiang vigorously promotes standardized production on the basis of establishing a demonstration base for agricultural standardized production. Eight new agricultural local standards, including 100 million mu of ecological high-yield standard farmland production technical regulations, have been formulated, and 1290 agricultural local standards have been revised by the cumulative system of the whole province, basically covering major superior agricultural products. A total of 255 agricultural standardization demonstration bases at all levels and 806 provincial agricultural product standardization demonstration zones (counties and farms) have been established, further improving the agricultural standard household intake rate and conversion rate.

80-100000 yuan of reward and subsidy funds are allocated for each regulatory demonstration town in Shanghai, focusing on the establishment of a traceability system of agricultural archives, that is, all growers and farmers (especially retail investors) in the area establish production and sales files; bring vegetables into the city's electronic production information platform to strengthen effective supervision of vegetable production; comprehensively promote the use of QR code ear labels, collect epidemic prevention information regularly and upload it to the central database of the Ministry of Agriculture We will comprehensively implement the construction of agricultural retrospective archives, and actively promote the "quasi-export" system and archival fishery system for real estate and aquaculture aquatic products.

Hubei has issued a method for the supervision and assessment of the responsibility system for administrative heads of food security, taking the principal responsible persons of city and county governments at all levels as the first person responsible for food security in the region. In accordance with the principles of combining annual assessment with peacetime inspection, combining key assessment with comprehensive supervision, combining quantitative evaluation with qualitative evaluation, and combining unified coordination with division of labor and responsibility, from eight aspects, the provincial government uniformly organizes the assessment of the municipal and state people's governments, and the municipal and state governments assess their subordinate counties and cities.

At present, Gansu is exploring the creation of a "Internet + seed production industry" to protect the quality and safety of maize seed production, and has started the construction of an information supervision cloud service platform for the national corn seed production base, with Zhangye as the core. the center is located in Linze National Maize seed Industry Park, radiating surrounding counties, and strive to be fully put into use in 2016.

Experts: in order to improve the international competitiveness of "Cereal", we should adjust the structure, attach importance to quality and strengthen planning.

As the distribution of grain production and inventory in China is becoming more and more obvious to the core producing areas, the pressure of collection and storage in the main producing areas is huge, the policy grain inventory has "snowballed" year after year, and the central financial burden is getting heavier and heavier, how to digest the stock and restrain the increment? need to crack. But at the same time, it should also be noted that due to the constraints of cultivated land, fresh water and other resources and environment, it is becoming more and more difficult to continuously increase grain production, while with the increase of population, the upgrading of consumption structure and the acceleration of urbanization, grain demand will continue to grow rigidly. In this environment, how to achieve scientific, sustainable, quantitative and qualitative grain production has become a problem facing local governments. In this regard, a number of food experts expressed their views.

Dr. Jiao Jiang, chief agricultural economist of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, believes that in the context of economic integration, it is necessary for the state to introduce policies to enhance grain production planning and variety type management in order to completely solve the problem. He suggested that the state should plan to produce edible grain and, through subsidies for farmers, guide the adjustment of planting area, so as to fix the area according to sales volume, avoid over-production, and at the same time reduce the waste caused by national storage; give "direct export rights" to enterprises from producing areas in the main commodity grain producing areas, encourage the export of characteristic varieties, and form a "import and export coexistence situation" of low-price imports of general grain, special varieties and high-price exports of products. Through all kinds of quality inspection indicators and other measures to control the import volume, and resolutely crack down on the control of smuggled imports.

According to experts from the grain department of Hubei Province, with the implementation of the minimum grain purchase price policy, farmers have received subsidies, but in the long run, the rising grain prices have subverted the market-based circulation pattern. In the long run, it is necessary to promote the reform of grain price support policies, realize the decoupling of grain formation mechanism from government subsidies, and give full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation on the premise of protecting the basic interests of farmers.

Lai Zuolian, an associate researcher at the Institute of Rural Development of the Shaanxi Academy of Social Sciences, suggested that at present, we can make use of the current opportunity of relatively loose grain supply at home and abroad to speed up the adjustment of the grain industrial structure, adjust the planting area, and strive to improve the quality of "Chinese grain." At the same time, from the aspects of land circulation and financial support, we should increase support for new types of grain production and operation subjects, such as large grain growers, family farms, farmers' professional cooperatives, and leading enterprises of agricultural industrialization, and actively cultivate new types of grain production and operation subjects. However, attention should be paid to prevent the "de-grain" of the land transfer process in the process of actively promoting land transfer.

"We must attach importance to and strengthen the scientific and technological contribution of grain production." Lai Zuolian believes that carrying out the action of creating high-yield grain science and technology and integrating and popularizing high-yield, high-efficiency, and sustainable technologies and models will enhance the international competitive advantage of "Chinese grain."

With regard to the issue of food safety, "We should not only strengthen supervision, but also strengthen the supervision of government departments, mobilize the regulatory role of society and non-governmental organizations, and govern from the source of agricultural production and the whole industrial chain." establish a traceability system for agricultural products. " Lai Zuolian stressed.